

单词 bad
bad adj.
bad (bad news) difficult2 (a bad situation) evil (the bad guys) harmful (bad for business) incompetent (bad at maths) injured (a bad back) naughty (bad behaviour) offensive (bad language) poor2 (a bad idea/article) rotten (bad eggs) serious1 (a bad headache) sick1 (I'm afraid I'm feeling pretty bad.) sorry (She felt bad about leaving him.) unhealthy (bad for you) wet2 (bad weather) wrong3 (bad timing) not bad adequate too bad unfortunate2


 See also the entry for terrible 1 另见terrible条第1义bad ♦︎ nasty ♦︎ unpleasant ♦︎ grim ♦︎ lousy ♦︎ wretched ♦︎ ghastlyThese words all describe sth that is full of problems and/or makes you feel upset, uncomfortable, disappointed or depressed. 这些词均表示情况糟糕的、令人不快或沮丧的。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达糟糕或令人不快的程度
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a bad / a nasty / an unpleasant / a grim / a ghastly situationa bad / a nasty / an unpleasant / a ghastly experience / feelingbad / nasty / unpleasant / grim / lousy / wretched / ghastly weathera bad / a nasty / an unpleasant / a grim mooda bad / a nasty / an unpleasant taste / smellbad / grim / ghastly newsa bad / a grim / a lousy / a wretched day / night / timea nasty / an unpleasant / a grim / a wretched / a ghastlythoughtthe nasty / unpleasant / grim truth / reality / factsto find sth unpleasant / grimvery bad / nasty / unpleasant / grim / wretchedreally bad / nasty / unpleasant / grim / lousy / wretched / ghastlypretty bad / nasty / unpleasant / grim / lousy / ghastlyrather bad / nasty / unpleasant / grim / ghastlyparticularly bad / nasty / unpleasant / grim / ghastly bad full of problems; not what you hope for or want 问题成堆的;不如人意的I'm having a really bad day.我今天倒霉透了。It was the worst experience of her life.那是她一生中最糟糕的经历。Smoking gives you bad breath.吸烟会导致口臭。Things are bad enough without our own guns shelling us.本来情况就够糟的了,偏偏我们自己的大炮又向我们开起火来。OPP good nice 1 nasty very bad or serious; making you feel upset, uncomfortable or disgusted 极差的;严重的;令人不快(或厌恶)的He had a nasty accident.他出了严重的事故。The news gave me a nasty shock.这消息可把我吓死了。He had a nasty moment when he thought he'd lost his passport.他以为护照丢了,当时苦恼极了。This coffee tastes nasty.这咖啡难喝死了。Don't buy that coat-it looks cheap and nasty.别买那件外套,一看就是差劲的便宜货。OPP nice nice 1 unpleasant (rather formal) not pleasant or comfortable 令人不快的;不舒服的There was an unpleasant atmosphere in the room.房间里有一种不愉快的气氛。The minerals in the water made it unpleasant to drink.水里的矿物质使得这水挺难喝的。He may make life unpleasant for the rest of us.他可能让我们大家的日子都不好过。 Unpleasant is usually less strong than nasty and is not used to mean 'serious'. * unpleasant的语气通常不如nasty强烈,没有“严重的”之意He had an unpleasant accident. However, it is sometimes used in a rather polite or formal way to describe sth that really is nasty, when you don't want to say exactly how nasty it is. 不过,如果事情确实很严重,却又不想直说,有时就会用unpleasant,这是一种颇为礼貌或正式的用法Things started to get unpleasant when the neighbours called in the police.邻居把警察叫来时,事态就开始不妙了。 OPP pleasant nice 1 grim unpleasant and depressing 令人不快且沮丧的The accident serves as a grim reminder of what drinking and driving can do.这起事故无情地提醒了我们酒后驾车会导致什么样的后果。The outlook is pretty grim.前景堪忧。Things are looking grim for workers in the building industry.对建筑业的工人来说,形势看来很不乐观。Grim is used especially to talk about things that have just happened and things that are likely to happen in the future. Collocates include news, reminder, discovery, reality, picture, legacy, fate, future, prospect, forecast, outlook and warning. * grim尤用于描述刚刚发生的事和将来可能发生的事,搭配词有news、reminder、discovery、reality、picture、legacy、fate、future、prospect、forecast、outlook和warning。 lousy / /ˈlaʊzi/ / (informal) very bad or disappointing 非常糟的;令人极为失望的What lousy weather!这天气真糟糕!I've had a lousy day.我今天倒霉透顶。Lousy is used especially to talk about things or people that you are disappointed with. Collocates include day, food, husband, lover, summer and weather. * lousy尤用于描述令人失望的事物或人,搭配词有day、food、husband、lover、summer和weather。 wretched / /ˈretʃɪd/ / (written) extremely bad or unpleasant 极坏的;恶劣的She had a wretched time of it at school.她上学时的日子十分难熬。The animals are kept in the most wretched conditions.这些动物的饲养条件极其恶劣。Wretched is used especially to talk about extreme situations that affect other people (or animals) and that you sympathize with. * wretched尤用于描述让他人(或动物)难受而令人同情的极端状况。 ghastly /ˈgɑːstli; NAmE ˈgæstli/ (informal) extremely bad or unpleasant 糟透的;差极的The weather was ghastly.天气糟透了。It's all been a ghastly mistake.这是个极其恶劣的错误。Ghastly is used especially to talk about extreme situations that affect your senses or emotions. * ghastly尤用于描述使人感官上或情感上难受的极端状况。


a difficult task 艰巨的任务make life difficult for sb 给某人找麻烦perversea difficult customerdifficult ♦︎ tough ♦︎ bad ♦︎ hard ♦︎ adverse ♦︎ rough ♦︎ unfavourable ♦︎ disadvantageousThese words all describe sth that is full of problems or causes a lot of problems. 这些词均表示问题成堆的、麻烦的、不利的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配difficult / tough / bad / hard / unfavourable / disadvantageous for sbtough / hard / rough on sbunfavourable / disadvantageous to sba difficult / a bad / a hard / an adverse / an unfavourable / a disadvantageous positiona difficult / a tough / a bad / a hard / a rough / an unfavourable situationdifficult / tough / bad / hard / adverse / rough / unfavourable conditionsdifficult / tough / adverse / unfavourable circumstancesa difficult / tough / bad / hard / rough time / day / week / yeara difficult / tough / hard / rough life / childhooda bad / an adverse / an unfavourable / a disadvantageous effect difficult involving or causing a lot of problems 问题很多的;造成麻烦的The next few months were quite difficult.随后几个月出现了很多问题。My boss is making life very difficult for me.老板总是给我找很多麻烦。What's the most difficult personal situation you've ever been in?你所经历过的最麻烦的个人困境是什么?There was a great deal of difficult terrain to be covered.要穿越许多难以通过的地带。 see also difficulty problem tough / /tʌf/ / involving or causing a lot of problems, especially personal problems (尤指个人的问题)艰难的,棘手的She's been having a tough time of it.她最近的日子一直很难熬。This will be the toughest test of his leadership yet.这对他的领导工作将是最严峻的考验。It's tough out there in the real world.外面的现实世界有很多不如意。 Tough is a less general word than difficult and is used to talk about personal problems, not physical conditions. * tough不如difficult含义广,用于修饰个人问题而非自然环境tough terrain/weather conditions bad full of problems; likely to cause problems in a particular situation 问题成堆的;可能引起麻烦的;不适当的Things were bad enough without her interfering.事情本来就够糟糕了,偏偏她又来管闲事。The situation couldn't get any worse.形势糟糕透了。It was the worst time of my life.那是我人生中最倒霉的一段时间。I think it was probably a bad time to ask him.我认为在那个时候问他可能不合适。He realized it had been a bad decision.他意识到那是个错误的决定。 hard full of problems, especially because of bad conditions or a lack of money 艰难的;困苦的;困顿的My grandmother had a hard life.我祖母一生艰难。Times were hard at the end of the war.战争结束时生活很艰苦。Conditions were extremely hard in the camps.营地的生活条件极其恶劣。 see also hardship trouble 2 adverse / /ˈædvɜːs, ədˈvɜːs; NAmE ədˈvɜːrs/ [usually before noun] (rather formal) negative and unpleasant; having a negative effect on what you are trying to do 不利的;有害的;负面的Lack of money will have an adverse effect on the research programme.缺少资金将给这个研究方案带来不利影响。Adverse weather conditions meant the rescue had to be abandoned.恶劣天气意味着救援工作只能放弃。They have attracted strong adverse criticism.他们已招致强烈的非难。 adversely


