例句 |
billboardnoun a large sign for advertisements that is next to a road, on the side of a building, etc. hoarding(British)ad, advert(chiefly British), advertisement, announcement, bulletin, communiqué, notice, notification, posting, releasebill, placard, playbill, poster, show bill, signbroadside, brochure, circular, flyer(also flier), fly sheet, gazette(British), handbill, handoutbroadcast, cablecast, newscast, telecastadvertising, billing, blurb, come-on, commercial, message, pitch, plugola, spot, wordcommunication, dispatch, reportannunciation, declaration, edict, proclamation, promulgation, pronouncement, pronunciamento, rescript, significationballyhoo, boost, buildup, campaign, plug, promo, promotion, propaganda, publicity in 1843 |