

单词 olect_still_0


still ♦︎ motionless ♦︎ stationary ♦︎ inert ♦︎ immobile ♦︎ at a standstillThese words all describe sb/sth that is not moving. 这些词均表示静止的、不动的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a motionless / an inert body / figureto remain still / motionless / stationary / inert / immobileto stay / lie still / motionless / inert / immobileto sit / stand still / motionless / immobileto hold sb / sth still / motionless / immobileperfectly / quite still / motionless / immobilealmost motionless / stationary / immobile / at a standstill still not moving 静止的;不动的Stand still when I'm talking to you!我跟你说话时你站着别动!I wish you'd keep still.我希望你不要动。Hold the ladder still while I try to get over the wall.我试着翻墙的时候你要扶稳梯子。Keep your head still.你的头不要动。The surface of the lake was calm and still.湖面上风平浪静。Still is the most general of these words and is used to talk not only about individual people, animals or objects, but also about things such as water and air. * still在本组词中含义最广,不仅可修饰个人、动物或物体,也可修饰水和空气等。 motionless /ˈməʊʃnləs; NAmE ˈmoʊʃnləs/ (rather formal, written) (especially of a person or animal) not moving (尤指人或动物)静止的,一动不动的She sat motionless as the verdict was announced.宣判时她一动不动地坐在那里。 stationary /ˈsteɪʃənri; NAmE ˈsteɪʃəneri/ (rather formal) (especially of a vehicle or machine) not moving; not intended to be moved (尤指车辆或机器)不动的,静止的,固定式的;不可移动的The car collided with a stationary vehicle.汽车撞到一辆停着的车上。a stationary exercise bike固定式健身自行车 inert /ɪˈnɜːt; NAmE ɪˈnɜːrt/ (formal) not moving or active; without power to move or act 不动的;不活跃的;无活动能力的He lay inert with half-closed eyes.他半睁着双眼一动不动地躺着。They dragged the inert body out of the river.他们把那个一动不动的尸体从河里拽了上来。 immobile /ɪˈməʊbaɪl; NAmE ɪˈmoʊbl/ [not usually before noun] (rather formal, written) (especially of a person or part of their body) not moving; prevented from moving (尤指人或身体部位)不动,静止,不能活动She stood immobile by the window.她一动不动地站在窗口。The cast is used to keep the leg immobile.采用打石膏的方法将腿固定住。 at a ˈstandstill


(especially of traffic or trains) not moving (尤指交通或火车)停止,停顿,停滞Traffic was at a complete standstill for over two hours.交通已经瘫痪两个多小时了。Trains were at a standstill yesterday as drivers went on strike.由于司机罢工,火车昨天停运了。At a standstill is used to talk about sth that should be moving but has been made to stop. * at a standstill用于指原本应该运行的物体被停了下来。 see also standstill stop noun




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