例句 |
predictable2 adjective predictable results 可预见的结果You're so predictable! 你太老套了!predictable ♦︎ flat ♦︎ tame ♦︎ uneventful ♦︎ uninspiring ♦︎ unexcitingThese words describe people and things that are dull and boring because there is nothing unexpected or new in them. 这些词均表示人或事物老套乏味的、平淡无奇的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆an uneventful / uninspiring game◆an uneventful / unexciting life◆rather predictable / flat / tame / uneventful / uninspiring / unexciting■ predictable / /prɪˈdɪktəbl/ / (disapproving) behaving or happening in a way that you would expect and therefore boring 意料之中的;老套乏味的◆You're so predictable!你太老套了!◆Rock music has become so totally predictable.摇滚乐已经变得这么呆板乏味了。OPP unpredictable ⇨ moody ■ flat (disapproving) lacking interest or enthusiasm 枯燥的;无趣的;缺乏热情的◆Life will seem a bit flat without you.没有你生活会显得有点索然无趣。◆It was a curiously flat note on which to end the election campaign.竞选结束时的气氛异常平淡。■ tame (rather informal, disapproving) not interesting or exciting, often because no risks are taken (常因无惊险)平淡无奇的,枯燥乏味的◆You'll probably find life here pretty tame after New York.经历了纽约的生活,你很可能会觉得这里相当枯燥。OPP wild ⓘ The opposite is wild. * tame的反义词是wild◆We had a wild time in Las Vegas.我们在拉斯维加斯玩得痛快极了。 ■ uneventful / /ˌʌnɪˈventfl/ / in which nothing interesting, unusual, exciting or dangerous happens 平淡无奇的;平凡的;缺乏刺激的◆It's been a happy life, if uneventful by most people's standards.尽管按照大部分人的标准,那种生活平淡无奇,但一直很幸福。◆Thankfully the journey across the desert was uneventful.谢天谢地,穿越沙漠的旅程中什么都没有发生。ⓘ Uneventful is often used to describe periods of time when you were afraid that sth bad would happen. * uneventful常用于描述担心会发生不测的一个时段。 OPP eventful ⇨ busy 2 ▸ uneventfully adverb ◆The first two nights passed uneventfully.头两个晚上风平浪静地过去了。■ uninspiring / /ˌʌnɪnˈspaɪərɪŋ/ / (disapproving) not making people feel interested or excited 不吸引人的;不令人鼓舞的◆The new king was a dull, uninspiring figure.新国王是个乏味平凡的人。OPP inspiring ⓘ The opposite is inspiring. * uninspiring的反义词是inspiring◆an inspiring teacher启发能力强的教师 ■ unexciting / /ˌʌnɪkˈsaɪtɪŋ/ / (disapproving) dull and boring 枯燥的;乏味的;无聊的◆He is an earnest, unexciting politician.他是个一本正经、呆板乏味的从政者。 OPP exciting ⇨ exciting |