This move could adversely affect the UK's position in the market.此举可能会损害英国的市场地位。
rough difficult and unpleasant 艰苦的;困顿的He's had a really rough time recently.他最近真是困难重重。Life was rough on the streets.流浪街头的生活很艰难。They set sail in rough conditions.他们冒着风浪的危险起航了。Life or times can be rough if they are full of personal problems or violence; conditions are rough if they are physically difficult. 用rough形容生活或时代,指充满个人问题或暴力;用rough形容环境,指自然环境恶劣。 unfavourable (BrE) (NAmE unfavorable) /ʌnˈfeɪvərəbl/ / (formal) (of conditions or situations) not good and likely to cause problems or make sth more difficult (条件或形势)不利的,有害的The conditions were unfavourable for increased crop production.这些条件不利于农作物增产。The country's geographical position is highly unfavourable.这个国家的地理位置十分不利。 OPP favourable valuable 2 disadvantageous / /ˌdɪsædvænˈteɪdʒəs/ / (formal) causing sb to be in a worse situation than other people; likely to cause problems 不利的;产生负面影响的The deal would not be disadvantageous to your company.这笔交易不会对你公司不利。Growing conditions here are disadvantageous.这里的生长条件很不利。OPP advantageous valuable 2 see also disadvantage disadvantage


evil ♦︎ wicked ♦︎ bad ♦︎ dark ♦︎ satanic ♦︎ base ♦︎ demonic ♦︎ sinfulThese words all describe cruel or morally bad people or behaviour. 这些词均表示恶毒的、邪恶的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配an evil / a wicked / a bad / a sinful man / woman / person / life / act / thoughtan evil / a wicked / a bad characteran evil / a wicked / a base / a sinful creaturean evil / a wicked demona wicked / bad childan evil / a wicked / a bad / a dark / a sinful deedan evil / a wicked crimean evil / a bad / a satanic influencean evil / a bad omenevil / dark / demonic forces / powers evil (of people or actions) very bad; showing great enjoyment in hurting or killing others; connected with the Devil (人或行为)邪恶的;恶毒的;恶魔的He gave an evil laugh.他邪恶地大笑。In his speech he described the evil effects of racism.他在演讲中描述了种族主义的恶劣影响。It was an ancient charm to ward off evil spirits.这是古代驱赶邪灵的一种做法。OPP good good 5 wicked (of people or actions) very bad; showing great enjoyment in being bad and hurting others (人或行为)邪恶的;恶毒的She despised herself for being selfish, even wicked.她因自私甚至邪恶而鄙视自己。That was a wicked thing to do!那可是伤天害理的事!The wicked witch casts a spell on the princess.邪恶的女巫给公主施了魔咒。 OPP good good 5 NOTE 辨析 Evil or wicked?These are both very strong words to describe people and actions that are very bad: they should be used with great care. Evil is stronger than wicked. Wickedness is bad behaviour, caused by sb's pleasure in being bad, and it is basically a human characteristic. Evil is a force outside a person that makes them do bad things, and is often connected with the Devil. A wicked person enjoys being bad and hurting other people's feelings. An evil person enjoys hurting people physically and does not even consider their feelings. Children, witches and stepmothers are wicked, especially in children's stories. Spirits, forces, monsters, killers and masterminds are evil, especially in stories for adults and popular news reports. 这两个词的语气都很强烈,应慎用。evil比wicked语气更强。wickedness指恶行,由那些本性就是以作恶为乐的人所为,与人的劣根性有关。evil指驱使人去做坏事的外部力量,常与恶魔有关。wicked指喜欢做坏事并伤害他人感情,evil指喜欢伤害他人身体而根本不考虑他们的感受。wicked可描述人,搭配的词有child、witch和stepmother,尤见于童话故事;evil可搭配的词有spirit、force、monster、killer和mastermind,尤见于成人小说和大众新闻。 bad criminal or morally unacceptable 犯罪的;不道德的The hero gets to shoot all the bad guys.主人公得以击毙所有坏蛋。He said I must have done something bad to deserve it.他说我肯定是罪有应得。 OPP good good 5 dark evil or frightening 邪恶的;阴险的;凶恶的There was a darker side to his nature.他本性中有阴险的一面。There are dark forces at work here.这里有邪恶力量作祟。 satanic ( Satanic) /səˈtænɪk, NAmE also seɪˈtænɪk/ connected with the worship of the Devil 崇拜撒旦的There was no evidence of satanic rituals.没有证据表明有人组织崇拜撒旦的仪式。 base (formal) not having moral principles or rules 卑鄙的;不道德的He acted from base motives.他的行为动机卑鄙。 demonic /diˈmɒnɪk; NAmE diˈmɑːnɪk/ connected with, or like, an evil spirit 恶魔的;魔鬼般的This was a society in which demonic possession was greatly feared.在这个社会里人们都对魔鬼附身怀有极大的恐惧。 sinful (formal) morally wrong; against the rules of a religion 不道德的;违背教义的;有罪的He tried to keep his sinful thoughts to himself.他想方设法不让别人知晓他那些邪恶的想法。


harmful ♦︎ destructive ♦︎ negative ♦︎ damaging ♦︎ bad ♦︎ ill ♦︎ detrimental ♦︎ perniciousThese are all words for things that are likely to cause harm or damage to sth. 这些词均表示有害的、会造成损害的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配harmful / destructive / damaging / detrimental to sb / sthharmful / damaging / bad for sba harmful / destructive / negative / damaging / bad / detrimental / pernicious effectill effectsa harmful / destructive / negative / damaging / bad / pernicious influenceharmful / destructive / negative / damaging / detrimental / pernicious consequencesharmful / negative / damaging / bad publicityvery / extremely harmful / destructive / negative / damaging / bad / detrimentalpotentially harmful / destructive / damaging / detrimentalpositively harmful / damaging / detrimentalhighly destructive / damaging / detrimentalenvironmentally / socially harmful / destructive / damaging / detrimental harmful (rather formal) causing damage or injury to sb/sth, especially to a person's health or to the environment (尤指对健康或环境)有害的,导致损害的The harmful effects of alcohol are well established.酒精的害处已有定论。Keep food chilled to prevent the spread of harmful bacteria.将食物冷藏以防有害细菌的繁殖。pesticides that are harmful to the environment对环境有害的杀虫剂OPP harmless safe 2 see also harm damage noun , harm damage verb destructive (rather formal) causing physical destruction, or physical or emotional damage 毁灭性的;伤害身体(或感情)的The war demonstrated the destructive power of modern weapons.这次战争显示了现代武器的毁灭性力量。People have to learn how to handle destructive emotions like anger.人得学会控制愤怒等有害情绪。 negative causing damage to a relationship, to a business or a country's economy, or to a person's health or happiness (对关系、企业、国家经济或健康幸福)有害的,有损的The crisis had a negative effect on trade.这场危机对贸易产生了很坏的影响。The whole experience was definitely more positive than negative.整个体验当然是利大于弊。Negative is used especially to describe the effect, impact, influence, consequences or side effects of sth. * negative尤与effect、impact、influence、consequences或side effects搭配。 OPP positive valuable 2 see also negative negative damaging causing damage to sb's health, happiness or reputation, or to the environment (对健康、幸福、声誉或环境)有害的,损害的,造成破坏的A strike would hit public services and be politically damaging for the government.罢工会重创公共服务业,而且政治上对政府不利。Lead is potentially damaging to children's health.铅对儿童健康有潜在危害。 see also damage damage noun , damage damage verb NOTE 辨析 Harmful or damaging?Things that are harmful hurt the environment or people's health. Things that are damaging can also hurt the environment or health, but more often they hurt people's social or economic welfare (= how much money they have and how comfortable their position in society is), or sb/sth's reputation (= the opinion people have of them). * harmful和damaging都可指对环境或健康有害,但damaging更多指给人们的社会或经济利益带来破坏,或对声誉有损。 bad (rather informal, especially spoken) causing or likely to cause damage to sb's health, business, character or reputation (对健康、生意、性格或声誉)有害的,产生损害的Sugary drinks are bad for your teeth.含糖饮料对牙齿有害。Weather like this is bad for business.这样的天气不利于做生意。That girl's a bad influence on Tom.那个女孩带坏了汤姆。Sunbeds have received a lot of bad publicity in recent years. Are they safe?近年来有许多关于日光浴床的负面报道,这种床安全吗?In this meaning bad is used in the phrase bad for sb/sth and with the collocates influence, publicity and effect. 表达此义时,bad用于短语bad for sb/sth,或与influence、publicity和effect等词搭配。 OPP good valuable 2 ill [only before noun] (rather formal) causing or meaning to cause damage to sb's health, comfort or reputation (对健康、舒适或声誉)不好的,有害的,不良的He resigned because of ill health.他因健康欠佳而辞职。She suffered no ill effects from the experience.这次经历没有使她受到不良影响。 (formal) I bear you no ill will (= do not wish any harm to come to you), but I am simply not in a position to help you.我不希望你有事,只是我帮不了你。In this meaning ill is used especially with the collocates health, effects, treatment, will and repute. 表达此义时,ill尤与health、effects、treatment、will和repute等词搭配。 detrimental / /ˌdetrɪˈmentl/ / (formal) causing damage to the environment, or sb's health or welfare; blocking people's attempts to do sth good (对环境、健康或幸福)有害的,不利的;有碍的Emissions from the factory are widely suspected of having a detrimental effect on health.人们普遍怀疑工厂的排放物对健康不利。The policy will be detrimental to the peace process.这项政策将不利于和平进程。Detrimental is nearly always used in the phrases detrimental effect/effects or detrimental to sb/sth. * detrimental几乎总用于短语detrimental effect/effects或detrimental to sb/sth。 OPP beneficial valuable 2 see also detriment damage noun pernicious /pəˈnɪʃəs; NAmE pərˈnɪʃəs/ (formal) having a very harmful effect on society or morals, especially in a way that is gradual and not easily noticed (尤指潜移默化地对社会或道德)有害的,有恶劣影响的They discussed the pernicious influence of TV violence on children.他们讨论了电视暴力对儿童潜移默化的坏影响。Ageism is just as offensive and pernicious as sexism.年龄歧视和性别歧视一样引人反感,并且影响恶劣。


