

单词 olect_flash_0


flash ♦︎ flicker ♦︎ catchThese words all mean to shine or burn for a moment. 这些词均表示闪耀、闪烁、闪现。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a light / lightning / a bulb / a screen flashes / flickerssb's eyes flash / flickerto flash / flicker on and off / briefly / momentarily flash [intransitive, transitive] to shine or make sth shine very brightly for a short time; to use a light to give sb a signal (使)闪耀,闪光;(向⋯)用光发出(信号)Lightning flashed in the distance.远处电光闪闪。A neon sign flashed on and off above the door.门上方霓虹灯招牌忽明忽暗地闪烁着。The guide flashed a light into the cave.导游用手电筒照射洞穴。Red lights flashed a warning at them.红灯闪亮,向他们发出警告。Why is that driver flashing his lights at us?为什么那个司机向我们闪着车灯? flash


[countable] a flash of lightning一道闪电There was a blinding flash and the whole building shuddered.一道炫目的闪光过后,整栋大楼颤抖起来。
flicker [intransitive](of a light or flame) to keep going on and off as it shines or burns (灯光或火焰)闪烁,闪现,忽隐忽现Black and white images were flickering on the screen.黑白影像在屏幕上闪动。The candle flickered and went out.蜡烛闪了闪就熄灭了。 catch (caught, caught) [transitive] if sth catches the light or the light catches it, the light shines on it and makes it shine too (光)照射;受到(光的)照射The knife gleamed as it caught the light.刀在光照下闪闪发亮。A colourful glow appears as the light catches the glass.玻璃杯在光照下透出斑斓的光彩。




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