例句 |
biting the dustphrasepresent participle of bite the dust to come to an endFortunately, the fad finally bit the dust and all the trend followers moved on to the next thing. breaking off, breaking up, ceasing, closing, concluding, dead-ending, determining, discontinuing, dying, elapsing, ending, expiring, finishing, going, halting, lapsing, leaving off, letting up, passing, quitting, stopping, terminating, winding up, winking (out) desisting (from), laying off (of), refraining (from)giving over(British), knocking off, packing (up or in)breaking down, conking (out), cutting out, stallingpausing, staying, suspendingabating, petering (out), winding down continuing, hanging on, persisting drawing out, extending, prolonging, protracting to stop livingThe marigolds managed to produce a few last autumn blooms before biting the dust. checking out, conking (out), croaking(slang), deceasing, demising, departing, dropping, dying, ending, exiting, expiring, falling, flatlining, going, kicking in(slang), kicking off(slang), parting, passing away, passing (on), pegging out(chiefly British), perishing, popping off, stepping out, succumbing predeceasingconsuming, disappearing, drying up, fading, failing buying it(or buying the farm), giving up the ghost, kicking the bucket, snuffing it(British) breathing, living coming to, revivinglingeringbeing, existing, subsistingflourishing, prospering, thriving |