incompetent ♦︎ bad ♦︎ rotten ♦︎ poor ♦︎ inept ♦︎ useless ♦︎ inadequateThese words all describe sb who does not have the skill or ability to do a task as it should be done. 这些词均形容人无能力的、不胜任的、不称职的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配bad / rotten / poor / inept / useless at sthan incompetent / a bad / a rotten / a poor / a useless teacher / drivera bad / a rotten / a useless / an inadequate mother / father / parenthopelessly incompetent / inept / inadequatecompletely / totally incompetent / useless / inadequatevery bad / poor / inept / inadequate incompetent / /ɪnˈkɒmpɪtənt; NAmE ɪnˈkɑːmpɪtənt/ (rather formal) not having the skill or ability to do your job or a task as it should be done 无能力的;不胜任的;不称职的She worked for years under an incompetent manager.她在一名不称职的经理手下工作了多年。They criticized his incompetent handling of the affair.他们批评了他在处理这件事上的无能表现。OPP competent good 4 see also incompetent loser noun 2 incompetence


[uncountable] government / police incompetence政府/警方的无能
bad (especially spoken) not good or skilled at sth 不擅长的;不熟练的I would be a really bad teacher-I've no patience.我做老师可能会很不称职-我没有耐心。He's a bad loser (= he complains when he loses a game).他是个输不起的人。She is so bad at keeping secrets.她一点都不会保守秘密。 OPP good good 4 badly


He plays really badly.他表演得确实很差。
rotten [usually before noun] (informal) very bad at sth 差劲的;拙劣的She's a rotten singer.她是个蹩脚的歌手。I've always been rotten at maths.我的数学一向很糟。 OPP great good 4 poor (rather formal) not good or skilled at sth 不擅长的;不熟练的Such a poor swimmer would not survive in that water for long.泳技这么差的人在那种水域里活不了很久。She's a good teacher but a poor manager.她长于教学,却拙于管理。OPP good good 4 NOTE 辨析 Bad or poor? Poor is more formal than bad and is used more in written English. Bad is used more in spoken English. * poor比bad正式,较多用于书面语,bad较多用于口语。 inept (rather formal) acting or done with no skill or judgement 缺乏技巧的;缺乏判断力的;笨拙的She was left feeling inept and inadequate.她被弄得自感笨拙无能。He made some particularly inept remarks.他说了一些特别蠢的话。Inept is usually used to talk about sb's lack of social skills. * inept通常形容人缺乏社交技巧。 ineptitude /ɪˈneptɪtjuːd; NAmE ɪˈneptɪtuːd/


[uncountable] the ineptitude of the police in handling the situation警方在处理这个局面时的无能
useless (informal) very bad at sth; not able to do things well 差劲的;不行的;不擅长的I'm useless at French.我的法语不太行。Don't ask her to help. She's useless.别求她帮忙。她没那个能耐。NOTE 辨析 Rotten or useless? Rotten is used most often before a noun such as businessman, cook, driver, husband or wife; useless is more often used in the phrase useless at sth. * rotten最常用在businessman、cook、driver、husband、wife等名词前;useless最常用在短语useless at sth中useless at football / your job / remembering names不擅长足球;工作上无能;记不住名字Someone who is not able to do things well in general can be described as useless, but not 'rotten'. 笼统地形容人办事不力用useless,不用rottenDon't ask her to help. She's rotten. inadequate /ɪnˈædɪkwət/ / not able, or not confident enough, to deal with a situation 不胜任的;缺乏信心的I felt totally inadequate as a parent.我觉得作为家长我完全不称职。In this meaning, inadequate is usually used in the phrase to feel inadequate. When it comes before a noun, it usually describes a mother, father or parent. 表达此义时,inadequate通常用于短语to feel inadequate(感觉不称职);另外也常用在名词前修饰mother、father或parent。 see also inadequate inadequate


injured ♦︎ wounded ♦︎ hurt ♦︎ bruised ♦︎ badThese words all describe a person or part of the body that has an injury or wound. 这些词均表示受伤的、有伤的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配an injured / a wounded / a bruised / a bad arm / leg / shoulder / kneean injured / a bruised hand / wristan injured / a wounded man / woman / personbadly / slightly injured / wounded / hurt / bruisedseriously injured / wounded / hurtseverely injured / wounded / bruised injured having an injury 受伤的;有伤的Luckily, she isn't injured.幸运的是,她没受伤。His injured leg prevented him from walking.他的腿受伤了,没法走路。OPP uninjured safe 1 the injured


[plural] Ambulances took the injured to a nearby hospital.救护车把伤者送到了附近一所医院。
wounded injured by a weapon, for example in a war (用武器使身体)受伤的,负伤的The wounded soldiers were taken back to the camp.伤兵被送回军营。There were 79 killed and 230 wounded.有79人死亡,230人受伤。 the wounded


[plural] Volunteers looked after the wounded in makeshift cabins.志愿者在临时搭建的小木屋里照料伤员。
hurt [not usually before noun] injured, especially with only minor harm done 受伤(尤指伤势较轻)None of the passengers was badly hurt.乘客中没有人受重伤。 OPP unhurt safe 1 see also hurt injure verb , hurt hurt verb 2 bruised / /bruːzd/ / having bruises (= blue, brown or purple marks on the skin after sb has fallen or been hit) 青肿(或瘀伤)的;撞伤的He suffered badly bruised ribs in the crash.他在车祸中肋骨被严重撞伤。 bad [usually before noun](of parts of the body) painful or injured (身体部位)疼痛的,有伤的I've got a bad back.我背部疼痛。 OPP good well


naughty ♦︎ defiant ♦︎ bad ♦︎ rebellious ♦︎ disobedientThese words all describe people who are not willing to obey sb/sth. 这些词均形容人不听话的、不顺从的、反叛的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a naughty / defiant / bad / rebellious / disobedient childa naughty / bad / disobedient boy / girla defiant / rebellious teenagernaughty / defiant / bad / rebellious / disobedient behavioura defiant / bad / rebellious attitude naughty / /ˈnɔːti/ / (especially of children) behaving badly; not willing to obey (尤指儿童)顽皮的,淘气的;不听话的You've been a very naughty boy!你一直都是个淘气鬼!Come on now, that's naughty.到此为止吧,别淘气了。Adults sometimes use naughty in a humorous way to talk about things they do that they think they shouldn't do. 成年人有时用naughty来描述自己所做的那些自认为不该做的事情,为幽默用法 (humorous) I'm being very naughty-I've ordered champagne!我放肆了一回-我要了香槟! OPP good good 7 defiant / /dɪˈfaɪənt/ / (rather formal) openly refusing to obey sb/sth, sometimes in an aggressive way 公然违抗的;反抗的;挑衅的The terrorists sent a defiant message to the government.恐怖分子向政府发出了挑战书。He was in a defiant mood, unwilling to give way to anyone.他处于抗拒的情绪中,不愿向任何人让步。 see also defy oppose bad [usually before noun](especially of children) not behaving well (尤指儿童)顽皮的,不乖的I will not tolerate this bad behaviour.我不会容忍这种顽皮的行为。I was always the 'bad boy' at school.我向来是学校里的“坏小子”。If you call a child a bad boy/girl/child, this is usually stricter or more unkind than calling them naughty, unless it is done in a slightly humorous way. 如果称一个孩子为a bad boy/girl/child,通常比称其为naughty更严厉或更不友善,除非是略带幽默的意思。 OPP good good 7 rebellious / /rɪˈbeljəs/ / (especially of teenagers) unwilling to obey rules or accept normal standards of behaviour or dress (尤指青少年)反叛的,叛逆的,桀骜不驯的He has always had a rebellious streak.他一向有点倔强。 see also rebel oppose , rebel rebel verb rebelliously


