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notice verb ⇨ noticenotice noun ⇨ attention (bring sth to your notice) ⇨ poster (a notice on the board) ⇨ sign 2 (The notice read…) ⇨ warning (until further notice) ⇨ take no notice ⇨ ignore verb ⇨ give in/hand in your notice ⇨ leave verb 3notice verb ➡ See also the entries for ⇨ look verb 1 and ⇨ see 另见look动词词条第1义和see条notice ♦︎ note ♦︎ detect ♦︎ observe ♦︎ witness ♦︎ perceive ♦︎ take sth inThese words all mean to see sth, especially when you pay careful attention to it. 这些词均表示看到、注意到。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to notice / note / detect / observe / perceive that...◆to notice / note / detect / observe / perceive how / what / where / who...◆to notice / observe / witness sth happen / sb do sth◆to quickly notice / note / detect / take in sth◆to immediately / suddenly / soon notice / detect / perceive sth◆to just notice / note / observe sth■ notice [transitive, intransitive] (not usually used in the progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时) to see, hear or become aware of sb/sth; to pay attention to sb/sth 看(或听)到;意识到;注意;留意◆The first thing I noticed about the room was the smell.我首先注意到的是这房间里的气味。◆I couldn't help noticing that she was wearing a wig.我一眼就看出她戴着假发。◆I noticed them come into the room.我注意到他们进了房间。◆I didn't notice him leaving.我没看到他离开。◆My husband hardly seems to notice me any more.我丈夫似乎都快要意识不到我的存在了。◆She wears those strange clothes just to get herself noticed.她穿那些奇装异服不过是想引人注意而已。◆People were making fun of him but he didn't seem to notice.人们在拿他开玩笑,但他好像没有意识到。 see also notice ⇨ attention noun , noticeable ⇨ visible ■ note [transitive] (not usually used in the progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时) (rather formal) to notice or pay careful attention to sth 注意;留意◆Note the fine early Baroque altar inside the chapel.注意小教堂里精致的早期巴洛克风格的祭坛。◆Note how these animals sometimes walk with their tails up in the air.注意观察这些动物如何有时翘起尾巴走路。◆It should be noted that dissertations submitted late will not be accepted.须请注意,迟交的论文将不予接纳。ⓘ Note is very common in business English. * note在商务英语中很常用◆We note your concerns regarding an increase in costs.我们注意到你们对成本增加的忧虑。◆Note that the prices are inclusive of VAT.注意这些价格包括增值税。 ■ detect / /dɪˈtekt/ / [transitive] (not usually used in the progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时) (rather formal) to discover or notice sth, especially sth that is not easy to see, hear, etc. 发现;查明;侦查出◆The tests are designed to detect the disease early.这些检查旨在早日查出疾病。◆This is an instrument that can detect very small amounts of radiation.这是一种能检测到微量辐射的仪器。◆Do I detect a note of criticism in your voice?听你的口气,是在批评我吧?■ observe /əbˈzɜːv; NAmE əbˈzɜːrv/ [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) (formal) to see or notice sb/sth 看到;注意到;观察到◆Have you observed any changes lately?最近你注意到什么变化没有?◆He was observed to enter the bank.有人看到他走进了银行。◆All the characters in the novel are closely observed (= seem like people in real life).这部小说中的人物个个栩栩如生。ⓘ This pattern is only used in the passive. 此句型仅用于被动语态。 see also observe ⇨ look verb 1 , observer ⇨ witness ■ witness [transitive] (rather formal) to see sth happen because you are there when it happens 当场看到;目击◆She was shocked by the violent scenes she had witnessed.她被亲眼目睹的暴力场面惊呆了。◆Police have appealed for anyone who witnessed the incident to contact them.警方呼吁目击这一事件的人与他们联系。◆ (formal) The last century witnessed an unprecedented increase in violent crime (= It happened during that period).暴力犯罪在上个世纪空前增多。 