

单词 be dying for sth/to do sth
be dying for sth/to do sth phrase


long ♦︎ covet ♦︎ crave ♦︎ yearn ♦︎ hanker ♦︎ be dying for sth/to do sthThese words all mean to want sth very much, especially when it is very difficult to get. 这些词均表示渴望得到、渴求,尤其是不易得到的东西。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to long / yearn / hanker / be dying for sb / sthto yearn / hanker after sb / sthto long / yearn / hanker / be dying to do sthto always / still long for / covet / crave / yearn for / hanker for sthto desperately long for / crave / yearn for sthto secretly long for / yearn for / hanker for sth long [intransitive, transitive] (especially written) to want sth very much, especially when it does not seem likely to happen soon 渴望,期盼(短时间内不太可能会发生的事)Lucy had always longed for a brother.露西一直渴望有个弟弟。He longed for Pat to phone.他期盼着帕特来电话。I'm longing to see you again.我很想再次见到你。 see also longing appetite 2 ˈlonged-for


[only before noun] the birth of a longed-for baby一个盼望已久的婴儿的出生
covet / /ˈkʌvət/ / [transitive] (formal or written) to want sth very much, especially sth that belongs to sb else 渴望,贪求(别人的东西)He had long coveted the chance to work with a famous musician.他一直渴望有机会与著名音乐家一起工作。They are this year's winners of the coveted trophy (= that everyone would like to win).他们获得了本年度人人都向往的大奖。 crave [transitive] (written) to have a very strong desire for sth, especially when the desire is difficult to control 渴望,热望(尤指欲望难以克制)She has always craved excitement.她总是渴望刺激。 Crave is used especially to talk about people having a very strong desire for pleasures that can be damaging if they take too much of them. * crave尤指渴望得到享乐,而太多这种享乐会有害处to crave alcohol / drugs / sweet food / carbohydrates / cigarettes / coffee渴望饮酒/吸毒/吃甜食/吃淀粉质食物/吸烟/喝咖啡People who feel that sth is missing in their life may also crave company/attention/affection/power/success. * crave也可指想得到感觉自己生活中缺少的东西,可以说crave company/attention/affection/power/success(渴盼伙伴/关注/爱情/权力/成功)。 see also craving appetite 2 yearn /jɜːn; NAmE jɜːrn/ [intransitive] (literary) to want sth very much, especially when it does not seem likely to happen soon 渴望,期盼(短时间内不太可能会发生的事)The people yearned for peace.人民渴望和平。There was a yearning look in his eyes.他两眼流露出渴望的神情。 see also yearning appetite 2 hanker [intransitive] to want sth very much, especially a return to an old way of life 渴望,渴求(回归原有的生活方式)She still hankered after her dancing days.她仍渴望回到自己当舞蹈演员的日子。 be dying for sth do sth be dying for to do sth


(informal) to want sth very much 渴望;极想I'm dying for a glass of water.我特别想喝杯水。I'm dying to know what happened.我很想知道出了什么事儿。




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