

单词 olect_garden_1


a back garden 后院a rose garden 玫瑰园parkvisit the botanical gardensgarden ♦︎ bed ♦︎ allotment ♦︎ border ♦︎ patch ♦︎ kitchen gardenThese are all words for a small piece of land where you can grow things such as flowers, fruit and vegetables. 这些词均表示花坛、果园、菜园。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配in a garden / a bed / an allotment / a border / a patch / a kitchen gardena flower / rose garden / beda vegetable garden / patch garden [countable] (especially NAmE) a part of the piece of land next to or around your house where you can grow things such as flowers, fruit and vegetables (住宅旁或周围的)园圃,花园,果园,菜园They planted a garden of woodland plants that were native to the area.他们在园圃中种植了一些当地原产的林生植物。This is the usual meaning of garden in American English; in British English, garden is only used in this meaning in compounds. 在美式英语中,garden通常作此义;在英式英语中,garden作此义时仅用于复合词中 (BrE, NAmE) a flower / rose / vegetable garden花园;玫瑰园;菜园 bed [countable] an area of ground in a garden or park for growing plants, especially flowers 苗圃;菜园;(尤指)花坛Raised flower beds are ideal for people in wheelchairs.凸起的花坛对坐轮椅的人来说非常方便。 allotment /əˈlɒtmənt; NAmE əˈlɑːtmənt/ [countable] (especially BrE) a small area of land in a town which a person can rent in order to grow vegetables or other plants on it (城镇居民可以租来种菜或其他植物的)小块菜地,小块土地She grew beautiful flowers on her allotment.她在她的小园地种上了漂亮的花。 border [countable] a strip of soil along the edge of an area of grass in a garden, which is planted with flowers or other plants (花园里草坪边上的)狭长花坛,绿化带The back garden is mostly lawn with herbaceous borders.后院主要是草坪,草坪四边种有草本植物。 patch [countable] (in compounds 构成复合词) a small piece of land, especially one used for growing vegetables or fruit that grows on or near the ground 小块土地;(尤指)菜地,果园We had a strawberry patch beside the greenhouse.在温室旁我们有一块草莓圃。 see also plot land noun 2 ˌkitchen ˈgarden [countable] a part of a garden where you grow vegetables and fruit for your own use 家庭菜园;花园中辟作种蔬果的一角Herbs and seasonal vegetables are picked fresh from our own kitchen garden.可以从我们自己的果菜园采摘新鲜的香草和当季蔬菜。




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