'I don't care!' she said rebelliously.“我不在乎!”她桀骜不驯地说道。
disobedient / /ˌdɪsəˈbiːdiənt/ / (formal) failing or refusing to obey sb/sth 不顺从的;不服从的;违抗的I was very disobedient to my father.我根本不服从父亲的管教。OPP obedient good 7 see also disobey oppose disobedience / /ˌdɪsəˈbiːdiəns/ /


[uncountable] His behaviour was seen as another act of disobedience.他的这一行为被视作又一次反叛。OPP obedience good 7


 See also the entry for insulting 另见insulting条offensive ♦︎ abusive ♦︎ bad ♦︎ filthy ♦︎ rude ♦︎ foul ♦︎ coarseThese words all describe unpleasant or shocking language or people. 这些词均表示语言或人无礼的、冒犯的、惹人憎恶的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配offensive / abusive to sboffensive / abusive / bad / filthy / rude / foul languagean offensive / an abusive / a filthy / a rude / a coarse wordan offensive / an abusive / a rude gesture / remark / commentan offensive / a filthy / a rude jokevery / quite offensive / abusive / rude / foul / coarserather offensive / rude / foul / coarse offensive (rather formal) causing sb to feel upset, insulted or annoyed 冒犯的;得罪人的;无礼的I've had enough of her offensive remarks.我受够了她冒犯的言论。His comments were deeply offensive to a large number of single mothers.他的评论严重触怒了众多的单身母亲。This job is stressful enough even without clients being offensive.即便客户不是那么无礼,这份工作的压力也够大的。OPP inoffensive A person or thing that is inoffensive is not likely to offend or upset anyone. * inoffensive指人或事物不冒犯人的、不讨人嫌的a shy, inoffensive young man腼腆温和的小伙子 abusive / /əˈbjuːsɪv/ / (rather formal) very offensive; criticizing sb in an unfair and offensive way 辱骂的;恶语的;毁谤的He was fined for making abusive comments to the referee.他因辱骂裁判而被罚款。He became abusive when he was drunk.他喝醉时就满口脏话骂人。 bad [usually before noun] offensive 冒犯的;得罪人的;无礼的Most of the complaints received were about bad language.接到的投诉大多跟说粗话有关。In this meaning, bad is always used in the phrase bad language. 表达此义时,bad总是用在短语bad language中。 filthy very offensive and usually connected with sex 下流的;淫秽的;猥亵的That's enough of your filthy language!你的下流话真是让人受够了!He's got a filthy mind (= is always thinking about sex).他满脑子淫念。 rude (especially BrE) offensive or embarrassing and often connected with sex 粗野的;猥亵的;下流的The joke is too rude to repeat.这个笑话太下流,不宜重复。Someone made a rude noise.有人发出了猥亵的声音。 foul / /faʊl/ / [usually before noun](of language) including rude words and swearing (语言)充满脏话的,辱骂性的,下流的He called her the foulest names imaginable.他用能想得出的最下流的话骂她。I'm sick of her foul mouth (= habit of swearing).我讨厌她那张动不动就骂人的臭嘴。 coarse /kɔːs; NAmE kɔːrs/ (rather formal) rude and offensive, especially about sex 粗鲁无礼的,粗俗的(尤指涉及性的)He constantly made coarse jokes about his girlfriend.他总拿他的女朋友开些粗俗的玩笑。


poor people/countries 穷人;穷国poor quality 质量差poor ♦︎ bad ♦︎ cheap ♦︎ low ♦︎ dismal ♦︎ (taboo) crap ♦︎ inferior ♦︎ (taboo) shit ♦︎ hopeless ♦︎ second-rateThese words all describe sth that is of a low standard or quality. 这些词均表示质量差的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a poor / a bad / a cheap / an inferior / a second-rate copy / imitationpoor / bad / low / inferior / second-rate qualitypoor / bad / low visibilitya poor / bad / low opinion of sb / stha poor / a bad / a dismal / a crap / an inferior / a shit performancea poor / bad / dismal result / recorda poor / a bad / a crap / an inferior / a shit designpoor / bad / inferior / second-rate servicepoor / bad / inferior workmanshipa poor / a low / a dismal / an inferior standarda bad / a cheap / a crap / an inferior / a shit / a second-rate productvery poor / bad / low / inferior / second-rate poor below the standard or quality that is acceptable or expected 质次的;差的;次的We discussed the party's poor performance in the election.我们讨论了该党在选举中欠佳的表现。She's been in poor health for some time now.她健康不佳已有些时日。On the whole he had a poor opinion of human nature.总的来说,他认为人性本恶。It was raining heavily and visibility was poor.大雨倾盆,能见度低。OPP fine good 1 poorly


The job is relatively poorly paid.相对来说,这工作报酬很低。Our candidate fared poorly in the election (= did not get many votes).我们的候选人在选举中得票不多。
bad (rather informal) of a poor quality or standard 质量差的;水平低的I thought it was a very bad article.我认为那是一篇低劣的文章。That's not a bad idea.那主意不错。This isn't as bad as I thought.这没我原来想的那么差。OPP good good 1 badly


She sang two songs, very badly.她唱了两首歌,唱得糟透了。The whole thing was badly organized.整件事的组织工作搞得一团糟。
NOTE 辨析 Poor or bad? Poor is more frequent in written English in this meaning, but bad is used more in informal spoken English. Some words do not collocate with both poor and bad. * poor表达此义时较常用于书面语,bad多用于非正式的口语。有些词只能与poor或bad其中之一搭配They have a poor standard of living.他们的生活水平很低。a bad standard of living I don't think it's a bad school.我认为这所学校不错。I don't think it's a poor school.
cheap low in price and quality 价廉质劣的The room was filled with the smell of cheap perfume.房间里弥漫着廉价香水的味道。The market has been flooded with cheap imports.市场里充斥着廉价进口货。 see also cheap cheap cheaply


The leaflet had been cheaply produced and photocopied.传单制作粗糙,影印质量差。
low below the usual or expected standard or quality 低于通常(或预期)标准的;质量差的Much of the work was of a very low standard.大部分工作做得很差。These measures will lead to a lower quality of life for many older people.这些措施将导致许多老年人生活品质下降。 OPP high high 1 dismal / /ˈdɪzməl/ / (informal) not skilful or successful; of a very low standard 不熟练的;差劲的;不怎么样的The singer gave a dismal performance of some old songs.那歌手唱了几首老歌,唱得不怎么样。Their recent attempt to increase sales has been a dismal failure.他们最近努力想提高销售量,全都白费劲。Dismal most often collocates with failure, performance, result, record and weather. * dismal最常与failure、performance、result、record和weather搭配。 dismally


I tried not to laugh but failed dismally (= was completely unsuccessful).我尽量忍着不笑,但根本忍不住。
crap (BrE) (NAmE crappy) (taboo, slang) of a very poor quality or standard 劣质的;糟糕的Crap should only be used in an informal situation to sb who is your equal in age and status. If said to sb who is older or who considers themselves more important than you, it could cause very great offence. * crap仅限于在非正式场合与年龄、地位相仿的人交谈时使用。如果在与年长者或自认为地位更高的人说话时使用该词,可能会造成很大的冒犯I used to be in this really crap band.我曾在这个极差劲的乐队待过。a crappy movie / apartment差劲的电影/公寓 see also crap rubbish noun crap


(BrE) The team played crap yesterday.这个队昨天的表现糟透了。
inferior /ɪnˈfɪəriə(r); NAmE ɪnˈfɪriər/ (rather formal) not as good as sth else of the same kind 较差的;次的;比不上⋯的The cracks in the structure were due to the poor-quality materials and inferior workmanship.建筑物产生裂缝的原因是原料质量差、工艺水平低。Modern music is often considered inferior to that of the past.人们常认为现代音乐不如过去的音乐。 OPP superior better , superior good 1 shit (BrE) (NAmE shitty) (taboo, slang) of a very poor quality or standard 劣质的;糟糕的Shit should only be used in an informal situation to sb who is your equal in age and status. If said to sb who is older or who considers themselves more important than you, it could cause very great offence. It is an even stronger and more offensive term than crap. * shit仅限于在非正式场合与年龄、地位相仿的人交谈时使用。如果在与年长者或自认为地位更高的人说话时使用该词,会造成很大的冒犯。shit甚至比crap语义更强、更无礼I was a shit player.我球打得很臭。They're a shitty team.他们队臭极了。 hopeless (BrE, informal) of a very low quality or standard of service (服务)糟透了的,极差的The buses are absolutely hopeless these days.如今的公交车简直糟糕透了。 ˌsecond-ˈrate not as good as sth else of the same kind 二流的;平庸的;普通的Why do we only produce second-rate films?为什么我们只拍出二流的电影? OPP first-rate excellent


