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bilksnounpl. of bilk a dishonest person who uses clever means to cheat others out of something of valuepeople who lost money in the scheme discovered that the investment company was a fake and the "owner" just a bilk bilkers, cheaters, cheats, chiselers(or chisellers), confidence men, cozeners, defrauders, dodgers, fakirs, finaglers, fraudsters(chiefly British), hoaxers, scammers, scamsters, sharks, sharpers, sharpies, skinners, swindlers, trickers, tricksters double-crossers, double-dealersbluffers, charlatans, fakers, fakes, humbugs, impostors(or imposters), mountebanks, phonies(also phoneys), pretenders, quacks, quacksalvers, ringers, shamsadventurers, foxes(also fox), gamesmen, knaves, pranksters, rascals, roguesfast-talkers, slickers, slicks, slicksters, slyboots, smoothies, wheeler-dealersplotters, schemers, sneakers, sneaksblacklegs, cardsharps(or cardsharpers) bilksverbpresent tense third-person singular of bilkto rob by the use of trickery or threatsan investigation revealed that the garage had been bilking motorists for repairs that had never been made beats, bleeds, cheats, chisels, chouses, cons, cozens, defrauds, diddles, does, does in, euchres, fiddles, fleeces, flimflams, gaffs, gyps, hoses(slang), hustles, mulcts, nobbles(British slang), plucks, reams, rips off, rooks, screws, shakes down, shortchanges, shorts, skins, skunks, squeezes, sticks, stiffs, stings, suckers, swindles, thimblerigs, victimizes extorts, wrenches, wrests, wringsclips, gouges, nicks, overcharges, soaksexploits, milksdeceives, dupes, fools, gulls, tricksropes (in)betrays, bitches, double-crossesbamboozles, fast-talks sells a bill of goods to, takes for a ride, takes to the cleaners |