例句 |
bivouacnoun a place where a group of people live for a short time in tents or cabinssoldiers setting up a bivouac by the stream camp, campground, campsite, encampment, hutment canvas(also canvass), tentagecolony, plantation, settlementHooverville, jungle, shantytownconcentration camp, prison campbarracks, cantonment, installation, laager(South African), leaguer, post bivouacverbto live in a camp or the outdoorsthe army bivouacked for the night by the lake to provide with living quarters or sheltersurvivors of the tornado were bivouacked in the church basement accommodate, bestow, billet, board, bunk, camp, chamber, domicile, encamp, harbor, house, lodge, put up, quarter, roof, room, shelter, take in ensconce, home, roost, secure, shed, stable, tentbarrackbed (down) eject, evict in 1809 |