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noble adj. ⇨ aristocratic (a noble family) ⇨ worthy (a noble cause)noble noun ⇨ lord aristocratic adjective aristocratic ♦︎ noble ♦︎ posh ♦︎ upper classThese words all describe people or things which belong to or are typical of a high social class. 这些词均表示贵族的、上流社会的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆an aristocratic / a noble / an upper-class family◆an aristocratic / a noble name / landowner◆aristocratic / noble origins / blood / connections◆an aristocratic / upper-class background◆aristocratic / upper-class society / culture◆an aristocratic / a posh / an upper-class voice◆a posh / an upper-class person / accent■ aristocratic /ˌærɪstəˈkrætɪk; NAmE əˌrɪstəˈkrætɪk/ belonging to or typical of the aristocracy (= people born in the highest social class who have special titles) 贵族的◆The memoir provided a revealing glimpse of aristocratic society.那本回忆录让人们窥见贵族社会真实的一面。◆They were impressed by his accent and aristocratic manner.他的口音和高贵的举止给他们留下深刻的印象。 see also the aristocracy ⇨ elite , aristocrat ⇨ lord ■ noble [usually before noun] (rather formal) belonging to the nobility (= people born in the highest social class who have special titles) 贵族的;高贵的◆He was a young man of noble birth.他是个出身高贵的年轻人。 see also the nobility ⇨ elite , noble , nobleman ⇨ lord NOTE 辨析 Aristocratic or noble?In this meaning noble is only used to talk about the family that sb was born into. Aristocratic can also be used to talk about families but more often it is used in a wider sense to talk about the society, culture, manners and appearance of people from such families; you can talk about aristocratic society/culture or sb's aristocratic manner/voice/face/nose but not ◆noble society/culture or sb's ◆noble manner/voice/face/nose 表达此义时,noble仅用来指家庭出身。aristocratic也可以指家庭出身,但是其意义更宽泛,常用来指贵族出身的人的社会圈子、文化、举止和外表;常用搭配有aristocratic society/culture(贵族社会/文化)和aristocratic manner/voice/face/nose(高贵的举止/嗓音/脸/鼻子)。不说noble society/culture,也不说noble manner/voice/face/nose。■ posh (BrE, rather informal, sometimes disapproving) typical of or used by people who belong to a high social class 上流社会的;上等人的◆Her parents are very posh.她的父母很高贵。◆They pay for their children to go to a posh school.他们花钱让子女上贵族学校。OPP common ⇨ working class ▸ posh adverb ◆She was trying to talk posh.她努力使自己谈吐高雅。■ ˌupper ˈclass belonging to or typical of a high social class 上流社会的;上等阶层的◆Her family is very upper class.她家世显赫。◆He was irritated by Blanche's upper-class accent.他被布兰奇的上流社会腔调激怒了。 see also middle class ⇨ middle class adj. , working class ⇨ working class , the upper class ⇨ elite worthy adjective worthy ♦︎ fine ♦︎ noble ♦︎ admirable ♦︎ deserving ♦︎ honourable ♦︎ creditableThese words all describe sb/sth that deserves admiration and respect. 这些词均表示值得尊敬和敬仰的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to be worthy / deserving of sth◆a worthy / a fine / a noble / an admirable man / woman◆a worthy / a fine / a noble / an admirable / a creditable effort◆a worthy / a fine / a noble / a deserving / an honourable cause◆worthy / fine / noble ideals / principles◆fine / noble / admirable work◆a fine / an admirable / a creditable performance■ worthy / /ˈwɜːði; NAmE ˈwɜːrði/ (formal, often approving) deserving sth such as respect, attention or admiration 值得尊敬的;值得注意的;值得敬仰的◆A number of the report's findings are worthy of note.这份报告里有些调查结果值得注意。◆Several of our members are worthy of particular mention.我们当中有几位成员特别值得一提。◆He felt he was not worthy of her (= that he did not deserve her love).他觉得自己配不上她。◆In Mason we have a worthy new champion (= one who deserved to win).在梅森队,我们有一位当之无愧的新任冠军。◆The money we raise will be going to a very worthy cause.我们筹集的钱款将用于非常崇高的事业。◆He's a very worthy man, I suppose, but he's very dull.要我说,他是个非常正派的人,就是过于呆板了。OPP unworthy ⓘ A person or thing that is unworthy of sth does not have the necessary qualities to deserve sth, especially respect. * unworthy指不配得到某物,尤指不值得尊敬◆He considered himself unworthy of the honour they had bestowed on him.