

单词 olect_office_1


Are you going to the office today? 你今天去办公室吗?Come into my office. 到我的办公室来。office ♦︎ study ♦︎ studio ♦︎ workroomThese are all words for a room in which a person works. 这些词均表示某个人的办公室、工作室。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a large / small office / study / studio / workroom office [countable] a room in which a particular person works, usually at a desk (某人的)办公室Some people have to share an office.有些人得合用一间办公室。Come into my office.到我的办公室来。An office may be in a person's home or in a company building, but it is usually used for doing paid work rather than personal reading or writing. * office既可以在自己家里,也可以在公司的办公楼内,但通常用于从事有偿工作而非个人阅读或写作。 study [countable] a room, especially in sb's home, used for reading and writing 书房She crossed the hallway and opened the door to her private study.她穿过门厅,打开了通往她私人书房的门。 studio /ˈstjuːdiəʊ; NAmE ˈstuːdioʊ/ [countable] a room where an artist works (艺术家的)工作室He was hoping to convert the cellar into a photographic studio.他盼着把地窖改建成摄影工作室。 workroom [countable] a room in which work is done, especially work that involves making things 工作室;工作间;作坊The jeweller has a workroom at the back of his shop.珠宝商在他的店铺后面有一间作坊。 see also workshop factory




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