例句 |
explainedverbpast tense of explain to make plain or understandablea pamphlet that explains the medical procedure in language that any layperson can understand clarified, cleared (up), construed, demonstrated, demystified, elucidated, explicated, expounded, got across, illuminated, illustrated, interpreted, simplified, spelled out, unriddled deciphered, decodedanalyzed, broke downdisentangled, undid, unraveled, unscrambled, untangledresolved, solveddefined, specifiedannotated, commentated, glossed obscured befogged, cloudedconfounded, confused, obfuscated to give the reason for or cause ofcan you explain your very odd behavior at the wedding reception? accounted (for), attributed, explained away, rationalized condoned, excused, forgave, justifiedabsolved, acquitted, exculpated, exonerated, vindicated |