see also witness ⇨ witness noun ■ perceive /pəˈsiːv; NAmE pərˈsiːv/ [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) (formal) to notice or become aware of sth, especially sth that is not obvious 注意到;意识到;察觉到◆I perceived a change in his behaviour over those months.我注意到他的举止在那几个月有些改变。◆The patient was perceived to have difficulty in breathing.发现该病人呼吸困难。ⓘ This pattern is usually used in the passive. 此句型通常用于被动语态。 see also perception ⇨ awareness ■ ˌtake sth ˈin phrasal verb (took, took)to notice sth with your eyes 注意到;看到◆He took in every detail of her appearance.他仔仔细细打量了她一番。 attention noun ➡ See also the entry for ⇨ carenoun 另见care名词词条attention ♦︎ interest ♦︎ notice ♦︎ concentration ♦︎ regardThese are all words for the act of listening to, looking at or thinking about sth carefully because you think it is important. 这些词均表示注意、专注、留意。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆close / media / personal / special attention / interest◆deep / growing / great / intense interest / concentration◆full / total / undivided attention / concentration◆careful / public attention / notice◆to catch / get / grab / lose sb's attention / interest◆to lose interest / concentration◆to hold / focus sb's attention / interest / concentration◆to attract / bring sth to / come to / escape sb's attention / notice◆to turn your attention / interest / concentration to sth◆to pay (no) attention / regard to sth■ attention [uncountable] the act of listening to, looking at or thinking about sb/sth carefully 注意;留心;注意力◆He wanted to call / draw attention to the problem.他想让大家关注这个问题。◆Now, please sit up and pay attention (= listen carefully) to what I am going to say.喂,坐好了,请注意听我讲。◆Don't pay any attention to what they say (= don't think that it is important or be upset by it).别在意他们说的话。◆She tried to attract the waiter's attention.她试图引起服务员的注意。◆Films with the big stars always attract great attention.有巨星出演的电影总是很受关注。◆Small children have a very short attention span (= become easily bored).幼儿的注意力持续时间很短。◆ (formal, spoken) Can I have your attention please?请注意,我有事宣布。◆The child was used to being the centre of attention.这个孩子习惯了自己是大家关注的中心。■ interest [singular, uncountable] the feeling that you have when you want to know or learn more about sb/sth 兴趣;关注◆I told him about it but he showed no interest.我跟他说了那件事,但是他不感兴趣。◆Several people expressed an interest in learning the game.有几个人表示有兴趣学这种游戏。◆Does she take an interest in your research?她对你的研究感兴趣吗?◆As a matter of interest (= I would like to know) what time did the party finish?我想知道,派对是什么时候结束的?◆Just out of interest, (= I would like to know but it is not important) how much did it cost?我只是好奇问问,这个花了多少钱?■ notice [uncountable] the fact of sb paying attention to sb/sth or knowing about sth 注意;理会;察觉◆Don't take any notice of what you read in the papers.别在意你在报上看到的东西。◆Take no notice of what he says.别理会他说的话。◆ (formal) It was Susan who brought the problem to my notice (= told me about it).是苏珊使我注意到这个问题的。◆ (formal) It will not have escaped your notice that there have been some changes in the company.你肯定会注意到公司已经发生了一些变化。 see also notice ⇨ notice verb ■ concentration [uncountable] the ability to direct all your effort and attention on one thing, without thinking of other things; the process of people directing effort and attention on a particular thing 专心;专注;关注◆Tiredness affects your powers of concentration.疲劳影响注意力的集中。◆The noise had disturbed his concentration.噪音使他不能集中注意力。◆He stressed the need for greater concentration on environmental issues.他强调需要更加关注环境问题。▸ concentrate verb [intransitive, transitive] ◆I can't concentrate with all that noise going on.吵闹声不绝于耳,我无法集中精神。◆I decided to concentrate all my efforts on finding somewhere to live.我决定全力以赴找个住的地方。