例句 |
birdsnounpl. of bird a member of the human racethey're a couple of tough old birds who can manage without any interference from their grandchildren babies, beings, bodies, bods(British), characters, cookies, creatures, customers, devils, ducks, eggs, faces, fish(or fishes), guys, heads, human beings, humans, individuals, lives, men, mortals, parties, people, personages, scouts, slobs, sorts, souls, specimens, stiffs, things, wights hominids, homos, humanoidsbrothers(also brethren), fellowmen, fellows, neighborscelebrities, personalities, selves, somebodies sons of man animals, beasties, beasts, brutes, critters chiefly Britisha vocal sound made to express scorn or disapprovalthe Liverpool fans were quick to give the visiting footballers the bird boos, Bronx cheers, catcalls, hisses, hoots, jeers, raspberries, razzes, snorts smirks, sneers, snickers, sniggersgibes(or jibes), put-downs, tauntswhistles cheers applauses |