例句 |
morselsnounpl. of morsel a small piece or quantity of foodthe chef's cuisine is so good that diners will want to savor every morsel bites, mouthfuls, nibbles, nuggets, tastes, tidbits(also titbits) collops, medallions, noisettesnoshes, snacksappetizers, canapés, hors d'oeuvres(also hors d'oeuvre)bits, chews, crumbs, dabs, dribbles, driblets, flecks, hints, motes, nubbins, particles, pinches, scraps, scruples, shreds, smidgens(also smidgeons or smidgins or smidges), snippets, snips, specks, spots, sprinklings, suspicions, tittles, touches, tracesdashes, dropslaps, licksgulps, swallows, swigs a very small piecesearching for any morsel of useful information atoms, bits, crumbs, dribbles, flecks, flyspecks, grains, granules, molecules, motes, nubbins, nuggets, particles, patches, scraps, scruples, snippets, snips, specks, tittles aces, dabs, dashes, driblets, drops, fractions, haets(chiefly Scottish), halfpence(or halfpennies), ha'pennies, iotas, jots, kennings(chiefly Scottish), licks, minims, mites, modicums, nutshells, ounces, pinches, shreds, smatters, smidgens(also smidgeons or smidgins or smidges), spots, strains, streaks, suspicions, tastes, touches, traces, whispers, whitsbites, mouthfuls, nibbles, tidbits(also titbits)fragments, parts, portions, sectionschips, flakes, shards, shivers, slivers, splintersclippings, parings, shavingssmithereens chunks, gobs, hunks, lumps, slabsabundances, barrels, buckets, bushels, deals, heaps, loads, masses, mountains, pecks, piles, pots, profusions, quantities, rafts, scads, stacks, volumes, wads, wealths a person of no importance or influencea morsel like her wouldn't last a week in the rough-and-tumble world of Wall Street ciphers, dwarfs(also dwarves), half-pints, insects, insignificancies, lightweights, nobodies, nonentities, nullities, numbers, pip-squeaks, pygmies(also pigmies), shrimp(or shrimps), snippersnappers, twerps, whippersnappers, zeros(also zeroes), zilches no-names, noncelebritiesleastsinferiors, mediocrities, obscuritiesfigureheads, puppetsnonpersons big shots, big wheels, bigwigs, eminences, figures, kahunas, kingpins, magnates, nabobs, personages, somebodies, VIPs chiefs, heads, leaders, leadscelebrities, luminaries, notables, personalities, planets, stars, superstarsauthorities, superiorsgreat powers, parties, powers |