■ regard [uncountable] (formal) attention to or thought and care for sb/sth 注意;关注;关心◆They show scant regard for other people's property.他们对别人的财物不大爱惜。◆He was driving without regard to speed limits.他开着车,根本不理会速度限制。◆Social services should pay proper regard to the needs of inner-city areas.社会服务机构应该对市中心贫民区的需要给予应有的关注。 poster noun poster ♦︎ banner ♦︎ notice ♦︎ placardThese are all words for a sheet of paper, cardboard or fabric showing pictures or giving information or a message, usually put in a public place. 这些词均表示海报、招贴、通告。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆sth is on a poster / notice / placard◆an election poster / notice◆to display a poster / notice / placard◆to put up / stick up a poster / notice◆to carry a banner / placard■ poster [countable] a large sheet of paper, often with a picture on it, that is put in a public place to advertise sth; a large picture that is printed on paper and put on a wall as decoration 招贴画;海报◆Election posters were on every street.大街小巷都张贴着选举海报。◆The walls are covered with posters of her favourite pop stars.墙上贴满了她喜欢的流行音乐歌星的海报。■ banner [countable] a long piece of fabric with a message on it that is carried between two poles or hung in a public place to show support for sth (写上口号或标语的)横幅◆Protesters carried a banner reading 'Save Our Wildlife'.抗议者手举横幅,上面写着“救救我们的野生动物”。■ notice [countable] a sheet of paper giving written or printed information, usually put in a public place 通告;布告;通知◆There was a notice on the board saying the class had been cancelled.布告牌上有一则通知说这堂课取消了。 see also notice ⇨ sign 2 ➡ See also the entry for ⇨ leaflet 另见leaflet条■ placard /ˈplækɑːd; NAmE ˈplækɑːrd/ [countable] a large written or printed notice that is put in a public place or carried on a stick in a march 标语牌;广告牌;招贴;海报◆They were carrying placards and banners demanding that he resign.他们打着标语,举着横幅,要求他辞职。 sign2 noun a sign of stress/trouble/sth wrong 紧张的迹象;问题的征兆;差错的预兆a road/street/shop sign 道路标志;商店招牌sign ♦︎ board ♦︎ plaque ♦︎ notice ♦︎ plate ♦︎ noticeboard ♦︎ bulletin boardThese are all words for a piece of metal, wood or stone that has writing or a picture on it that gives you information, instructions or a warning. 这些词均表示标牌、指示牌、标志。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆on a sign / board / plaque / notice / plate / noticeboard / bulletin board◆to put up / see / read a sign / board / plaque / notice / plate / noticeboard / bulletin board◆a sign / board / plaque / notice appears / goes up◆a sign / plaque / notice says / reads sth■ sign [countable] a piece of metal, wood or paper that has writing or a picture on it that gives information, instructions or a warning 招牌;标牌;指示牌◆All the road signs are in both languages.所有的路标都采用两种语言。◆A sign on the wall said 'Now wash your hands'.墙上有块招牌,上面写着“请洗手”。◆Follow the signs for the Performing Arts Centre.按照标牌的指示到表演艺术中心。■ board [countable] (often in compounds 常用于构成复合词) a large flat piece of wood or other strong material, that is used for displaying information or for teachers to write on in class 写字板;布告牌◆The exam results went up on the board.考试成绩张贴在布告牌上。◆I'll write it up on the blackboard / whiteboard.我会把它写在黑板/白板上。■ plaque /plæk, BrE also plɑːk/ [countable] a flat piece of metal or stone, usually with a name and dates on, attached to a wall in memory of a person or event (纪念性的)匾牌,匾额;纪念匾◆A bronze plaque marks the house where the poet was born.一块纪念铜匾标示出诗人出生的那所房屋。■ notice [countable] a board or sign giving information, an instruction or a warning 公告牌;警示牌◆There was a notice saying 'Keep off the Grass'.有一块公告牌,上面写着“勿踏草地”。NOTE 辨析 Sign or notice?A notice always gives its information, instruction or warning in words. Signs often use pictures or symbols. In this meaning sign is a more frequent word, used in a wider range of contexts. * notice总是以文字形式给出信息、指示或警告,sign常采用图画或符号的形式。