

单词 olect_stage_1


the early stages of a process 进程的早期阶段The performers went on stage. 演员们登上了舞台。stage ♦︎ box ♦︎ platform ♦︎ pulpit ♦︎ podium ♦︎ dock ♦︎ daisThese are all words for a raised flat area where a public speaker or performer can stand. 这些词均表示讲台、舞台。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配on the stage / a platform / the podium / the daisin the box / pulpit / docka raised stage / platform / podium / daisto mount the stage / platform / pulpit / podium / daisto approach the stage / platform / podium / dais stage [countable] a large raised area, usually in a theatre, where actors, dancers or entertainers perform (通常指剧场中的)舞台The audience threw flowers onto the stage.观众把鲜花抛向舞台。When he was on stage he became another person.他一登台就变成了另外一个人。She came off stage to great applause.她在热烈的掌声中走下舞台。 box [countable] a small enclosed area in a theatre or court, usually with seats (剧院里的)包厢;(法庭里的)专席The painting depicts two elegantly dressed women in a box at the opera.这幅油画描绘的是两个坐在歌剧院包厢里穿着优雅的女人。the jury box陪审团席 (especially BrE) He showed no emotion as he walked into the witness box.走入证人席时他面无表情。In American English it is more usual to talk about the witness stand. The phrase take the stand is used in both British and American English. 在美式英语中更常用witness stand。短语take the stand既可用于英式英语,亦可用于美式英语He took the stand as the first witness.他第一个出庭作证。He took the box as the first witness. platform [countable] a raised area in a large room, used by public speakers or performers so that the audience can see them 讲台;舞台The concert platform was high and almost semi-circular at the front.音乐会的舞台很高,前部几乎是半圆形的。Representatives of both parties shared a platform (= they spoke at the same meeting).两党代表同台发言。 pulpit / /ˈpʊlpɪt/ / [countable](in a church) a small enclosed area, usually high above the floor, where sb can stand in order to speak to the congregation (= the people attending a church) (教堂中的)小讲坛 (figurative) The policy has been widely condemned from the pulpit (= by priests and other church leaders).这项政策曾受到牧师们的广泛谴责。 podium / /ˈpəʊdiəm; NAmE ˈpoʊdiəm/ [countable] a small platform that a person stands on when giving a speech, conducting (= directing a group of musicians), or receiving a prize for a sports competition 讲台;讲坛;(乐队的)指挥台;(体育竞赛的)领奖台He dreamed of standing on the victory podium at the Brazilian Grand Prix.他梦想能站在巴西大奖赛的领奖台上。 dock [countable] the part of a court where the person who has been accused of a crime stands or sits during a trial (法庭的)被告席He's been in the dock (= on trial for a crime) several times already.他已多次出庭受审。 dais /ˈdeɪɪs/ / [countable] (rather formal, especially written) a raised area, especially at one end of a room, on which people stand or sit, especially in order to show that they are more important than the other people present (尤指房间一端的)讲台,高台He was seated atop a raised dais with a double set of stairs leading up to the throne.他在一个高台上就座,那里有两组楼梯通往他的御座。




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