

单词 chronicle
chronicle noun
chronicle verb


a bedtime story 临睡前给小孩读的故事the story of his life 他的生活经历story ♦︎ history ♦︎ chronicleThese are all words for an account of past events. 这些词均表示对往事的叙述、记载。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to read / write the story / a history / a chronicle of sthto tell (sb) / recount / relate the story / history of sth story [countable, usually singular] (usually the story of sth 通常作the story of sth) a written or spoken account of past events or of how sth has developed (对往事的口头或书面)叙述He told us the story of his life.他对我们讲述了他的生活经历。Tune in to 'The Story of the Beatles' tonight on Radio 2.今晚把收音机调到第2台收听“披头士乐队的故事”。 history [countable, usually singular] (usually a history of sth 通常作a history of sth) a written or spoken account of past events 历史记载;历史传说She's writing a new history of Europe.她正在写一部新的欧洲史。She went on to catalogue a long history of disasters.接下来她列举了一长串灾难。NOTE 辨析 Story or history?If you tell the story of sth, you suggest that there is only one true version of events and this is what you are telling; if you write a history of sth you suggest that there are several possible versions of events, but this is the one that you believe. The story of sth is usually more popular and less academic than a history. * the story of sth意味着事件只有一个正确版本,而当下所讲的正是那个版本;a history of sth意味着事件可能有几个不同的版本,而当前所写的是作者深信的版本。the story of sth通常比history更受欢迎,学术性较弱。 chronicle /ˈkrɒnɪkl; NAmE ˈkrɑːnɪkl/ [countable] a written record of events in the order in which they happened 编年史;历史the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle《盎格鲁-撒克逊人编年史》Her latest novel is a fictional chronicle of life in a Devon village.她的最近一部小说是德文郡一个小村庄虚构的生活记事。A chronicle is usually a record of events, rather than an account: it states what happened without trying to explain it. * chronicle通常是对事件的记录而非描述,即客观记录而不加以说明。 see also chronicle describe verb


 See also the entry for present 2 另见present条第2义describe ♦︎ report ♦︎ tell ♦︎ unfold ♦︎ recount ♦︎ relate ♦︎ weave ♦︎ chronicle ♦︎ cover ♦︎ narrateThese words all mean to say what sb/sth is like or give an account of events. 这些词均表示描述或叙述。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to describe / report / tell / recount / relate what / how...to report / recount / relate that...to describe / report / recount / relate / chronicle / cover / narrate events / a series of eventsto describe / report / recount / relate your adventuresto tell / unfold / recount / relate / weave / cover / narrate a storyto tell / unfold / recount / relate / weave / narrate a taleto report / recount detailsto describe / report sth accurately / clearlyto describe / tell / recount sth vividly describe [transitive] to say what sb/sth is like 描写;描述;记述Can you describe him to me?你能向我描述一下他吗?The current political situation in Vietnam is described in chapter 8.有关目前越南的政治形势在第8章中作了记述。Describe how you did it.说说你是怎样做这件事的。Several people described seeing strange lights in the sky.好几个人都说看见空中出现了奇异的亮光。 see also describe regard report [transitive, intransitive] to present a written or spoken account of an event in a newspaper, on television, etc. 报道;公布;宣布The stabbing was reported in the local press.当地媒体报道了这起持刀伤人事件。It was reported that several people had been arrested.据报道已有数人被捕。She reports on royal stories for the BBC.她为英国广播公司做有关王室活动的报道。 see also report report noun 2 3 , reporter reporter , reporting the media tell (told, told) [transitive] to give a spoken account of sth; to express sth in words 告诉;讲述;表达They told stories and jokes while sitting around the camp fire.他们围坐在营火旁讲故事说笑话。Are you telling the truth?你说的是实话吗?She is always telling lies.她总是撒谎。Did anyone tell you what happened?有人告诉你发生了什么事吗?I can't tell you how happy I am.我无法向你表达我多么高兴。 see also tell tell 1 unfold / /ʌnˈfəʊld; NAmE ʌnˈfoʊld/ [intransitive, transitive] (literary) to be gradually made known; to gradually make sth known to other people 透露;展开;(使)逐渐展现The audience watched the story unfold before their eyes.剧情于观众眼前逐渐展开。Dramatic events were about to unfold.一些戏剧性事件即将展现出来。She unfolded her tale to us.她向我们倾吐了她的故事。 recount /rɪˈkaʊnt/ / [transitive] (formal) to give an account of sth that has happened, especially sth that has happened to you 讲述,叙述(尤指亲身经历)She was asked to recount the details of the incident to the court.她被要求向法庭陈述该事件的细节。 relate [transitive] (formal) to give an account of sth that has happened 叙述;讲述She relates her childhood experiences in the first chapters.她在开头几章中讲述了自己童年的经历。He related the whole conversation to the police.他向警方陈述了谈话的全部内容。NOTE 辨析 Tell, recount or relate? Recount and relate are more formal than tell. Recount is used more often than relate to talk about telling an informal and sometimes entertaining story about events that you have experienced. * recount和relate比tell正式。与relate相比,recount更常指讲述有关亲身经历的,有时妙趣横生的小故事Brian and I recounted the awful story.我和布赖恩讲述了那次可怕的经历。 Relate is often used to talk about more formal, neutral accounts. * relate常指比较正式的不带倾向性的述说An audio-visual presentation relates the story of the Battle of Hastings.用视听演示简报讲述了黑斯廷斯战役的故事。 weave (wove, woven) [transitive] (literary) to put facts, events and details together to make a story or a closely connected whole 编写,编纂,编造(故事等)The author weaves the narrative around the detailed eyewitness accounts.作者根据目击者的详细叙述编出了这个故事。 chronicle /ˈkrɒnɪkl; NAmE ˈkrɑːnɪkl/ [transitive] (formal) to record events in the order in which they happened (按事件发生的顺序)记载;把⋯载入编年史Her achievements are chronicled in a new biography.她的成就已载入一本新传记。 see also chronicle story 2 cover [transitive] to report on an event for television, etc.; to show an event on television 报道;电视报道She's covering the party's annual conference.她正在报道该政党的年度会议。The BBC will cover all the major games of the tournament.英国广播公司将会报道这次锦标赛的所有重要赛事。 see also coverage the media narrate /nəˈreɪt, NAmE also ˈnæreɪt/ [transitive] (formal) to tell a story 叙述;讲述She entertained them by narrating her adventures in Africa.她讲述自己在非洲的历险,让他们开心。The story is narrated in flashback.这个故事采用了倒叙手法。 see also narrative story 1




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