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lover noun ➡ See also the entry for ⇨ partner 2 另见partner条第2义lover ♦︎ mistress ♦︎ concubine ♦︎ gigoloThese are all words for a sexual partner in a relationship outside marriage. 这些词均表示婚外的情人或性伴侣。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to have a lover / mistress / concubine◆to be sb's lover / mistress / concubine / gigolo■ lover [countable] a partner in a sexual relationship outside marriage (婚外的)情人◆He denied that he was her lover.他否认是她的情夫。◆We were lovers for several years.我们维持了情人关系好几年。ⓘ If two people are lovers, this often, but not always, suggests that one or both of them are married to sb else. * lover常暗示双方至少有一人已有家室,但也并非总是如此◆He suspected his wife of having a lover.他怀疑妻子有情人。◆The park was full of young lovers holding hands.公园里有许多手拉手的年轻情侣。 ■ mistress [countable] a woman who is having a sexual relationship with a married man 情妇◆The fact that he had a mistress didn't mean he didn't love his wife.他有情妇并不意味着他不爱自己的妻子。ⓘ In the past, a mistress could also be the sexual partner of an unmarried man, but this is only used in more literary English today. * mistress过去也可指未婚男子的性伴侣,但现在仅用于文学性的语言中◆When do I cease to be your mistress and become your wife?我何时才能不再做你的情人而成为你的妻子呢? NOTE 辨析 Lover or mistress?A lover can be male or female, but a mistress can only be a woman and there is no similar word to describe a man in the same position. Mistress is a more old-fashioned word, and is often used to describe the sexual partners of powerful men such as kings or politicians. * lover可以是男子也可是女子,而mistress只能是女子,而且没有与mistress相对的词来表示这种男子。mistress是个较为过时的词,常指国王或政客等有权势者的性伴侣◆While he had no children with his wife, King Charles II fathered eight sons by his five mistresses.虽然查理二世跟自己的妻子没有孩子,但却跟他的五个情妇生有八个儿子。 ■ concubine /ˈkɒŋkjubaɪn; NAmE ˈkɑːŋkjubaɪn/ [countable](especially in some societies in the past) a woman who lives with a man, often in addition to his wife or wives, but who is less important than they are (尤指旧时某些社会里的)妾,姨太太,小老婆◆The sultan's wives and concubines lived in the harem.苏丹的妻妾都住在女眷内室里。■ gigolo /ˈʒɪgələʊ, ˈdʒɪgələʊ; NAmE ˈʒɪgəloʊ/ (plural gigolos) [countable] a man who is paid to be the lover of an older woman, usually one who is rich 舞男;面首◆It was a slick nightclub where the waiters flirted like gigolos.这个夜总会不太规矩,侍者像舞男一样调情嬉笑。 |