

单词 ban
ban noun
ban verb


ban ♦︎ sanction ♦︎ boycott ♦︎ embargo ♦︎ prohibition ♦︎ moratorium ♦︎ veto ♦︎ tabooThese are all words for a rule, order or custom which does not allow people to do sth or for the act of stopping sth from being done. 这些词均表示禁令、约束、禁忌。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a ban / sanctions / a boycott / an embargo / a prohibition / a veto / a moratorium / a taboo on sb / stha ban / sanctions / a boycott / an embargo / a prohibition / a veto / a taboo against sb / stha total ban / boycott / embargo / prohibition / moratorium(an) international ban / sanctions / boycott / embargo / moratorium(a) trade ban / sanctions / boycott / embargo(an) economic sanctions / boycott / embargoto impose a ban / sanctions / a boycott / an embargo / a prohibition / a moratorium / a vetoto call for / introduce a ban / sanctions / a boycott / a prohibition / a moratoriumto enforce / tighten / ease a ban / sanctions / an embargoto comply with a ban / sanctions / a prohibitionto break a ban / sanctions / an embargo / a tabooto lift a ban / sanctions / a boycott / an embargo / a prohibition / a vetoa ban / sanctions / an embargo come / comes into force ban [countable] an official rule that says that sth is not allowed; the fact of sb being officially stopped from doing sth for a period of time as a punishment 禁令;(作为惩罚的)禁止There is to be a total ban on smoking in the office.办公室将彻底禁止吸烟。The students took to the streets, defying a ban on political gatherings.学生违抗禁止政治集会的命令,走上街头。The sprinter received a lengthy ban for failing a drugs test.这名短跑运动员未通过药检,遭到长时间禁赛。He faces a possible life ban from international football.他可能面临终身禁止参加国际足球赛事。 sanction / /ˈsæŋkʃn/ / [countable, usually plural] an official order that limits trade or contact with a particular country, in order to make it do sth, such as obeying international law 制裁Trade sanctions were imposed against any country that refused to sign the agreement.凡拒签该协议的国家均受到了贸易制裁。 boycott / /ˈbɔɪkɒt; NAmE ˈbɔɪkɑːt/ [countable] the act of refusing to buy, use or take part in sth as a way of protesting (对某事物的)抵制Opposition groups declared a boycott of the elections.反对派宣布抵制选举。The group is calling for a consumer boycott of the company's products.该团体正号召消费者抵制那家公司的产品。 see also boycott avoid verb embargo /ɪmˈbɑːgəʊ; NAmE ɪmˈbɑːrgoʊ/ [countable] an official order that forbids trade with another country, sometimes of a particular type of goods (对特定种类货物的)贸易禁令;禁运There is a strict embargo on oil imports.严禁进口石油产品。We knew the arms embargo was being broken.我们知道武器禁运遭到了破坏。 prohibition /ˌprəʊɪˈbɪʃn; NAmE ˌproʊəˈbɪʃn/ [uncountable, countable] the act of stopping sth being done or used, especially by law; a law or rule that says that sth is not allowed (尤指通过法律的)禁止,阻止;禁令The RSPB has called for the prohibition of all imports of wild birds.皇家鸟类保护协会已呼吁禁止进口一切野生雀鸟。 moratorium /ˌmɒrəˈtɔːriəm; NAmE ˌmɔːrəˈtɔːriəm/ (plural moratoriums or moratoria) [countable] an official agreement that an activity must stop for a period of time (经官方同意的)暂停,中止The convention called for a two-year moratorium on commercial whaling.该公约要求两年内暂停商业捕鲸活动。 veto /ˈviːtəʊ; NAmE ˈviːtoʊ/ (plural vetoes) [countable] an occasion when sb uses their right to refuse to allow sth to be done 拒绝认可;禁止For months there was a veto on employing new staff.有好几个月禁止雇用新员工。 see also veto refusal noun , veto refuse verb taboo /təˈbuː/ / [countable] a cultural or religious custom that does not allow people to do, use or talk about a particular thing as people find it offensive or embarrassing; a general agreement not to do or talk about sth (文化或宗教习俗方面的)禁忌,戒律;避讳Death is one of the great taboos in our culture.在我们的文化中,“死亡”是一大忌。There is still a taboo on the subject in our family.这个话题在我们家里仍然讳莫如深。 see also taboo forbidden adj.


 See also the entry for exclude 2 另见exclude条第2义ban ♦︎ prohibit ♦︎ bar ♦︎ forbid ♦︎ outlawThese words all mean to order sb to stop doing sth or to stop sth being done, especially officially or by law. 这些词均表示明令禁止或依法取缔。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to ban / prohibit / bar sb from sthto ban / prohibit / bar / forbid sb from doing sthto ban / prohibit / forbid / outlaw the practice / use / sale of sthto ban / prohibit the import / export of sthto be effectively banned / prohibited / barred / forbidden / outlawedto be officially banned / prohibitedto be strictly prohibited / forbidden ban (-nn-) [transitive] to officially stop sth from being done or used; to order sb not to do sth, go somewhere, etc. 明令禁止;禁止做某事(或去某处等)There are plans to ban smoking in public places.计划在公共场所禁烟。He claimed that the government had tried to ban the book.他声称政府曾试图查禁此书。He was banned from the meeting.他被禁止出席会议。The sprinter has been banned for life after failing a drugs test.这名短跑运动员没能通过药检,已被终身禁赛。OPP permit allow see also banned forbidden prohibit / /prəˈhɪbɪt, NAmE also proʊˈhɪbɪt/ [transitive, often passive] (formal) to stop sth from being done, especially by law (尤指以法令)禁止The convention strictly prohibits the dumping of waste at sea.公约严禁向海里倾倒废物。The import of these products is prohibited by law.法律禁止进口这些产品。OPP permit , authorize allow see also prohibited forbidden bar (-rr-) [transitive] (rather formal) (of a rule or law) to ban or prevent sb from doing sth (以法令)禁止,阻止The curfew has effectively barred workers from travelling across the city to their jobs.宵禁令有效地阻止了工人进出城区上班。Certain activities are still barred to women.某些活动仍将女性拒诸门外。 forbid /fəˈbɪd; NAmE fərˈbɪd/ (forbade, forbidden) [transitive] (rather formal) to order sb not to do sth; to order that sth must not be done 禁止;不准You are all forbidden to leave.你们都不准离开。Her father forbade the marriage.她的父亲不允许这桩婚事。Smoking is strictly forbidden.严禁吸烟。OPP allow , permit allow see also forbidden forbidden outlaw /ˈaʊtlɔː/ / [transitive] to forbid sth by law 依法禁止There are plans to outlaw the carrying of knives.有一些禁止携带刀具的方案。He was found to be a member of the outlawed rebel movement.他被发现是非法叛乱活动的成员。




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