表达此义时sign更常用,使用范围也更广◆a road / traffic / street / shop / pub sign道路/交通/街道标志;商店/酒吧招牌◆a road/traffic/shop/pub notice However, notice also has the closely related meaning of 'a piece of paper giving written or printed information'. 不过,notice也可表示“通告、布告、通知”,与本义密切相关。 see also notice ⇨ poster ■ plate [countable] a flat piece of metal or plastic with some information on it, for example sb's name or the registration number of a car (刻有名字等的)金属(或塑料)牌子;车牌◆A brass plate beside the door said 'Dr Alan Tate'.门旁的铜牌上写着“艾伦•泰特医生”。◆A nameplate was fitted to the side of the boat.有一块名称牌装在船的一侧。◆ (BrE) a vehicle's number plates车辆的牌照◆ (NAmE) a vehicle's license plates车辆的牌照■ noticeboard /ˈnəʊtɪsbɔːd; NAmE ˈnoʊtɪsbɔːrd/ [countable] (BrE) a board for putting notices on 告示牌;布告板◆Please check the noticeboard by the library for news of future events.有关未来活动讯息,请查看图书馆旁的告示牌。■ ˈbulletin board [countable] (NAmE) a noticeboard 告示牌;布告板◆Please keep an eye on the bulletin board for further details.请留意布告板以了解更多详细情况。 warning noun warning ♦︎ notice ♦︎ alarm ♦︎ alert ♦︎ tip-off ♦︎ cautionThese are all words for a statement that tells sb that sth bad may happen. 这些词均表示警告、警示。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆warning / notice of sth◆warning / notice that...◆without warning / notice◆adequate / advance / ample / prior / written warning / notice◆a flood / bomb / health warning / alert◆to give / receive warning / notice / a tip-off◆to sound a warning / an alarm / an alert / a note of caution■ warning [countable, uncountable] a statement or event that tells sb that sth bad or unpleasant may happen in the future so that they can try to avoid it (就可能发生的意外等提出的)警告,警示,先兆◆Doctors issued a warning against eating any fish caught in the river.医生发出警告,不要吃在那条河里捕的鱼。◆All tobacco products are required to carry a government health warning.所有的烟草产品上都必须要标示政府的健康忠告。◆Let me give you a word of warning.我来提醒你一句。◆The bridge collapsed without any warning.那座桥在没有任何先兆的情况下坍塌了。■ notice [uncountable] information or a warning given in advance of sth that is going to happen, often as part of a plan; a formal letter saying that you will or must leave your job or house 预告;通知;辞职信;解雇信;搬迁通知◆You must give one month's notice of your intention to move out of the property.如打算搬家,必须提前一个月通知。◆Prices may be altered without notice.如有价格改变,恕不另行通知。◆The bar is closed until further notice (= until you are told that it is open again).酒吧关门停业,直至另行通知。◆He has handed in his notice (= his letter resigning from his job).他已递交了辞呈。■ alarm [countable, usually singular] a loud noise or a signal that warns people of danger or a problem 警报◆I hammered on all the doors to raise the alarm.我擂响所有的门让大家警觉起来。 see also alarm ⇨ alarm ■ alert / /əˈlɜːt; NAmE əˈlɜːrt/ [countable] an official warning to people to be prepared to deal with sth dangerous or difficult (官方发出的)警报◆A flood alert has been issued in the city after last night's heavy rain.昨夜暴雨过后,这个城市发出了洪水预警。◆a bomb alert炸弹警报 see also alert ⇨ watch noun ■ ˈtip-off [countable] (informal) secret information that sb gives, for example to the police, to warn them about an illegal activity that is going to happen 举报;密报◆The man was arrested after an anonymous tip-off.有人匿名举报后,那个人被抓了起来。■ caution /ˈkɔːʃn/ / [uncountable, countable] (formal) a warning or a piece of advice about a possible danger or risk (对危险或风险的)警告,告诫◆Some companies have sounded a note of caution about the outlook for the second half of this year.一些公司已经对今年下半年的前景发出了预警。◆Some cautions must be kept in mind when interpreting these results.解读这些结果时,必须谨记一些忠告。 