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billnoun1 a record of goods sold or services performed together with the costs duewhy is the electric bill so high this month? account, check, invoice, statement, tab receipt, reckoningdocument, ledger, recordcharge, cost, expense, fee, price, rate, tollscore, tally a piece of printed paper used as money in the United Statesthe $5 bill has a picture of Abraham Lincoln on the front banknote, greenback, note dead presidents(slang), paper money, scripbuck, dollar, simoleon(slang), smacker(slang)C-note, fifty, fin(slang), five, fiver(slang), hundred, one, sawbuck(slang), ten, tenner, twenty, twocash, chips, currency, dough, legal tender, lucre, money, pelfcheck, draft, money order a sheet bearing an announcement for posting in a public placeposted a bill advertising the new play placard, poster billboard, sign, signboardbroadside, flyer(also flier), handbill, handout, playbill, show billad, advertisement, announcement, bulletin, dispatch, release the amount owed at a bar or restaurant or the slip of paper stating the amountalthough they were all working adults, their parents still insisted on paying the bill whenever they went out to eat check, tab invoice, receiptaccount, reckoning, record, statementcharge, cost, damage, expense, fee, figurescore, tally a rule of conduct or action laid down by a governing authority and especially a legislaturethe legislative committee endorsed a bill that would strengthen consumer protections act, constitution, enactment, law, ordinance, statute command, commandment, decree, dictate, directive, edict, fiat, rulingbylaw, ground rule, regulation, ruleamendment, legislationcommon law, martial lawblue lawprohibition, proscription, restrictioncanon, capitulary, encyclical higher law billnoun2the jaws of a bird together with their hornlike coveringparrots have very strong bills so they can break open nuts the projecting front part of a hat or capthe hat was blue, but the bill was red brim, peak, visor(also vizor) shade before the 12th century |