

单词 olect_freedom_0


freedom ♦︎ independence ♦︎ autonomy ♦︎ liberty ♦︎ leewayThese are all words for the right or ability of sb to do things or make decisions without being controlled by sb else or without needing help from sb else. 这些词均表示自由、自主、自立。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配freedom / liberty / leeway to do sthgreater freedom / independence / autonomy / liberty / leewaycomplete / individual / personal freedom / independence / autonomy / libertyto have freedom / independence / autonomy / liberty / leewayto enjoy / lose freedom / independence / autonomy / libertyto encourage / promote freedom / independence / autonomyto undermine sb's freedom / independence / autonomy freedom [uncountable, countable] the right or ability to do or say what you want without anyone or anything stopping you 自由(指权利)Branch managers have considerable freedom in running their offices.分公司经理在经营上有相当大的自由。This case is about protecting our freedom of speech.这个案例是有关保护我们的言论自由的。The new syllabus allows students greater freedom of choice.新教学大纲给了学生更大的选择权。The constitution contains guarantees of democratic rights and freedoms.宪法包含了对民主权利和自由的保障。In this meaning freedom is often used in the expression the freedom of sth. 表达此义时,freedom常用于短语the freedom of sth中freedom of speech / thought / expression / worship / choice / action / movement言论/思想/表达/信仰/选择/行动/活动自由 Freedom of information is the right to see secret information that a government has about people and organizations; freedom of association is the right to meet and talk to whoever you like, even in large groups. People also often talk about press/academic freedom or the freedom of the press, which is the right to write and publish anything, so long as it is true. * freedom of information指知情权。freedom of association指结社自由。还可以说press freedom或freedom of the press(新闻自由)和academic freedom(学术自由)。 free


I have no ambitions other than to have a happy life and be free.我没有雄心大志,只求自由自在地过幸福生活。Students have a free choice of classes in their final year.学生在最后一学年可以自由选修课程。You are free to come and go as you please.你来去自由。A true democracy complete with free speech and a free press was called for.人们呼吁要有包括言论自由和新闻自由在内的真正民主。
independence [uncountable] the freedom to make decisions, organize your life, do your job, etc. without needing help from other people or being controlled by other people 自主;自立Some people have questioned the independence of the inspectors.有些人已经对检查员的独立自主性提出了质疑。Her work gave her a degree of financial independence.她的工作让她有了一定的经济自立。The car became a symbol of independence.汽车成了自立的象征。OPP dependence Dependence is the state of needing the help and support of sb/sth in order to survive or be successful. * dependence指依靠、依赖、依存his dependence on his parents他对父母的依赖financial / economic dependence财政/经济依赖 see also independence independence independent


It was important to me to be financially independent.经济上自立对我来说很重要。 see also independent confident
autonomy / /ɔːˈtɒnəmi; NAmE ɔːˈtɑːnəmi/ [uncountable] (formal) the freedom to make decisions and do things without being controlled by anyone else 自主;自主权Schools have gained greater autonomy from government control.学校受政府的管控少了,获得了更大的自主权。One of the aims of modern nursing is to encourage patient autonomy.现代护理的目标之一是鼓励病人自主。 Autonomy is a more formal way of saying independence. It is used especially about organizations or classes of people being free from official control; it is used less about individual people. * autonomy是independence更正式的说法,尤用于描述组织机构或某些阶层的人脱离官方控制,较少用于个人She doesn't want to lose her hard-won autonomy. see also autonomy independence autonomous /ɔːˈtɒnəməs; NAmE ɔːˈtɑːnəməs/


Teachers help children to become autonomous learners.教师帮助学生成为自主的学习者。
liberty [uncountable] the freedom to live as you choose without too many restrictions from government or authority 自由(自己选择生活方式而不受政府及权威限制)The system allows us complete liberty to do the task as we like.这一制度赋予我们充分的自由,可以按自己喜欢的方式完成任务。The concept of individual liberty is enshrined in the constitution.个人自由的概念已庄严地载入宪法。 leeway /ˈliːweɪ/ / [uncountable] the amount of freedom that you have to change sth or to do sth in the way you want to 自由度;自由的空间How much leeway should parents give their children?父母应该给孩子留多少自由的空间?




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