 See also the entry for smelly 另见smelly条rotten ♦︎ stale ♦︎ sour ♦︎ mouldy ♦︎ bad ♦︎ offThese words all describe food which is no longer fresh. 这些词均表示食物不新鲜的、腐烂的、腐败的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配rotten / stale / mouldy foodrotten / bad eggsstale / mouldy breadto go rotten / stale / sour / mouldy / bad / off rotten (of natural things such as food or wood) that has decayed and cannot be eaten or used (食物或木头等天然的东西)腐烂的,腐败的,腐朽的The fruit is starting to go rotten.水果已经开始腐烂变质了。They pelted him with rotten eggs.他们向他扔臭鸡蛋。He stepped on a rotten floorboard and felt it give way.他踩到一块腐朽的地板,感觉它要陷下去了。 stale (of food, especially bread and cake) no longer fresh and therefore unpleasant to eat (食物,尤指面包和糕点)不新鲜的There was one piece of stale chocolate cake left in the tin.烤盘里还剩一块不新鲜的巧克力蛋糕。 see also stale smelly sour (of milk or sb's breath) having an unpleasant taste or smell because it is not fresh (牛奶)酸腐的,馊的;(人的呼吸)难闻的The milk had turned sour.牛奶已经馊了。He smelled a sour whiff on the old man's breath.他闻到那老人呼吸中有股臭味儿。 see also sour bitter 1 mouldy (BrE) (NAmE moldy) /ˈməʊldi; NAmE ˈmoʊldi/ covered with or containing mould; old and not in good condition 发霉的;破旧的Mould is a fine soft green, grey or black substance like fur that grows on old food or on objects that are left in warm wet air. * mould指霉菌The potatoes went mouldy before we'd had a chance to use them.我们还没来得及吃,那些土豆就发霉了。We threw away all the mouldy old furniture.我们把破旧家具全都扔了。 bad (of food) not safe to eat because it has decayed (食物)变质的,腐烂的The meat had gone bad.这肉已经坏了。There was a smell of bad eggs.有一股臭鸡蛋的味道。 off [not before noun] (BrE) (of food) no longer fresh enough to eat or drink (食物)不新鲜,变质The fish had gone off.这鱼已变质了。The milk smells off.这奶的味道不对劲。


a serious problem/illness 严重的问题/疾病a serious person/mood/expression 严肃的人/气氛/表情a serious debate/newspaper 严肃的辩论/报纸serious ♦︎ severe ♦︎ extreme ♦︎ critical ♦︎ grave ♦︎ acute ♦︎ drastic ♦︎ desperate ♦︎ dire ♦︎ bad ♦︎ life-threateningThese words all describe things and situations that involve or cause harm or damage to sb/sth. 这些词均表示严重的、危急的。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达严重的程度
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a serious / a severe / a critical / a grave / an acute / a desperate / a bad / a life-threatening problema serious / a severe / an extreme / a critical / an acute / a desperate / a dire shortageserious / severe / extreme / grave / acute dangera serious / a severe / a grave / a dire threatserious / severe / extreme / acute / desperate / dire povertya serious / an extreme / a critical / an acute / a desperate / a dire needserious / grave / drastic / dire / bad consequencesa serious / a severe / a critical / a grave / an acute / a life-threatening illnessa serious / a severe / an acute / a life-threatening diseasea serious / a severe / a grave / an acute / a bad / a life-threatening injurya serious / a severe / an acute / a life-threatening infectiona serious / a severe / an acute / a bad attack / boutparticularly serious / severe / extreme / grave / acute / dire / badvery / extremely serious / severe / grave / acute / bad serious unpleasant or dangerous; that involves or might cause harm or damage to sb/sth 严重的;有危险的;可能造成伤害(或损伤)的The storm caused serious damage to farm buildings.暴风雨给农场建筑物造成了严重破坏。They pose a serious threat to security.他们对安全构成了严重威胁。The consequences could be serious.后果可能是严重的。OPP minor minor see also seriousness importance seriously


Smoking can seriously damage your health.吸烟会严重损害你的健康。
severe very serious 十分严重的;极为恶劣的The victim suffered severe brain damage.受害人的大脑损伤十分严重。The bridge has been closed due to severe weather conditions.由于恶劣的天气情况,这座大桥关闭了。Strikes are causing severe disruption to all train services.罢工给所有铁路服务造成严重影响。OPP minor minor , mild gentle severely


Anyone breaking the law will be severely punished.违法者将受到严惩。
severity / /sɪˈverəti/ /


[uncountable] The chances of a full recovery will depend on the severity of her injuries.能否彻底康复取决于她受伤的严重程度。
NOTE 辨析 Serious or severe? Severe is most often used to describe medical conditions and weather conditions. Serious is not used to describe weather conditions. * severe最常用于描述疾病状况或天气情况,serious则不用于描述天气情况serious weather a serious winter Serious is used to describe medical conditions in everyday English, but in medical English severe is used. 在日常用语中用serious描述病情,但在医学用语中用severea serious illness严重的疾病severe learning difficulties严重学习障碍
extreme (of a situation or action) not ordinary or usual; serious or severe (局势或行为)异乎寻常的,严重的Children will be removed from their parents only in extreme circumstances.只有在极端情况下才会让孩子离开父母。Don't go doing anything extreme like leaving the country.不要做出诸如离开国家之类的极端行为。It was the most extreme example of cruelty to animals I had ever seen.这是我见过的最严重的虐待动物的事例。extreme weather conditions极端恶劣的天气情况 see also extreme maximum critical (rather formal) serious, uncertain and possibly dangerous 严重的;不稳定的;可能有危险的The first 24 hours after the operation are the most critical.病人手术后24小时是最危险的。 (BrE) One of the victims of the fire remains in a critical condition.一名火灾受害者依然病情危急。 (NAmE) One of the victims remains in critical condition.其中一名受害者依然病情危急。This is a critical moment in our country's history.这是我国历史上的危急关头。Critical is often used with illness and condition to describe medical situations in which there is a possibility that the patient may not survive. Critical is also often used with words relating to time such as moment, period, phase, point, stage, time and years to talk about a time during which an important situation could end in failure or success. * critical常与illness和condition连用,指病人生命危在旦夕。critical也常与有关时间的词连用,如moment、period、phase、point、stage、time和years,指胜败存亡攸关的时刻。 critically


He is critically ill in hospital.他病得很重,住院了。
grave (formal) very serious and important; giving you a reason to feel worried 严重的;严峻的;深切的I fear you are making a very grave mistake.恐怕你正在犯一个严重错误。The police have expressed grave concern about the missing child's safety.警方对失踪孩子的安全深表关切。We were in grave danger.我们处于极大的危险之中。Grave is used with such words as error, mistake, offence and violation to talk about things that people do wrong. Grave is also used with words like concern, doubt, misgivings, reservations, suspicions and worries to talk about strong feelings that people have when they are worrying about sth. When grave is used to talk about situations, it is often used with such words as consequences, danger, implications, problems, risk and threat. * grave可与error、mistake、offence和violation等词连用,指严重的错误。grave也可与concern、 doubt、misgiving、reservation、suspicion和worry等词连用,指对某事深切的担忧。grave还常与consequence、danger、implication、problem、risk和threat等词连用,表示情况严峻。 see also gravity importance gravely


Local people are gravely concerned.当地人都深感不安。
acute / /əˈkjuːt/ / (rather formal) very serious or severe 十分严重的The scandal was an acute embarrassment for the President.这桩丑闻使总统处于极度难堪的境地。Competition for jobs is acute.求职竞争非常激烈。An acute illness is one that has quickly become severe and dangerous. * acute形容疾病时表示急性的He was suffering from acute chest pains.他患了急性胸痛。 OPP chronic A chronic illness or problem is one that lasts for a long time and is difficult to cure or get rid of. * chronic表示疾病是慢性的,难以治愈,或问题长期存在,难以根除chronic bronchitis / arthritis / asthma慢性支气管炎/关节炎/哮喘the country's chronic unemployment problem该国长期存在的失业问题 acutely


She suddenly felt acutely embarrassed.她突然感到极其尴尬。
drastic (especially of an action) extreme in a way that has a sudden, serious or violent effect on sth (尤指行为)极端的,急剧的,严厉的,猛烈的The government is threatening to take drastic action.政府警告说要采取断然措施。Talk to me before you do anything drastic.你采取激烈行动之前要跟我商量。 drastically


