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exploitnoun an act of notable skill, strength, or clevernessthe fanciful exploits of the giant lumberjack Paul Bunyan deed, feat, number, stunt, tour de force, trick accomplishment, achievement, attainment, coup, success, triumphadventureperformance something done by someoneonce famed as an actor, John Wilkes Booth is now remembered for a single exploit, his assassination of Lincoln act, action, deed, doing, feat, thing accomplishment, achievement, attainmentadventure, experienceemprise, enterprise, initiative, undertakinghandiwork, performance, workstunt, trickactivity, dealingmaneuver, measure, move, operation, procedure, proceeding, step, tacticcoaction an exciting or noteworthy event that one experiences firsthanda memoir recounting three decades of exploits as a roving foreign correspondent for TV news adventure, emprise, experience, gest(or geste), happening, time escapade, lark, ployact, action, deed, doing, featepisode, occasionbaptism, ordeal, test, trial, tribulationenterprise, risk, ventureexpedition, exploration, mission, performance, quest, stunt bore, bummer, bust, downer, drag exploitverbto take unfair advantage ofthe type of person who exploits a friend's good nature by constantly sponging off of him abuse, capitalize (on), cash in (on), impose (on or upon), leverage, milk, pimp, play (on or upon), use, work jerk around, manipulate, mistreatbleed, cheat, fleece, overcharge, skin, soak, stickcommercialize, commodify trade on, walk on to control or take advantage of by artful, unfair, or insidious meansa politician more than willing to exploit any national tragedy for political gain manipulate, play (upon) engineer, finagle, jockey, maneuverbeguile, bluff, cozen, deceive, delude, dupe, fool, gull, hoax, hoodwink, kid, shanghai, snow, take in, trickintrigue, machinate, plot, schemearrange, contrive, devise, finesse, mastermindcheat, chisel, con, defraud, fleece, gyp, hustle, swindle to put into action or serviceit will be a shame if you don't exploit your artistic talent to the fullest apply, employ, exercise, harness, operate, use, utilize handle, manipulate, wielddirect, run, workcannibalize, recycle, reuse bring to bear, draw on(or draw upon), make use of ignore, neglectmisapply, misuse n.feat, exploit, achievement mean a remarkable deed.feat implies strength or dexterity or daring.an acrobatic feat exploit suggests an adventurous or heroic act.his exploits as a spy achievement implies hard-won success in the face of difficulty or opposition.her achievements as a chemist in the 15th century |