

单词 olect_launch_0


launch ♦︎ opening ♦︎ premiere ♦︎ first nightThese are all words for an event at which an activity is officially started, or a product is made available to the public for the first time. 这些词均表示某项活动的正式开始或产品的首次上市。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配at the launch / opening / premiere / first nighta successful / public launch / opening / premierea / an formal / official launch / openingto go to / attend the launch / opening / premiere / first nightto get ready for / prepare for / announce / coincide with / speak at / delay / postpone the launch / openinga launch / an opening party launch [countable, usually singular] (especially business 尤用于商业) an event at which an activity is officially started, or a product is made available to the public for the first time (活动的)开始,发起;(产品的)上市,发行Speaking at a recent product launch, he said that the company would continue to diversify.在最近一次新品发布活动中,他说公司将继续实施多元化经营。The official launch date is in May.正式的发行日期是在5月。The sort of activity for which people hold a launch are a campaign, a competition, a scheme, a programme, an exhibition, and an appeal. * launch适用的活动包括campaign、competition、scheme、programme、exhibition和appeal。 see also launch introduce verb 1 , launch present verb 1 opening [countable, usually singular] a ceremony to celebrate the start of a public event or the first time a new building, road, etc. is used 开幕式;落成典礼Tickets are now available for the opening of the Olympic Games.奥运会开幕式入场券现正发售。I've been asked to attend the official opening of the new hospital.我获邀出席新医院的开院典礼。 see also open begin premiere /ˈpremieə(r); NAmE prɪˈmɪr, prɪˈmjɪr/ [countable] the first public performance of a film or play (电影或戏剧的)首映,首演He was unable to attend the world premiere of his new play.他没能出席他的新剧的世界首演。The movie will have its premiere in July.这部电影将于7月首映。 premiere


[transitive, intransitive] The play was premiered at the Birmingham Rep in 2006.该剧于2006年在伯明翰轮演剧场首次公演。His new movie premieres in New York this week.他的新电影本周在纽约首映。
ˌfirst ˈnight [countable, usually singular] the first public performance of a play (戏剧的)首场,首演I got tickets for the first night of 'Romeo and Juliet'.我搞到了《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的首演门票。NOTE 辨析 Premiere or first night?The premiere of a film or play is a very special occasion to which famous people, journalists, actors, etc. are invited. First night is used to talk about plays much more than films; it does not have to be a new play, but is often a new production of a play that has been performed before; it can be a large, important production or a small, unknown one. * premiere指电影首映或戏剧首演的仪式,届时会有知名人士、记者、演员等应邀出席。first night更多指戏剧的首演而非电影的首映,所公演的常常是重新排练的老剧目而不一定是新剧目;可以是大制作的重头戏,也可以是小制作的低知名度剧目The first night of the school play is just days away and the cast still don't know their lines.离校剧首演只有几天时间了,可演员们连台词还没背熟呢。




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