例句 |
bitsnounpl. of bit a very small pieceshe left only a bit of the broccoli on her plate atoms, crumbs, dribbles, flecks, flyspecks, grains, granules, molecules, morsels, motes, nubbins, nuggets, particles, patches, scraps, scruples, snippets, snips, specks, tittles aces, dabs, dashes, driblets, drops, fractions, haets(chiefly Scottish), halfpence(or halfpennies), ha'pennies, iotas, jots, kennings(chiefly Scottish), licks, minims, mites, modicums, nutshells, ounces, pinches, shreds, smatters, smidgens(also smidgeons or smidgins or smidges), spots, strains, streaks, suspicions, tastes, touches, traces, whispers, whitsbites, mouthfuls, nibbles, tidbits(also titbits)fragments, parts, portions, sectionschips, flakes, shards, shivers, slivers, splintersclippings, parings, shavingssmithereens chunks, gobs, hunks, lumps, slabsabundances, barrels, buckets, bushels, deals, heaps, loads, masses, mountains, pecks, piles, pots, profusions, quantities, rafts, scads, stacks, volumes, wads, wealths a broken or irregular part of something that often remains incompletebits of cookie scattered on the table fractions, fragments, pieces, scraps cantles, shreds, tattersends, leftovers, oddments, remainders, remnants, stubsportions, sections, segmentschips, flakes, shards, shatters, shivers, slivers, splintersclippings, parings, shavingsatoms, crumbs, dribbles, flecks, flyspecks, grains, granules, molecules, morsels, motes, nubbins, nuggets, particles, patches, scruples, snippets, snips, specks, tittles a very small amountI'll have only a bit of food right now aces, crumbs, dabs, drams, driblets, glimmers, hints, licks, little, mites, nips, ounces, particles, peanuts, rays, scintillas, scruples, shades, shadows, shreds, skoshes, smacks, smells, smidgens(also smidgeons or smidgins or smidges), snaps, soupçons, sparks, spatters, specks, splashes, spots, sprinklings, strains, streaks, suspicions, touches, traces hoots, iotas, jots, minima(or minimums), minims, modicums, semblances, syllables, tittles, vestiges, whitsatoms, dots, flecks, flyspecks, grains, granules, molecules, morsels, motes, nubbins, patches, scrapsdashes, drops, pinchesparts, portions, sectionsbites, nibbles, tasteshandfuls(also handsful), scatterings, smatterings, smattersdoses, shotschips, flakes, fragments, shards, shivers, slivers, smithereens, splintersshreds, tattersclippings, parings, shavings drops in the bucket abundances, barrels, boatloads, buckets, bundles, bushels, deals, fistfuls, gobs, heaps, lashings(also lashins, chiefly British), loads, lots, masses, messes, mountains, much, oodles, passels, pecks, piles, plenties, potfuls, profusions, quantities, rafts, reams, scads, stacks, wads, wealthsvolumesbonanzas, embarrassments, excesses, overabundances, overages, overflows, overkills, overmuch, oversupplies, superabundances, superfluities, surfeits, surpluseschunks, hunks, lumps, slabs an indefinite but usually short period of timethis will only take a bit space, spells, stretches, whiles lapsesseasons, spansdays, epochs, erasbeats, eyeblinks, flashes, heartbeats, instants, jiffies, jiffs, minutes, moments, nanoseconds, New York minutes, seconds, shakes, split seconds, spurts, trices, twinkles, twinklings, winksaeons(or eons), ages, eternities, infinities, perpetuitiesinterims, interludes, intermissions, intervals a performance regularly presented by an individual or groupknown for a comedic bit in which she portrayed a very nervous student driver acts, numbers, routines, shticks(also schticks or shtiks), turns signatures something that is pleasing to eat because it is rare or a luxurywielding silver trays, the servers offered partygoers a variety of exotic-looking bits cates(archaic), dainties, delectables, delicacies, goodies, kickshaws, tidbits(also titbits), treats, viands morselscandies, desserts, junkets, sweetmeats, sweets |