例句 |
mornnoun the first appearance of light in the morning or the time of its appearancemy herald of the morn is my cat, sticking his paw in my face to wake me up aurora, cockcrow, dawn, dawning, day, daybreak, daylight, light, morning, sun, sunrise, sunup daytimeforenoon nightfall, sundown, sunset dark, darkness, midnight, night, nighttimeafternoon, middaydusk, evening, eventide, gloaming, twilight the time from sunrise until noonso, how are you this lovely morn? forenoon, morning aurora, dawn, dawning, daybreak, daylightcockcrow, sunrise, sunupday, daytime, light dark, darkness, night, nighttime, twilightdusk, evening, nightfall, sundown, sunsetafternoon before the 12th century |