

单词 clear sth up
clear sth up phrase
clear sth up phrase


solve a dispute 解决纠纷solve a mystery 解开奥秘solve ♦︎ work sth out ♦︎ figure sb/sth out ♦︎ do ♦︎ clear sth up ♦︎ crackThese words all mean to find the correct answer or explanation for sth. 这些词均表示解答、破解。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to work out / figure out how / what / where / who / why...to solve / work out / do a / an puzzle / equationto solve / clear up / crack a case / mysteryto solve / clear up a crime / murder / question solve to find the solution to a problem or explanation for sth that is difficult to understand or explain 解答(难题);破解We were given clues to help us solve the puzzle.我们得到了有助于解决这个难题的线索。The mystery has not yet been completely solved.这个奥秘尚未完全解开。 ˌwork sth ˈout

phrasal verb

(especially BrE, rather informal, especially spoken) to think about sth until you understand it, especially how to do sth, what has happened or how or why it happened 搞清楚,弄明白(尤指事情的原委)I'm trying to work out how I could possibly have spent $150 last night.我试图弄明白昨晚怎么会花了150元。'Where could she have got to?' 'You work it out for yourself.'“她会去了哪儿呢?”“你自己去弄清楚吧。”
ˌfigure sb/sth ˈout

phrasal verb

(especially NAmE, rather informal, especially spoken) to think about sth until you understand it, especially how to do sth, what has happened, how or why it happened or why sb behaves as they do 弄懂,弄清楚,弄明白(尤指事情的原委或某人的行为)I can't figure out how to do this.我弄不懂这件事该怎样做。I've never been able to figure her out.我从未能够摸透过她。NOTE 辨析 Work sth out or figure sb/sth out? Work sth out is used more in British English and figure sb/sth out is used more in American English. However, if you are talking about understanding sb's character and behaviour figure sb out is used in both British and American English. * work sth out更多用于英式英语,figure sb/sth out更多用于美式英语。不过,表示弄明白某人的性格或行为时,英式和美式英语都用figure sb out。
do (does, did, done) [transitive] to find the answer to a puzzle or problem, especially a word puzzle or maths problem 解答,解决(尤指字谜或数学题)Are you good at doing crosswords?你擅长填纵横字谜吗?I can't do this sum.我不会做这道算术题。 ˌclear sth ˈup

phrasal verb

(rather informal) to solve or explain sth that is mysterious or confusing 解答,解决,解释(谜团或不清楚的事情)Police are desperate to have this murder cleared up.警方极想侦破这起谋杀案。We need to clear this matter up before we can offer him the job.我们需要先澄清这件事,然后才能给他这份工作。
crack [transitive] (rather informal) to find the solution to sth such as a crime or puzzle (= a game designed to test mental problem-solving skills) 找到解决(罪案或智力题)的办法'How's the investigation going?' 'I think we've cracked it.'“调查工作进展如何?”“我认为我们已经查明真相。”A team of experts finally cracked the code (= found out what it meant).一组专家终于破译了这个密码。


tidy ♦︎ clean (sth) up ♦︎ clear (sth) up ♦︎ sort sth outThese words all mean to make sth look neat by putting things where they belong and removing rubbish or dirt. 这些词均表示整理、打扫、清除干净。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to tidy up / clean up / clear up after sbto tidy / clear up / sort out a house / roomto tidy / sort out a cupboard / your deskto tidy up / clean up / clear up the mess tidy [transitive, intransitive] (especially BrE) to make sth look neat by putting things in the place where they belong 使整洁;收拾整齐;整理She wanted to tidy herself up before the appointment (= comb her hair, etc.).她想在约会之前好好打扮一下自己。She was always cleaning and tidying.她总是在清扫整理。When you use the kitchen please tidy up after yourself.使用厨房后请收拾干净。 see also tidy neat adj. , freshen up wash ˌclean ˈup ˌclean sth ˈup

phrasal verb

to make sth clean and neat by removing dirt and mess 打扫干净;清理干净He always expected other people to clean up after him (= when he had made the place dirty or untidy).他总是指望别人打扫他弄脏了的地方。Who's going to clean up this mess?这又脏又乱的,谁来清理?to clean up beaches after an oil spillage清理石油泄漏后被污染的海滩 see also clean clean verb ˈclean-up


[usually singular] a massive clean-up operation大扫除行动the clean-up of the river对这条河的清理
ˌclear ˈup ˌclear sth ˈup

phrasal verb

to make sth clean and neat, by removing rubbish or putting things in the place where they belong (通过清除垃圾或物归其位)收拾干净Start clearing up now.现在开始收拾。Let him clear up his own mess!让他收拾自己弄得乱七八糟的地方!They were still clearing up the debris after the accident.他们仍然在清理事故发生后的残骸。
ˌsort sth ˈout ˈsort through sth

phrasal verb

(informal) to organize the contents of sth 收拾;整理We'll need to sort out the contents of the house.我们需要整理房子里的东西。He was sorting through his desk and throwing away old papers.他在整理办公桌,把一些旧文件都扔了。




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