

单词 base
base verb
base noun
basis (a philosophical base) bottom (the base of a statue) office1 (The company has its base in New York.)
base adj.


base ♦︎ locate ♦︎ be situated ♦︎ siteThese words all mean to build or put sth in a particular place. 这些词均表示设立于或坐落于某处。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to be based / located / situated / sited in / at / close to sthto be based / located / situated / sited between A and Bconveniently based / located / situated / sitedstrategically located / situated / sitedcentrally located / situated base be based [transitive, often passive] to use a particular city, country or region as the main place for sth such as a business; to stay in a particular place in order to be able to do sth in the local area, such as working or taking a holiday 把(总部等)设在;以⋯为据点She works for a company based in Chicago.她为一家总部设在芝加哥的公司工作。a Chicago-based company一家总部设在芝加哥的公司We're going to base ourselves in Tokyo and make trips from there.我们将以东京为大本营到各地旅行。 base


[countable] The town is an ideal base for touring the area.这个镇是到该地区旅游观光的理想据点。
locate be located [transitive, often passive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) (rather formal, especially written) to put or build sth in a particular place; to exist or have been built in a particular place 把⋯安置在(或建造于);位于;坐落在They located their headquarters in Paris.他们把总部设在巴黎。The offices are conveniently located just a few minutes from the main station.办事处所处的位置很方便,离总站仅几分钟的路程。Especially in American English, locate [intransitive] also means to start a business in a particular place. 尤其在美式英语中,locate作不及物动词也表示在特定的地方创办企业There are tax breaks for businesses that locate in rural areas.到农村地区创办企业享有税收减免。 see also location place noun 1 , relocate leave verb 2 be situated [transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) (formal) to exist or have been built in a particular place or position 位于;坐落在My bedroom was situated on the top floor of the house.我的卧室在房子的顶层。 site be sited [transitive, often passive] (rather formal) (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to build sth in a particular place or position 使坐落在;为⋯选址There was a meeting to discuss the siting of the new school.开过一次会,讨论新学校选址的问题。The castle is magnificently sited high up on a cliff.城堡巍然高踞崖顶。 see also site place noun 1 NOTE 辨析 Located, situated or sited? Located and situated can both be used to talk about where sth is, including sth such as a natural feature that has always been there or has not been placed there by people. Sited is normally only used to describe sth that people have built or placed in a particular position, especially a particular type of building such as a factory, school or hospital. * located和situated均可表示所处的位置,包括自然景观一直所处而非人为设置的位置。sited一般只用来表示人工建筑或人为设置的位置,尤其是工厂、学校、医院等特定种类建筑的位置Goose Island is located / situated in the Chicago River.古斯岛位于芝加哥河上。Goose Island is sited in the Chicago River.


basis ♦︎ foundation ♦︎ baseThese are all words for the ideas or facts that sth is based on. 这些词均表示基础、根据。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a / the basis / foundation / base of / for stha / an excellent / firm / good / secure / solid / sound / strong / weak basis / foundation / basea / an ideological / intellectual / philosophical / theoretical / economic basis / foundation / baseto have sth as / establish / use sth as a / the basis / foundation / base for / of sthto form the basis / foundation / base of sthto give sb / provide (sb with) a / the basis / foundation / baseto have no basis / foundation in factto be without basis / foundation basis [countable, usually singular] a principle, idea or fact that supports sth and that it can develop from 基础;基点;根据The basis of a good marriage is trust.美满婚姻的基础是信赖。This article will form the basis for our discussion.这篇文章将作为我们讨论的基点。This theory seems to have no basis in fact.这一理论似乎没有事实根据。 foundation [countable, usually singular] a principle, idea or fact that supports sth and that it develops from 基础;基本原理;根据Respect and friendship provide a solid foundation for marriage.尊重和友爱是婚姻的牢固基础。The rumour is totally without foundation (= is not based on any facts).这谣传毫无事实根据。NOTE 辨析 Basis or foundation? Foundation is often used to talk about larger or more important things than basis. 与basis相比,foundation常用以指更大或更重要的基础He laid the foundation of Japan's modern economy.他奠定了日本现代经济的基础。Worship is the foundation of all the Church's activities.敬拜是基督教会所有活动的基础。These figures formed the basis of their pay claim.这些数字是他们要求提高工资的根据。The research will provide a basis for nature conservation.该研究将为自然保护提供根据。 base [countable, usually singular] an idea, fact or situation from which sth is developed 根据;出发点She used her family's history as a base for her novel.她以她的家族史作为小说的素材。His arguments have a sound economic base.他的论点有充分的经济上的根据。


