例句 |
morassesnounpl. of morass something that catches and holdsadvised against becoming involved in that country's civil war, warning that escape from that morass might prove nigh impossible entanglements, meshes, nets, nooses, quagmires, quicksands, snares, tanglements, toils, traps, webs knots, snarls, tanglescat's cradles, labyrinths, mazescobwebs, spiderwebs spongy land saturated or partially covered with waterthe distracted driver had driven his car off the road and into a morass bogs, fens, marshes, marshlands, mires, moors, muskegs, sloughs(also slews or slues), swamplands, swamps, washes, wetlands swalesquagmiresgucks(or gooks), muck, muds, oozes, slimes, slop, sludges, slush |