他认为自己不配得到大家赋予他的荣誉。 ■ fine [only before noun] (rather formal, approving) having qualities that deserve respect and admiration, for example honesty and professionalism (因诚实和专业素养等)值得敬仰的◆He was a fine man and a fine soldier (= respected both as a man and as a soldier).他是个优秀的男人,也是杰出的士兵。◆It was a fine example of leadership.这是领导艺术的光辉典范。■ noble /ˈnəʊbl; NAmE ˈnoʊbl/ (rather formal, approving) having or involving qualities that people admire, for example courage, honesty and care for others 崇高的,品质高尚的(如具有勇气、诚实和关心他人等品质)◆She died in a noble cause.她为了崇高的事业而牺牲。◆It was very noble of you to go so far to take him home.去那么远的地方把他送回家,你真伟大。▸ nobly adverb ◆They acted generously and nobly.他们的行为慷慨大度。■ admirable /ˈædmərəbl/ / (formal, approving) having qualities that you admire and respect 可钦佩的;值得赞赏的;令人羡慕的◆Her dedication to her work is admirable.她对工作的奉献精神令人钦佩。◆He made his point with admirable clarity.他阐述观点明确,值得赞赏。▸ admirably adverb ◆They cope admirably with the many demands put upon them.他们面对多种要求应对自如,值得称赞。■ deserving / /dɪˈzɜːvɪŋ; NAmE dɪˈzɜːrvɪŋ/ (formal) that deserves help, support or attention 值得帮助(或支持、注意)的◆Only the most deserving cases ever get any state help.只有最需要帮助的情况才会得到国家的帮助。◆A distinction was made between the deserving and the undeserving poor.应得到帮助和不应得到帮助的穷人被区分开。OPP undeserving ⓘ A person or thing that is undeserving does not deserve to have or receive sth. * undeserving意为不应得到某物◆He was undeserving of her affections.他不配得到她的爱。 ■ honourable (BrE) (NAmE honorable) /ˈɒnərəbl; NAmE ˈɑːnərəbl/ deserving respect; not bringing any shame 可敬的;保护声誉(不受玷污)的◆She had a long and honourable career in government.她从政时间长,且名声清白。◆The team managed an honourable 2-2 draw.该队奋力打成了2:2平,保住了面子。OPP dishonourable ⇨ despicable see also honour ⇨ reputation NOTE 辨析 Fine, noble, admirable or honourable? Noble is the strongest of these words, used of actions like dying for your country. Fine suggests sb who does their duty honestly and well. Admirable often describes less personal qualities such as balance or clarity. Honourable in this meaning is a slightly less positive word: it is often used to say that sb has nothing to be ashamed of, especially when they have done sth fairly good in difficult circumstances. You would not talk about ◆a fine/noble/admirable 2-2 draw A draw is not good enough, and a sports result is not important enough to be noble or admirable, although you might talk about a fine win. You can talk about a fine/noble/admirable man/woman in this meaning; but an honourable man/woman means one who has high moral standards. * noble在这些词中语气最强,用于描述为国捐躯等壮烈行为。fine意味着诚实完好地履行了责任。admirable常修饰一些非个人的品质,如balance或clarity。表达此义时,honourable正面意义略弱,常用于表示无愧于心,尤指在困境中表现尚可。不说a fine/noble/admirable 2-2 draw,因为平局非最佳结果,而且竞技结果的重要性也不足以用noble或admirable形容,尽管可以说a fine win。表达此义时,可以说a fine/noble/admirable man/woman,但是an honourable man/woman指品行高尚的人。 see also honourable ⇨ respectable ■ creditable /ˈkredɪtəbl/ / (formal) of a fairly good standard, and deserving praise or approval 值得赞扬的;应当认可的◆The chairman welcomed the company's creditable performance in the previous year.董事长对公司上一年的良好业绩表示赞赏。◆Although they struggled, they ended up coming a creditable second (= second in a race or competition).虽然他们努力了,但最终获得了聊胜于无的第二名。ⓘ Creditable is used more about achievements than efforts. Typical collocates are performance, result, achievement and showing. It describes achievements of a standard that is fairly high but not excellent. * creditable多用于描述成绩而非付出的努力,常见搭配词有performance、result、achievement和showing。creditable形容成绩良好但未达优秀。▸ creditably adverb ◆All three players performed creditably.三名球员的表现都不错。 lord noun lord ♦︎ peer ♦︎ noble ♦︎ aristocrat ♦︎ nobleman ♦︎ ladyThese are all words for a person of a high social class, especially sb with a special title. 这些词均表示社会地位高的人,尤指有特殊头衔的人。