Output has been drastically reduced.产量已急剧下降。Things have started to go drastically wrong.情况开始变得完全失控。
desperate / /ˈdespərət/ / extremely serious or dangerous 极严重的;极危险的;很危急的The children are in desperate need of love and attention.这些孩子非常需要爱和关怀。They face a desperate shortage of clean water.他们面临洁净水的严重短缺。Desperate is used to talk about situations in which people need sth. * desperate用于谈论人们急需某物的情况。 desperately


She felt desperately in need of human company.她非常想有个人做伴。
dire / /ˈdaɪə(r)/ / [usually before noun] (especially BrE, formal) extremely serious 极其严重的;危急的They were living in dire poverty.他们生活赤贫。The firm is in dire straits (= in a very difficult situation) and may go bankrupt.该公司已陷入极度困境之中,可能会破产。Dire is not used to talk about medical conditions. In American English it is only used in the phrase in dire straits. * dire不指病情严重。在美式英语中该词仅用在短语in dire straits中。 bad (rather informal, especially spoken) serious; severe 严重的;剧烈的The engagement was a bad mistake.这婚约是个严重错误。It was a very bad winter that year.那年冬天极为寒冷。My headache is getting worse.我头痛得越来越厉害了。Bad can be used to describe many unpleasant situations, but it is not used to describe danger or an emergency. It is rather informal and used especially in spoken English; in formal or written English it is often better to choose one of the other words in this group. * bad可用于表示许多不愉快的情况,但不修饰危险或紧急情况。该词很不正式,尤用于口语中。在正式或书面用语中,最好选用本组词汇中的其他词语。 badly


The building is badly in need of repair.这栋大楼急需维修。
ˈlife-threatening that is likely to kill sb 可能致命的;威胁生命的His heart condition is not life-threatening.他的心脏病不会危及生命。Aid workers are having to deal with very difficult, sometimes life-threatening situations.救援人员不得不应对一些艰难的情况,有时可能会威胁生命。Life-threatening is used to talk about medical conditions, and dangerous situations in which accidents might happen. * life-threatening用于修饰病情及可能发生意外事故的危险情况。


a sick child 生病的孩子a sick feeling in your stomach 胃里恶心的感觉sick ♦︎ ill ♦︎ not (very) well ♦︎ bad ♦︎ ailing ♦︎ unwell ♦︎ unfit ♦︎ sickly ♦︎ unhealthyThese words all describe sb who is suffering from an illness or not in good health. 这些词均表示生病的、不健康的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配sick / ill / unwell with flu, a fever, etc.a sick / an ailing mother / father / parent / husband / wifesick / seriously ill / sickly / unhealthy childrento look sick / ill / not (very) well / bad / unwell / sickly / unhealthyto feel ill / not (very) well / bad / unwellto become / get / fall sick / illvery sick / ill / unwell sick suffering from an illness; not feeling in good health 生病的;有病的;不适的Her mother's very sick.她母亲病得很厉害。Don't ask a babysitter to look after a sick child.不要请临时保姆照看生病的孩子。Peter has been off sick (= away from work because he is sick).彼得因病没有上班。Emma has just called in sick (= phoned to say she will not be coming to work because she is sick).埃玛刚才打电话来请病假了。 OPP well well see also sickness illness , the sick patient ill [not usually before noun] (especially BrE) sick 生病;有病;不适Her father is seriously ill in St Luke's hospital.她父亲病情严重,住进了圣路加医院。Uncle Harry is terminally ill with cancer.哈里叔叔的癌症已到了晚期。 (BrE) We both started to feel ill shortly after the meal.我们俩饭后不久就都开始感到不舒服。 OPP well well see also mentally ill mentally ill , illness disease , illness illness NOTE 辨析 Sick or ill?In British English the more usual word is ill, especially when talking about serious illnesses. 在英式英语中ill更常用,特别是表示重病时He is seriously sick in hospital. However, if you are talking about taking time off work because of illness, use sick. 不过,表示请病假时要用sickPeter has been off ill. Emma has just called in ill. Also, ill is not usually used before a noun, unless it follows an adverb; in those cases, the noun is usually plural. 另外,ill通常不用于名词前,除非前面有副词修饰,这时该名词通常为复数an ill child terminally ill children重病晚期的儿童In American English the usual word is sick; ill is more formal and is only used to talk about very serious illnesses. In British English the more usual meaning of sick is 'feeling that you want to vomit'. 在美式英语中通常用sick,ill更正式些,且仅用来表示病得很重。在英式英语中sick更常表示“恶心、想呕吐”之义。 see also sick sick 2 not (very) well sick/ill 生病;有病;不适I wasn't feeling very well so I decided not to go to the concert.我感觉身体不太好,所以决定不去听音乐会了。 (especially BrE) I'm a bit worried-she's not well.我有点担心-她身体不好。Not (very) well is mostly used when talking about less serious illnesses, especially when you don't know exactly what the problem is. In American English it is usually used with the verb feel. * not (very) well主要用来表示病得不太严重,特别是不知道是什么病的情况。在美式英语中该短语通常与动词feel连用。 bad (rather informal, especially spoken) sick/ill 有病;不舒服I'm afraid I'm feeling pretty bad.很抱歉,我觉得很不舒服。In this meaning bad is always used after feel or look. * bad表达此义时总是用于feel或look之后。 OPP good well ailing (formal) ill and not improving 有病的;体弱的She cares for her ailing father.她照料有病的父亲。 unwell / /ʌnˈwel/ / [not before noun] (rather formal) sick/ill 生病;有病;不适She said she was feeling unwell and went home.她说感觉不适,就回家了。 OPP well well unfit / /ʌnˈfɪt/ / [not usually before noun] (BrE) not in good physical condition; not fit, because you have not taken exercise 健康状况欠佳;(因缺乏锻炼)身体状态差The captain is still unfit and will miss tonight's game.队长身体依然欠佳,将不参加今晚的比赛。I'm so unfit-I'm out of breath just from walking up the steps!我身体状况太差了-只爬了几个台阶就气喘吁吁的!In both British and American English unfit can be used in the phrases unfit for sth and unfit to do sth meaning 'not capable of doing sth because of illness or injury'. 在英式和美式英语中,unfit均可用于短语unfit for sth和unfit to do sth,表示因疾病或受伤而不能做某事He's still unfit for work.他还不宜工作。The company's doctor found that she was unfit to carry out her normal work.公司的医生认为,她不宜从事她平常的工作。 OPP fit well sickly often ill; looking ill 多病的;体质差的;有病容的He was a sickly child.他是个容易生病的孩子。She looked pale and sickly.她面色苍白,病恹恹的。 OPP healthy well unhealthy [not usually before noun] not in good health; showing a lack of good health 不健康;虚弱They looked poor and unhealthy.他们看上去是贫病交加。OPP healthy well see also unhealthy unhealthy


sorry ♦︎ I'm afraid ♦︎ bad ♦︎ guilty ♦︎ apologetic ♦︎ ashamedThese words all describe people who feel sad because of sth wrong they have done or because of sth unpleasant or disappointing that has happened. 这些词均表示歉疚的、遗憾的。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达歉疚的程度
I'm afraidsorryguilty
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配sorry / bad / guilty / apologetic / ashamed about sthto feel sorry / bad / guilty / ashamed that...I'm sorry / afraid that...to feel bad / guilty / apologetic / ashamedto look guilty / apologetic / ashamedvery sorry / bad / guilty / apologetic / ashameddeeply sorry / apologetic / ashamedreally / quite / rather sorry / bad / guilty / ashamedalmost / slightly guilty / apologetic / ashamed sorry [not before noun] (especially spoken) feeling sadness and shame about sth wrong that you have done 歉疚;惭愧;过意不去We're very sorry about the damage to your car.损坏了你的汽车,我们真是过意不去。She was sorry that she'd lost her temper.她为自己发了脾气而感到愧疚。If you say you're sorry we'll forgive you.你要是道歉,我们就原谅你。If you say I'm/We're sorry you mean that you realize that you have done wrong and that you would like sb to forgive you. If you tell sb that they should say sorry, you mean that they should do this. If you say that sb is sorry that sth has happened, you mean that they regret it, and that they wish that it hadn't happened. 自己说I'm/We're sorry,表示自己认识到做错了事而道歉;让某人say sorry,表示他们应该道歉;说某人be sorry that ...则表示他们感到遗憾,并希望这事没有发生。 I'm afraid


