例句 |
billetnoun1 a straight piece (as of wood or metal) that is longer than it is widea stack of gold billets in the vault bar, rod arbor, beam, board, crossbar, crossbeam, girderband, stripbloom, ingot, slab, stick billetnoun2an assignment at which one regularly works for payfound a billet at one of the leading brokerage houses in New York appointment, berth, capacity, connection, function, job, place, position, post, situation business, employ, employment, occupation, professionworkoffice, spotcalling, pursuit, trade, vocationline, racketengagement, giglivelihood, livingcareer, lifework, practice(also practise)duty, mission, posting, service, task avocationjoblessness, unemployment billetverbto provide with living quarters or shelterevery colonial household was expected to billet a British soldier accommodate, bestow, bivouac, board, bunk, camp, chamber, domicile, encamp, harbor, house, lodge, put up, quarter, roof, room, shelter, take in ensconce, home, roost, secure, shed, stable, tentbarrackbed (down) eject, evict in the 15th century |