bottom ♦︎ base ♦︎ foundation ♦︎ footThese are all words for the lowest part of sth. 这些词均表示底部、最下部。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配at / near / towards the bottom / base / foot of sthon the bottom / base of sth(a) firm / solid / strong base / foundationsto have a bottom / a base / foundations bottom [countable, usually singular] the lowest part of sth 底部;最下部Footnotes are given at the bottom of each page.脚注附于每页的下端。The wind blew through gaps at the top and bottom of the door.风从门顶部和底部的缝隙吹进来了。I waited for them at the bottom of the hill.我在山脚下等他们。The book I want is right at the bottom (= of the pile).我想要的书就压在那堆书的底层。 OPP top top base [countable, usually singular] the lowest part of sth, especially the part or surface on which it rests or stands 根基;基底;底座The lamp has a heavy base.这盏灯的底座很沉。He felt a sharp pain at the base of his spine.他感到脊柱末端一阵剧痛。Four bronze lions stand at the base of the column.柱基上立着四只青铜狮子。 foundation [countable, usually plural] a layer of bricks, concrete, etc. that forms the solid underground base of a building 地基;房基;基础The builders are now beginning to lay the foundations of the new school.建筑工人正开始给新校舍打地基。The explosion shook the foundations of the houses nearby.爆炸震撼了附近房屋的地基。 foot [singular] the lowest part of sth 底部;最下部At the foot of the stairs she turned to face him.她在楼梯口转过身面对他。NOTE 辨析 Bottom or foot? Foot is used to talk about a limited number of things: it is used most often with tree, hill, mountain, steps, stairs and page. Bottom can be used to talk about a much wider range of things. Foot is generally used in more literary contexts. * foot用以指有限的几样事物,最常与tree、hill、mountain、steps、stairs和page连用。bottom适用的范围要广得多。foot一般用于文学性较强的语境中。


Are you going to the office today? 你今天去办公室吗?Come into my office. 到我的办公室来。office ♦︎ headquarters ♦︎ work ♦︎ workplace ♦︎ baseThese are all words for a room, set of rooms or building where people work. 这些词均表示人们工作的办公室、办公楼、工作场所。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配(a / an) permanent / temporary / main / local / regional / administrative office / headquarters / base(a) district / national / international / council / government / campaign office / headquarters(a / an) army / military / enemy / rebel / operational / business headquarters / baseto go to / come to / arrive at / get to / leave the office / headquarters / workto have / establish / set up an office / headquarters / a base office [countable] a room, set of rooms or building where people work, usually sitting at desks 办公室;办公楼The company is moving to new offices on the other side of town.公司要迁往城另一边的新办公楼。Are you going to the office today?你今天去办公室吗?We ought to inform head office.我们应该通知总部。 headquarters [countable, uncountable + singular or plural verb] a place from which an organization or military operation is controlled; the people who work there 总部;总公司;大本营;司令部Several companies have their headquarters in the area.有几家公司总部设在这个地区。I'm now based at headquarters.我目前在总公司工作。Headquarters in Dublin have agreed.都柏林总部已经同意了。 Headquarters is often abbreviated to HQ. * headquarters常缩写为HQThere's a general message to all staff from HQ.有一条总部发给全体员工的一般信息。 work [uncountable] (used without the 不与the连用) the place where you do your job 工作地点;工作单位;工作场所I go to work at 8 o'clock.我8点钟去上班。The new legislation concerns health and safety at work.这项新法规涉及工作场所的健康与安全。Her friends from work came to see her in the hospital.她工作单位的朋友来医院看望她。 see also work work noun 2 workplace /ˈwɜːkpleɪs; NAmE ˈwɜːrkpleɪs/ [countable] (especially business 尤用于商业 or journalism 新闻) the office, factory, etc. where people work 工作场所The introduction of new technology into the workplace has affected everyone in some way.把新技术引进到工作场所在某程度上已影响了每个人。These safety standards apply to all workplaces.这些安全标准适用于所有工作场所。Workplace is often used in the phrase the workplace. It is mostly used in broadcasting, journalism, and in fairly formal work contexts. * workplace常用在短语the workplace中,主要用于广播节目、新闻报道和颇为正式的工作语境中。 base [countable] the main place where a business operates from 总部;大本营The company has its base in New York, and branch offices all over the world.公司总部设在纽约,分支遍布全世界。Base is a fairly general term, and can also be used to talk about the main place where a person lives or stays. * base含义很广,亦可指某人居住或逗留的主要地点。


