例句 |
morningnoun the time from sunrise until noonafter working in the fields all morning, we were ready for a hearty lunch forenoon, morn aurora, dawn, dawning, daybreak, daylightcockcrow, sunrise, sunupday, daytime, light dark, darkness, night, nighttime, twilightdusk, evening, nightfall, sundown, sunsetafternoon the first appearance of light in the morning or the time of its appearancemorning has broken aurora, cockcrow, dawn, dawning, day, daybreak, daylight, light, morn, sun, sunrise, sunup daytimeforenoon nightfall, sundown, sunset dark, darkness, midnight, night, nighttimeafternoon, middaydusk, evening, eventide, gloaming, twilight the point at which something beginsthe period when people in ancient Mesopotamia began living in cities is usually regarded as the morning of civilization alpha, baseline, beginning, birth, commencement, dawn, day one, genesis, get-go(also git-go), inception, incipience, incipiency, kickoff, launch, nascence, nascency, onset, outset, start, threshold drawing board, first base, ground zero, square onecreation, founding, inauguration, initiation, institution, originationcradle, fountain, fountainhead, germ, origin, root, seedbed, source, spring, well, wellspringdawning, openingadvent, appearance, arrival, debut(also début), emergencechildhood, infancy, youth close, conclusion, end, ending, omega cessation, closing, closure, completion, finale, finish, period, stop, termination, windup in the 13th century |