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆a great / wealthy lord / noble / aristocrat / nobleman / lady◆a rich lord / aristocrat / lady◆a powerful lord / noble◆a local lord / noble / aristocrat / nobleman◆a hereditary lord / peer / noble◆a / an English / Scottish / Irish lord / peer / noble / aristocrat / nobleman◆a Hungarian / French / German, etc. noble / aristocrat / nobleman◆to become a lord / peer■ lord [countable](in Britain) a man of a high social rank, especially sb with a special title; a man who has been given the title of 'lord' and the right to sit and vote in the House of Lords (= the upper house of the British parliament) (尤指英国有头衔的男性)贵族;勋爵◆She's married to a lord.她嫁给了一个贵族。◆He was made a peer and took the title Lord Northcliffe.他被封为贵族,头衔是诺思克利夫勋爵。■ peer [countable](in Britain) a person of a high social rank who has a special title; a person who has been given the title of 'lord' or 'lady,' and the right to sit and vote in the House of Lords (英国)贵族成员;贵族;女贵族◆Two-thirds of the Lords were hereditary peers who succeeded to their title automatically.上议院有三分之二的议员为自动继承爵位的世袭贵族。◆The former athlete and MP Sebastian Coe was created a life peer (= a title which cannot be passed to a son) in 2000 as Baron Coe of Ranmore.前运动员和议员塞巴斯蒂安•科于2000年被封为终身贵族,其爵位是兰莫尔的科男爵。NOTE 辨析 Lord and peer Lord and peer can both be used to refer to a person in Britain who has a special title, including Duke, Marquess, Earl, Viscount or Baron. Some of these titles are inherited (= passed from father to son) and some are given to a person by the Queen for service to the country, for example in politics or business. A peer can use the title Lord or Lady before their name and, until recently, they could all sit in the House of Lords (= the upper house of the British parliament). Since 1999 most hereditary peers (= those who inherited their titles) have lost this right, but life peers (= who were given their titles by the Queen, but cannot pass them on) still have it. A peer can be either a man or a woman. When people talk about lords as a group, for example in the House of Lords, this often includes both men and women. * lord和peer在英国都可指有爵位的人,包括公爵、侯爵、伯爵、子爵或男爵。这些爵位有一些是世袭的,另一些则是因为对国家的政商等方面有贡献而由女王加封的。peer的姓名前面可以加Lord或Lady作为称呼,而且以前所有的peer都可以担任上议院议员,但现在不是这样了。自从1999年起,大多数世袭贵族都失去了这种权利,而终身贵族却依然享有这种权利。peer可以是男性或女性;lords用于指一个群体时,例如House of Lords(上议院),常包括男女贵族在内。■ noble [countable](especially in some European countries in the past) a person who comes from a family of high social rank, especially sb who has a special title (尤指旧时某些欧洲国家的)出身高贵的人,贵族成员◆The regime was supported by a group of powerful nobles.这个政权得到一群权贵的支持。 see also nobility ⇨ elite , noble ⇨ aristocratic ■ aristocrat /ˈærɪstəkræt; NAmE əˈrɪstəkræt/ [countable](especially in some European countries) a person who comes from a family of high social rank, especially sb who has a special title (尤指某些欧洲国家的)贵族◆At that time, diplomatic posts were filled by aristocrats.那时候,外交职务由贵族担任。◆He had the air of an aristocrat.他有贵族的派头。 see also aristocracy ⇨ elite , aristocratic ⇨ aristocratic ■ nobleman [countable](especially in some European countries in the past) a man who comes from a family of high social rank, especially sb who has a special title (尤指旧时某些欧洲国家的)出身高贵的人,贵族男成员◆He contemplated marrying his daughter to an English nobleman.他考虑把自己的女儿嫁给一位英国贵族。 see also noble ⇨ aristocratic NOTE 辨析 Noble, aristocrat or nobleman? Noble and nobleman are often used when talking about the political power which these people used to have; aristocrat places slightly more emphasis on the social importance of these people. In modern contexts it is more usual to talk about aristocrats. * noble和nobleman常用于谈论贵族过去所拥有的政治权力,aristocrat则稍侧重于强调这些人重要的社会地位。现代语境中更常用aristocrat。■ lady [countable](in Britain) a woman belonging to a high social class; a special title used by a woman of high social rank, or by a woman who has been made a peer and given the right to sit and vote in the House of Lords (英国)贵妇人,夫人,女士,小姐◆It is said that lords and ladies and royalty were entertained here.据说贵族和王室成员在这里接受款待。◆Lady Amos became a peer in 1997.阿莫斯夫人于1997年成为了贵族。 |