ignore verb ignore ♦︎ disregard ♦︎ overlook ♦︎ turn a blind eye ♦︎ take no notice ♦︎ neglect ♦︎ gloss over sthThese words all mean to pay little or no attention to sth. 这些词均表示忽视、不理会。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to ignore / disregard / overlook / turn a blind eye to / neglect / gloss over the fact that...◆to ignore / disregard / overlook / neglect the importance / need / possibility of sth◆to ignore / disregard sb's advice / rules / wishes◆to ignore / overlook sb / sth's faults / shortcomings◆to often ignore / disregard / overlook / neglect / gloss over sb / sth◆to completely / entirely / totally / largely / generally / frequently / deliberately ignore / disregard / overlook / neglect sth◆to conveniently ignore / overlook / turn a blind eye to / gloss over sb / sth◆to consistently ignore / overlook / neglect sth■ ignore / /ɪgˈnɔː(r)/ / [transitive] to pay no attention to sth; to pretend that you have not seen sb or that sb is not there 忽视;对⋯不予理会;佯装未见◆He ignored all the 'No Smoking' signs and lit up a cigarette.他无视各处“禁止吸烟”的警示牌,点燃了香烟。◆I made a suggestion but they chose to ignore it.我提了个建议,但他们不予理会。◆We cannot afford to ignore their advice.我们不能不考虑他们的劝告。◆She ignored him and carried on with her work.她没理他,继续干自己的活。OPP pay attention to sth ⇨ hear ■ disregard / /ˌdɪsrɪˈgɑːd; NAmE ˌdɪsrɪˈgɑːrd/ [transitive] (formal) to not consider sth; to treat sth as unimportant 不理会;不顾;漠视◆The board completely disregarded my recommendations.董事会完全无视我的建议。◆Safety rules were disregarded.安全规定遭到忽视。▸ disregard noun [uncountable] ◆She shows a total disregard for other people's feelings.她丝毫不顾及别人的感受。■ overlook /ˌəʊvəˈlʊk; NAmE ˌoʊvərˈlʊk/ [transitive] (rather formal) to see sth wrong or bad but decide to ignore it (对不良现象等)不予理会,视而不见◆We could not afford to overlook such a serious offence.对这样严重的违法行为,我们决不能视若无睹。◆He's so friendly people are prepared to overlook his faults.他待人友好,所以人们愿意忽略他的缺点。■ turn a blind ˈeye idiom to pretend not to notice sth bad that is happening, so that you do not have to do anything about it (对不良现象)佯装不见,睁一只眼闭一只眼◆The authorities were either unaware of the problem or turned a blind eye to it.当局对这个问题要么没有察觉,要么视而不见。■ ˌtake no ˈnotice phrase (took, taken)to pay no attention to sb/sth, as if they/it were not there or did not exist 不注意;不理会◆Take no notice of what he says.别理会他说的话。◆Don't take any notice of what you read in the papers.别在意在报上看到的东西。◆Take no notice and they'll just go away.不去理睬,他们就会走开。■ neglect /nɪˈglekt/ / [transitive] (rather formal) to not give enough attention to sth 忽略;忽视;不重视◆Dance has been neglected by television.电视节目一向不重视舞蹈。◆She has neglected her studies.她忽略了自己的学业。 see also neglect ⇨ neglect noun , neglect ⇨ leave verb 5 ■ ˌgloss ˈover sth phrasal verb to avoid talking about sth unpleasant or embarrassing by not dealing with it in detail 掩饰;掩盖;把⋯搪塞过去◆There is a strong temptation to gloss over potential problems.人们强烈地倾向于把潜在的问题掩盖起来。◆He glossed over any splits in the party.他掩饰了党内出现的任何分裂现象。 leave3 verb It's time we left. 我们该走了。leave home/school 离家;离校leave your job 辞职leave sb/sth behind 丢下某人;忘了带某物leave your husband/wife 抛弃丈夫/妻子leave sb in charge 委托某人负责leave ♦︎ retire ♦︎ resign ♦︎ quit ♦︎ step down ♦︎ give in/hand in your notice ♦︎ depart ♦︎ stand downThese words all mean to stop working for an employer or to stop taking part in an activity in which you have been successful. 这些词均表示离任、辞职或退出某种活动。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to retire / resign / quit / step down / depart / stand down as director, chief executive, etc.◆to leave / resign / quit over pay, conditions, etc.