(spoken) used as a polite way of telling sb sth that is unpleasant or disappointing, or that you are sorry about (礼貌地说出令人不快、失望或感到遗憾的事)我怕,恐怕,很遗憾,对不起I can't help you, I'm afraid.对不起,我帮不了你的忙。I'm afraid we can't come.很遗憾,我们来不了。'Is there any left?' 'I'm afraid not.'“还有剩的没有?”“恐怕没有。”'Will it hurt?' 'I'm afraid so.'“痛不痛?”“恐怕会痛。”
bad (always used after the verb feel 总是用在动词feel后面) (rather informal, especially spoken) feeling shame because you have done sth that you know is wrong or have not done sth that you should have done 感到愧疚;感到羞愧She felt bad about leaving him.她因离开他而感到歉疚。Why should I want to make you feel bad?我干吗要让你自责呢? guilty feeling shame because you have done sth wrong or have not done sth that you should have done 感到内疚的;感到惭愧的I felt guilty about not visiting my parents more often.我因没能多去看望父母而感到内疚。I had a guilty conscience and could not sleep.我问心有愧,睡不着觉。 see also guilt guilt apologetic /əˌpɒləˈdʒetɪk; NAmE əˌpɑːləˈdʒetɪk/ feeling or showing that you are sorry for having done sth wrong or for causing a problem 道歉的;谢罪的;愧疚的'Sorry,' she said, with an apologetic smile.她歉然一笑,说:“对不起。”They were very apologetic about the trouble they'd caused.他们对所惹的麻烦深感愧疚。 see also apologize apologize apologetically


'I'm sorry I'm late,' he murmured apologetically.“对不起,我迟到了。”他小声道歉。
ashamed [not before noun] feeling shame or embarrassment about sb/sth or because of sth you have done 惭愧;羞愧;尴尬She was deeply ashamed of her behaviour at the party.她对自己在聚会上的行为深感惭愧。You should be ashamed of yourself for telling such lies.你撒这种谎应该感到羞愧。OPP shameless , unabashed , unashamed cool see also shame guilt


unhealthy ♦︎ bad ♦︎ unhygienic ♦︎ insanitaryThese words all describe sth which is a risk to health, especially because it is not clean. 这些词均表示损害健康的、不清洁的、不卫生的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配an unhealthy / a bad dietunhealthy / unhygienic / insanitary conditions unhealthy having a bad effect on your health; likely to make you ill 损害健康的;对身体有害的;会致病的Doctors say too many teenagers adopt an unhealthy lifestyle.医生说有太多青少年的生活方式不健康。The unhealthy climate made it an unattractive place in which to settle.不利于健康的气候条件使得这里成为不宜居住之地。OPP healthy healthy see also unhealthy sick 1 bad having a bad effect on your health 损害健康的;对身体有害的Eating too much salt is bad for you.摄入过多的盐有害健康。All those sugary drinks are bad for your teeth.所有那些含糖饮料都会损害牙齿。Bad diet and lack of exercise can lead to serious health problems.不良饮食和缺乏锻炼会导致严重的健康问题。OPP good healthy NOTE 辨析 Unhealthy or bad? Bad is used especially in the collocations bad for you/your health, etc. and bad diet. Unhealthy has a wider range of collocations, but is slightly more formal. * bad尤用于短语bad for you/your health等和bad diet。unhealthy稍正式些,搭配词的范围较广。 unhygienic /ˌʌnhaɪˈdʒiːnɪk, NAmE usually ˌʌnhaɪˈdʒenɪk/ (rather formal) not clean and therefore likely to cause disease or infection 不清洁的;不卫生的;易致病(或感染)的The animals were kept in cramped and unhygienic conditions.那些动物的饲养环境狭小且不卫生。OPP hygienic clean adj. insanitary /ɪnˈsænətri; NAmE ɪnˈsænəteri/ (especially BrE) (NAmE usually unsanitary /ʌnˈsænətri; NAmE ʌnˈsænəteri/ ) (formal) unhygienic 不清洁的;不卫生的;易致病(或感染)的The apartments where the workers are housed were overcrowded and insanitary.安置那些工人的公寓拥挤不堪且很不卫生。


wet clothes/grass/hair 湿衣服;湿草;湿头发wet weather/a wet day 雨天 See also the entry for rough 2 另见rough条第2义wet ♦︎ bad ♦︎ rainyThese words all describe the weather when it is not good. 这些词均表示天气不好的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配wet / bad / rainy weathera wet / rainy day / morning / afternoon / evening / night / month / seasonIt's wet / rainy.very wet / bad / rainy wet having or bringing rain 有雨的;下雨的What's the best thing to do with young children on a wet day?下雨天跟小孩子玩什么最好呢?It's wet outside.外边下雨了。It was the wettest October for many years.那是多年来雨量最多的一个10月份。OPP dry sunny bad (of the weather) unpleasant, cold, wet, etc. (天气)令人不快的,冷的,下雨的On the last day the weather turned bad.最后那天,天气变得很糟。OPP good sunny rainy (rather informal) having or bringing rain 有雨的;下雨的We woke up to a rainy day.我们醒来时,天正下着雨。I went there during the rainy season.我去那儿时正赶上雨季。This valley is said to be the rainiest place in Britain.据说这个峡谷是英国最多雨的地方。 see also rain rain noun NOTE 辨析 Wet or rainy? Wet is used a little more frequently than rainy, especially in slightly more formal contexts such as the weather forecast. However, rainy is much more frequent than wet in the phrase the rainy/wet season (= the season during which it rains a lot in some parts of the world). * wet较rainy稍常用,在气象预报等稍正式的语境中尤其如此。但是在短语the rainy/wet season中,rainy比wet常见得多。


the wrong answer 错误的答案What's wrong? 出了什么问题?the wrong thing to say 不恰当的话morally wrong 不道德wrong ♦︎ inappropriate ♦︎ unsuitable ♦︎ bad ♦︎ inconvenient ♦︎ unfit ♦︎ awkwardThese words all describe people or things that are not right for a particular situation. 这些词均表示不合适的、不适当的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配wrong / inappropriate / unsuitable / inconvenient / unfit / awkward for sb / sthwrong / inappropriate / unsuitable / inconvenient / unfit to do sththe wrong / an inappropriate / a bad / an inconvenient / an awkward timemost / rather inappropriate / unsuitable / inconvenient / awkwardhighly / somewhat inappropriate / unsuitable / inconvenientquite / completely / totally inappropriate / unsuitable / unfitvery / extremely unsuitable / inconvenient / awkward wrong [usually before noun] not right for a particular situation or purpose (对某种场合或目的而言)不合适的,不适当的He's the wrong person for the job.他不适合做这个工作。I realized that it was the wrong thing to say.我意识到说了不该说的话。We don't want this document falling into the wrong hands.我们不想让这份文件落入不恰当的人手里。In this meaning, wrong usually comes after the. 表达此义时,wrong前通常有the。 OPP right good 2 inappropriate (rather formal) not right or acceptable in a particular situation (对某种场合而言)不适当的,不合适的What's the best way for a teacher to deal with inappropriate behaviour?教师针对不当行为最好的处理方法是什么?It would be inappropriate for me to comment on what your tutor said.我不便评价你导师说的话。OPP appropriate good 2 inappropriately


She was inappropriately dressed for a funeral.她的穿着不适合参加葬礼。
unsuitable not right or practical for a particular purpose, occasion or person (对某种场合、目的或某人而言)不适当的,不适宜的,不合适的He was wearing shoes that were totally unsuitable for climbing.他穿了一双根本不适合爬山的鞋子。They considered him quite unsuitable for their daughter.他们认为他一点都不适合他们的女儿。OPP suitable good 2 unsuitably


They were unsuitably dressed for the occasion.他们的穿着在那个场合很不得体。
NOTE 辨析 Inappropriate or unsuitable? Unsuitable clothes, equipment or facilities are usually wrong for a practical purpose. Inappropriate behaviour or clothes are usually wrong for social reasons. * unsuitable形容穿着、设备或设施不适于做某事。inappropriate形容行为或穿着在社交上不得体。
bad [only before noun] causing problems for sb; not based on good judgement 造成问题的;判断错误的I know that this is a bad time to ask for help.我知道这个时候请你帮忙不合适。He now realized that it had been a bad decision on his part.他现在意识到自己作了不恰当的决定。In this meaning bad usually collocates with time, timing, decision or reason. 表达此义时,bad通常与time、timing、decision或reason搭配。 OPP good good 2 , good good 3 inconvenient (rather formal) causing trouble or problems, especially concerning what you need or would like yourself 不方便的,引起麻烦的,造成困难的(尤指关乎自身需要和喜好)That's most inconvenient for me. I'm working that weekend.那个时间对我来说非常不合适。我那个周末要工作。OPP convenient good 2 see also inconvenience nuisance unfit not of an acceptable standard; not suitable 不合格的;不适合的;不适宜的They described him as unfit to govern.他们说他这个人不适合做管理工作。The meat was unfit for human consumption.这种肉不适合人食用。The court claims she is an unfit mother.法庭宣称她是个不称职的母亲。 Unfit is usually used in the phrases unfit to do sth or unfit for sth. * unfit通常用于短语unfit to do sth或unfit for sthunfit to govern / rule / stand trial / drive不适合治理/统治/受审/开车unfit for human consumption / habitation不适于人类食用/居住When unfit comes before a noun, it is nearly always in the phrase unfit mother. * unfit置于名词前时,几乎总是用于短语unfit mother中。 OPP fit good 2 awkward not convenient 不方便的Have I come at an awkward time?我来得不是时候吧?That's a bit awkward for me-could we make it earlier?那个时间我有些不方便-我们早一点可以吗?NOTE 辨析 Inconvenient or awkward? Inconvenient is more formal than awkward and can suggest a greater degree of inconvenience. * inconvenient比awkward正式,且表示不便的程度更大。


