例句 |
motivesnounpl. of motive a major object of interest or concern (as in a discussion or artistic composition)the principal motive of the piece was introduced in the flute section contents, matters, motifs, questions, subjects, themes, topics subject matterstalking pointscounts, ideas, points, purposesconsiderations, issues, problemsbodies, bulks, burdens, centerpieces, cores, cruxes(also cruces), essences, fundamentals, generalities, gists, grists, hearts, kernels, keynotes, mains, marrows, masses, nets, nubbins, nubs, nuclei(also nucleuses), piths, pivots, purports, quicks, staples, substances, sumsbasesbottoms, essentialities, essentialsaffairs, arguments, debates asides, digressions, excursions, interjections, parentheses, tangents a unit of decoration that is repeated all over something (as a fabric)decorated with a paisley motive designs, figures, motifs, patterns schemesdevicesadornments, caparisons, decorations, embellishments, frills, garnishes, ornaments, trims something (as a belief) that serves as the basis for another thingthe detective felt that the first suspect didn't have any motive for committing the crime accounts, authorities, grounds, reasons, subjects, wherefores, whys antecedents, causes, considerations, impetuses, incentives, inspirations, instigations, occasions, stimuli |