◆to leave / retire from / resign from / quit / step down from / depart / stand down from a post / position◆to leave / retire from / resign from / quit / depart a job◆to decide to leave / retire / resign / quit / step down / hand in your notice / stand down◆to have / be forced to leave / retire / resign / quit / step down / depart / stand down◆to be ready / going to leave / retire / resign / quit / step down / stand down◆to ask sb to leave / resign / quit / step down / stand down◆to refuse to leave / resign / quit / step down◆to threaten to leave / resign / quit■ leave (left, left) [intransitive, transitive] to stop working for an employer 离任;辞职◆My assistant is threatening to leave.我的助手正以辞职相要挟。◆She claims she was forced to leave her job after she became pregnant.她声称自己怀孕后被迫离职。 OPP stay on ⓘ To stay on is to continue studying, working, etc. somewhere for longer than expected or after other people have left. * stay on指超过预计时间或在别人离开后仍留下来继续学习、工作等◆Fewer than half of the employees chose to stay on when the company was taken over.公司被收购后不足半数的雇员选择留下来继续工作。 ■ retire [intransitive] to stop doing your job, especially because you have reached a particular age or because you are ill; to stop taking part in a professional sport 退职;退休;(从职业体育运动)退役◆He is retiring next year after 30 years with the company.他在这家公司工作了30年,明年就要退休了。◆My dream is to retire to a villa in France.我的梦想是退休后在法国住上一栋别墅。◆The company's official retiring age is 65.公司的正式退休年龄为65岁。◆She has decided to retire from international tennis.她已决定从国际网坛退役。▸ retirement noun [uncountable, countable] ◆to take early retirement提前退休◆This year we have seen the retirements of several senior personnel.今年我们有几位高层人员退休了。■ resign / /rɪˈzaɪn/ / [intransitive, transitive] (rather formal) to officially tell sb that you are leaving your job or an organization 辞职;辞去(某职位)◆Two members resigned from the board in protest.两名董事会成员辞职以示抗议。◆My father resigned his directorship last year.我父亲去年辞去了董事职务。▸ resignation / /ˌrezɪgˈneɪʃn/ / noun [uncountable, countable] ◆a letter of resignation辞职信◆Further resignations are expected.预计还会有人辞职。■ quit (quitting, quit, quit; BrE also quitting, quitted, quitted) [intransitive, transitive] (informal) to leave your job 离任;辞去(工作职位)◆If I don't get more money I'll quit.不给我加薪我就辞职。◆He quit the show last year because of bad health.去年他因身体欠佳退出演出。■ ˌstep ˈdown phrasal verb (-pp-)to leave an important job or position and let sb else take your place 离职;退职;下台◆He stepped down as party leader a week ago.一周前他从政党领袖的职位上退了下来。■ ˌgive in your ˈnotice■ ˌhand in your ˈnotice idiom (gave, given)to tell sb officially in writing that you are leaving your job 递交辞呈◆She decided that she would hand in her notice and go travelling.她决定递交辞呈,然后去旅行。■ depart /dɪˈpɑːt; NAmE dɪˈpɑːrt/ [intransitive, transitive] (NAmE or business 商业) to leave your job 离任;辞去(工作职位)◆Giving a large pay-off to a departing executive may be seen as rewarding failure.付给即将离任的高管高额遣散费可能被视为奖励失败。◆He departed the troubled firm after less than a year in the post.在任不到一年他就离开了这家混乱不堪的公司。▸ departure /dɪˈpɑːtʃə(r); NAmE dɪˈpɑːrtʃər/ noun [countable] ◆His departure leaves the board without a leader.他的离任使董事会群龙无首。■ ˌstand ˈdown phrasal verb (stood, stood)to leave an important job or position and let sb else take your place 离职;退职;下台◆He stood down to make way for someone younger.他退下来让位给更年轻的人。NOTE 辨析 Step down or stand down? Stand down is often used with words like have to, be obliged to, be asked to and refuse to, suggesting that people do not always choose to stand down from an important position. Stepping down, is more likely to be an action motivated by a calm personal decision. * stand down常与have to、be obliged to、be asked to和refuse to等短语搭配,意味着未必是自愿从重要职位上退下来。step down更有可能是冷静思考后的个人决定。 |