 See also the entries for decent, fine and good 2 另见decent条、fine条和good条第 2义adequate ♦︎ not bad ♦︎ reasonable ♦︎ all right ♦︎ acceptableThese words all describe sth that is good enough, but not very good. 这些词均表示还算好的、过得去的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to be adequate / not bad / reasonable / all right / acceptable for sb / sthan adequate / a reasonable / an acceptable level / degree / standard of sthadequate / reasonable / acceptable provision for sb / sthjust (about) adequate / all right / acceptablebarely / scarcely adequate / acceptable adequate / /ˈædɪkwət/ / enough in quantity or good enough in quality for a particular purpose or need 足够的;合格的;合乎需要的They'll need an adequate supply of hot water.他们需要有充足的热水。The room was small but adequate.房间虽小但够用。The space available is not adequate for our needs.现有的空间不能满足我们的需要。The training given should be adequate to meet the future needs of the industry.所提供的培训应该能够满足该行业未来的需要。OPP inadequate inadequate adequately


Are you adequately insured?你买够保险了吗?
not ˈbad (informal, spoken) fairly good; better than you expected 还不错;比预料的好'How are you?' 'Not too bad.'“你怎么样?”“还行。”That wasn't bad for a first attempt.第一次尝试,还算不错。 reasonable fairly good, but not very good 不错的;还算好的Most people here have a reasonable standard of living.这里大部分人生活水平还不错。The hotel was reasonable, I suppose.我想这家酒店还可以吧。 see also reasonably quite 1 all ˈright [not before noun] only just good enough 尚可;还算可以Your work is all right, but you could do better.你的工作还算可以,但你可以干得更好。 acceptable not very good, but good enough 还可以的;尚可的The food was acceptable, but no more.食物只能说还可以。


an unfortunate person 不幸的人an unfortunate situation 令人遗憾的状况unfortunate ♦︎ pity ♦︎ a shame ♦︎ pathetic ♦︎ too bad ♦︎ sad ♦︎ sorry ♦︎ feeble ♦︎ regrettableThese words all describe things that are weak, useless or not successful, or that make you feel disappointed. 这些词均表示不奏效的、可怜的、令人遗憾的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配It's a pity / a shame / too bad about sb / sth.unfortunate / a pity / a shame / pathetic / too bad / regrettable that...an unfortunate / a pathetic / a sad / a sorry sight / story / state (of affairs)an unfortunate / a sad / a sorry affair / business / episode / saga / tale / plightrather unfortunate / a pity / a shame / pathetic / feeble / regrettablepretty / a bit / a little unfortunate / pathetic / feeblevery unfortunate / feeble / regrettablea great / real / terrible pity / shameWhat a pity / shame. unfortunate that you wish had not happened or had happened differently; embarrassing and/or offensive 令人遗憾的;可惜的;令人尴尬的;不适当的It was unfortunate that he couldn't speak English.可惜他不会讲英语。It was an unfortunate choice of words.那是一种不恰当的措辞。OPP fortunate timely unfortunately


Unfortunately I won't be able to attend the meeting.真可惜我不能参加这次会议。


( usually 通常作 a pity) [singular] (especially spoken) used to say that sth is a cause for feeling sad or disappointed 令人惋惜的事;让人遗憾的事It's a pity that you can't stay longer.你不能再多停留些时间,真是遗憾。'I've lost it!' 'Oh, what a pity.'“我把东西弄丢了!”“哎呀,真可惜。”It seems a pity to waste this food.浪费这些食物真可惜。Oh, that's a pity.唉,那可真遗憾。It would be a great pity if you gave up now.你要是现在放弃,那就太可惜了。


( usually 通常作 a shame) [singular] (rather informal, especially spoken) used to say that sth is a cause for feeling sad or disappointed 令人惋惜的事;让人遗憾的事It's such a shame that she wasn't here to see it.真可惜她不能在这儿亲眼看看。What a shame they couldn't come.他们不能来了,真是遗憾。It would be a crying shame (= a great shame) to let all that talent go to waste.听任那样的天赋浪费掉,该多可惜。NOTE 辨析 Pity or shame?Both pity and shame are more frequent in spoken than written English, but shame is far more frequent in spoken English than pity. * pity和shame用于口语均多于书面语,但shame用于口语较pity多得多。
pathetic / /pəˈθetɪk/ / (informal, disapproving) (of a person or their attempt to do sth) weak, useless or not successful, often in a way that makes other people not respect them (人或其做某事的尝试)无力的,无效的,不成功的(常导致他人瞧不起)That was an absolutely pathetic excuse.那是个极其牵强的借口。I know it sounds pathetic, but I can't ride a bike.我知道这听上去显得我很不济,但我真不会骑自行车。You're pathetic!你真窝囊! pathetically


His attempt to fool the guard was pathetically unconvincing.他企图欺骗门卫,但毫不足信。
too bad


(informal, spoken) a shame; a pity 遗憾;可惜Too bad every day can't be as good as this.真可惜不是每一天都像今天这么好。 Too bad is often used ironically to say 'bad luck' or 'it's a shame' when you do not really mean it. * too bad常用作反语,等于说bad luck或It's a shame,实际上并无同情之意 (ironic) If sometimes they're the wrong decisions, too bad.如果碰巧这些决定是错误的,那可就太不幸了。
sad [only before noun] (often disapproving) deserving or inviting criticism; making you feel pity 该受批评的;招致责难的;令人遗憾的This sad state of affairs does not have to continue.这种糟糕的局面不必继续下去。It's a sad fact that many of those killed were children.让人难以接受的是遇难者中很多是孩子。 sadly


If you think I'm going to help you again, you're sadly mistaken.你要是以为我还会再帮你,那你就大错特错了。
sorry [only before noun] making you feel pity or disapproval 悲惨的;破败的;可怜的The business is in a sorry state.公司处境堪忧。They were a sorry sight when they eventually got off the boat.他们最终从船上下来,一副惨兮兮的样子。NOTE 辨析 Sad or sorry?In many cases you can use either word. 在许多情况下这两个词可以通用a sad / sorry affair / business / episode / story / tale / saga / plight / sight糟糕的事情/生意/插曲;悲惨的小说/故事;一连串悲惨的事件;苦境;惨象However, sorry is used more often when you feel pity, and sad is used more often when you feel disapproval. Sad, but not sorry, is often used with words which refer to a sign that sth exists in a society or system: truth, reality, fact, comment, example, indictment, reflection and reminder. 不过,sorry较常表示令人感到惋惜的,sad较常表示令人不满的。sad常与反映某事物存在于某一社会或制度的词连用,如truth、reality、fact、comment、example、indictment、reflection和reminder,但sorry不能这样用。 feeble (of a person or their attempt to do sth) weak, useless or not successful (人或其做某事的尝试)无力的,无效的,不成功的He told a few feeble jokes.他讲了几个干巴巴的笑话。Don't be so feeble! Tell her you don't want to go.别那么软弱!告诉她你不想去。NOTE 辨析 Pathetic or feeble? Pathetic is more informal than feeble and can show stronger disapproval or contempt (= lack of respect). * pathetic较feeble非正式,可表示更强烈的反对或蔑视。 regrettable (formal) that you are sorry about and wish had not happened 令人惋惜的;可惜的;令人遗憾的It is regrettable that the police were not informed sooner.遗憾的是没有早些报警。The loss of jobs is highly regrettable.失去工作非常令人遗憾。 regrettably


Regrettably, crime has been increasing in this area.令人遗憾的是这一地区的犯罪率在不断上升。
NOTE 辨析 Unfortunate or regrettable?Both unfortunate and regrettable can be used to describe things that happen and collocates include incident, occurrence, error, consequence and tendency. However, sth that is regrettable is usually considered to have been at least partly within sb's control: the use of regrettable suggests that sb wishes to accept some blame, or blame sb else. Sth that is unfortunate is more often considered to be the result of bad luck. * unfortunate和regrettable均可描述发生之事,搭配词有incident、occurrence、error、consequence和tendency。不过,regrettable所描述之事通常被视为至少部分在某人的控制之内,意味着某人愿意为此受责,或想责怪他人。unfortunate所描述之事较常被视为运气不好所致。




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