

单词 chore
chore noun


 See also the entry for assignment 另见assignment条task ♦︎ work ♦︎ duty ♦︎ mission ♦︎ job ♦︎ business ♦︎ housework ♦︎ chore ♦︎ errand ♦︎ commissionThese are all words for a piece of work that sb has to do. 这些词均表示任务、工作。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配(a) routine task / work / duties / mission / job / business / chore(a) daily / day-to-day task / work / duties / job / business / chore(a / an) easy / difficult task / work / mission / job(a) challenging task / work / job(a) dangerous task / work / mission / job(a) household / domestic task / work / duties / job / choreto do a task / your work / a job / business / the housework / a chore / an errandto have a task / work / job / the housework / a chore / an errand to doto get the task / work / job / housework / chores doneto get on with a task / your work / a job / the housework / a choreto carry out a task / the work / your duties / a mission / a job / a commissionto finish a task / the work / a mission / a job / your business / the housework / the choresto take on / undertake a task / the work / your duties / a mission / a jobto tackle / approach a task / the work / a jobto give sb a task / some work / their duties / a mission / a job / a chore / a commissionto set (sb) a task / their dutiesto accept a task / a mission / a commissionto be on a mission / a job / business / an errand task [countable] a piece of work that sb has to do, especially a difficult or unpleasant one (尤指艰巨或令人厌烦的)任务,工作Our first task will be to set up a communications system.我们的首项任务是架设通信系统。She had the unenviable task of talking to the missing girl's parents.她承担了和失踪女孩的父母谈话的艰难任务。The task eventually fell to me (= I had to do it).这项任务最终落到我头上。Getting hold of the information was no easy task (= it was difficult).把这一情报搞到手绝非易事。 work [uncountable] the tasks and activities that are part of your job; tasks that need to be done 职责;工作内容Police work is mainly routine.警察的工作基本上都是按部就班的。I have some work for you to do.我有些事要你做。Stop talking and get on with your work.别说话了,继续干你们的活吧。 duty [uncountable] ( duties [plural]) the work that is your job; tasks that are part of your job 职责;任务Report for duty at 8 a.m.早上8点钟报到上班。He was accused of neglecting his professional duties.他被控玩忽职守。Your duties will include setting up a new computer system.你的职责包括建立一个新的计算机系统。The suspect was charged with obstructing an officer in the course of his duties (= while doing what his job requires).嫌疑犯被控防碍执行公务罪。NOTE 辨析 Work or duties?Both these words refer to things that you do as part of your job, but work has a wider meaning than duties. Your duties are the list of tasks that you have to do because they are your responsibility and that you can be criticized or punished for not doing. Your work is all the activities that you do in the course of doing your job, and these activities may be seen as opportunities as much as responsibilities. 这两个词均表示工作范围内的事,但work的意思比duty广。duty指必须要做的工作或职责,不做会受到批评或处罚。work指工作过程中的所有活动,这些活动可被视为责任,也可看作是机会。 mission / /ˈmɪʃn/ / [countable] an important official job that a person or group of people is given to do, especially when they are sent to another country (尤指派往他国的)官方使命,使团的使命a trade mission to China赴华贸易使命The mission ended in failure.这项使命以失败告终。They undertook a fact-finding mission in the region.他们承担了在该地区调查真相的工作。 job [countable] a piece of work that sb has to do (一项)事务;(一件)工作,活儿,事情I've got various jobs around the house to do.我在家里有各种各样的活儿要干。Sorting these papers is going to be a long job.整理这些文件是件很费工夫的事。Bringing up kids is a full-time job.带孩子是一个全职工作。He spends his time doing odd jobs (= various jobs in the home).他把时间用在干家里的杂活。NOTE 辨析 Task or job?A task may be more difficult than a job and require you to think carefully about how you are going to do it. A job may be sth small that is one of several jobs that you have to do, especially in the home; or it can be sth that takes a long time and is boring and/or needs a lot of patience. * task可能比job艰巨,需要仔细思考如何去做;job可指几件要做的事情中的一件小事,尤指家务活;job有时指费时、沉闷或需要极大耐心的工作。 business [uncountable] work that is part of your job, especially work that involves talking and doing deals with other people in business 商务;公事a business trip / lunch出差;工作午餐Is the trip to Rome business or pleasure?这次去罗马是出差还是游玩?She's away on business.她出差去了。OPP pleasure entertainment  See also the entry for business 2 另见business条第2义 housework / /ˈhaʊswɜːk; NAmE ˈhaʊswɜːrk/ [uncountable] the work involved in taking care of a home and family, for example cleaning and cooking (打扫和做饭等)家务活,家务事I spent all morning doing housework.我用了一个上午做家务。 chore [countable] a task that you have to do regularly, especially one that you do in the home and find unpleasant or boring 日常事务,例行工作(尤指令人厌烦或乏味无聊的家务事)Of all the household chores, I hate ironing most.所有的家务事中,我最不喜欢熨衣服。I find shopping a real chore (= a boring and unpleasant job).对我来说,购物真是件苦差事。 errand /ˈerənd/ / [countable] a job that you do for sb that involves going somewhere, for example in order to buy sth, deliver sth or take a message (替别人做的)差使,差事He often runs errands for his grandmother.他经常给他的祖母跑腿儿。 commission / /kəˈmɪʃn/ / [countable] a formal request to sb to do a piece of work for you, such as designing a building or doing a painting (正式的)委托工作(如请人做建筑设计或作画等)Who won the commission to design the new town hall?谁赢得了设计新市政厅的委托工作?The work will be done by commission (= sb will be formally asked to do it).该工程将通过委托方式请人来做。




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