evil ♦︎ wicked ♦︎ bad ♦︎ dark ♦︎ satanic ♦︎ base ♦︎ demonic ♦︎ sinfulThese words all describe cruel or morally bad people or behaviour. 这些词均表示恶毒的、邪恶的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配an evil / a wicked / a bad / a sinful man / woman / person / life / act / thoughtan evil / a wicked / a bad characteran evil / a wicked / a base / a sinful creaturean evil / a wicked demona wicked / bad childan evil / a wicked / a bad / a dark / a sinful deedan evil / a wicked crimean evil / a bad / a satanic influencean evil / a bad omenevil / dark / demonic forces / powers evil (of people or actions) very bad; showing great enjoyment in hurting or killing others; connected with the Devil (人或行为)邪恶的;恶毒的;恶魔的He gave an evil laugh.他邪恶地大笑。In his speech he described the evil effects of racism.他在演讲中描述了种族主义的恶劣影响。It was an ancient charm to ward off evil spirits.这是古代驱赶邪灵的一种做法。OPP good good 5 wicked (of people or actions) very bad; showing great enjoyment in being bad and hurting others (人或行为)邪恶的;恶毒的She despised herself for being selfish, even wicked.她因自私甚至邪恶而鄙视自己。That was a wicked thing to do!那可是伤天害理的事!The wicked witch casts a spell on the princess.邪恶的女巫给公主施了魔咒。 OPP good good 5 NOTE 辨析 Evil or wicked?These are both very strong words to describe people and actions that are very bad: they should be used with great care. Evil is stronger than wicked. Wickedness is bad behaviour, caused by sb's pleasure in being bad, and it is basically a human characteristic. Evil is a force outside a person that makes them do bad things, and is often connected with the Devil. A wicked person enjoys being bad and hurting other people's feelings. An evil person enjoys hurting people physically and does not even consider their feelings. Children, witches and stepmothers are wicked, especially in children's stories. Spirits, forces, monsters, killers and masterminds are evil, especially in stories for adults and popular news reports. 这两个词的语气都很强烈,应慎用。evil比wicked语气更强。wickedness指恶行,由那些本性就是以作恶为乐的人所为,与人的劣根性有关。evil指驱使人去做坏事的外部力量,常与恶魔有关。wicked指喜欢做坏事并伤害他人感情,evil指喜欢伤害他人身体而根本不考虑他们的感受。wicked可描述人,搭配的词有child、witch和stepmother,尤见于童话故事;evil可搭配的词有spirit、force、monster、killer和mastermind,尤见于成人小说和大众新闻。 bad criminal or morally unacceptable 犯罪的;不道德的The hero gets to shoot all the bad guys.主人公得以击毙所有坏蛋。He said I must have done something bad to deserve it.他说我肯定是罪有应得。 OPP good good 5 dark evil or frightening 邪恶的;阴险的;凶恶的There was a darker side to his nature.他本性中有阴险的一面。There are dark forces at work here.这里有邪恶力量作祟。 satanic ( Satanic) /səˈtænɪk, NAmE also seɪˈtænɪk/ connected with the worship of the Devil 崇拜撒旦的There was no evidence of satanic rituals.没有证据表明有人组织崇拜撒旦的仪式。 base (formal) not having moral principles or rules 卑鄙的;不道德的He acted from base motives.他的行为动机卑鄙。 demonic /diˈmɒnɪk; NAmE diˈmɑːnɪk/ connected with, or like, an evil spirit 恶魔的;魔鬼般的This was a society in which demonic possession was greatly feared.在这个社会里人们都对魔鬼附身怀有极大的恐惧。 sinful (formal) morally wrong; against the rules of a religion 不道德的;违背教义的;有罪的He tried to keep his sinful thoughts to himself.他想方设法不让别人知晓他那些邪恶的想法。




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