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bright adj. ⇨ bright (bright light/colours) ⇨ cheerful (a bright smile) ⇨ intelligent (a bright child) ⇨ promising (a bright future)bright adjective ➡ See also the entry for ⇨ strong 3 另见strong条第3义bright ♦︎ brilliant ♦︎ vivid ♦︎ vibrant ♦︎ boldThese words all describe things that are shining or full of light, or colours that are strong and easy to see. 这些词均表示明亮的、光线充足的,或色彩鲜艳的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆bright / brilliant / vivid / vibrant / bold colours◆bright / brilliant light / sunlight / sunshine / eyes■ bright full of light; shining strongly; (of colours) strong and easy to see 光线充足的;明亮的;(颜色)鲜艳夺目的◆a bright room明亮的屋子◆a bright morning (= with the sun shining) 阳光灿烂的早晨◆Her eyes were bright with tears.她的双眼泪光闪闪。◆a bright yellow dress明黄色的连衣裙◆a bright tie色彩鲜艳的领带 OPP dim , faint ⇨ dim 1 , dim , gloomy ⇨ dim 2 , grey , dull ⇨ cloudy , dull ⇨ pale 2 ▸ brightly adverb ◆a brightly lit room灯火通明的屋子■ brilliant very bright 明亮的;鲜艳的◆brilliant blue eyes湛蓝的眼睛◆The sky was a brilliant blue.天空一片蔚蓝。▸ brilliantly adverb ◆It was brilliantly sunny.阳光明媚。■ vivid / /ˈvɪvɪd/ / (approving) (of colours) bright and strong (颜色)耀眼的,鲜艳的,醒目的◆His eyes were a vivid green.他双眼碧绿。■ vibrant / /ˈvaɪbrənt/ / (approving) (of colours) bright and strong (颜色)耀眼的,鲜艳的,醒目的◆The room was decorated in vibrant blues and greens.房间以蓝绿两种亮色装饰。NOTE 辨析 Vivid or vibrant? Vivid emphasizes how bright a colour is; vibrant suggests a more lively and exciting colour or combination of colours. * vivid强调颜色鲜艳明亮,vibrant指色彩或颜色组合活泼而富有生气。■ bold /bəʊld; NAmE boʊld/ (of colours) strong, clear and easy to see (颜色)醒目的,突出的◆a bold black and yellow sign醒目的黑黄两色的指示牌◆The furniture was painted in bold, primary colours.家具漆成了醒目的原色。▸ boldly adverb ◆boldly patterned / coloured构图/着色醒目NOTE 辨析 Bright or bold? Bold emphasizes how easy to see a colour is, especially in contrast to what is around it. It can be used with a wider range of colours than bright, which is used with light colours. * bold强调颜色醒目突出,尤其是在与周围环境的对比之下。bright用于形容浅色,bold可用于形容范围更广的颜色。 cheerful adjective cheerful ♦︎ bright ♦︎ cheery ♦︎ jolly ♦︎ in a good moodThese words all describe people who feel happy and show this in their behaviour. 这些词均表示高兴的、快乐的、开心的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆a cheerful / bright / cheery / jolly face◆a cheerful / cheery / jolly person / manner◆in a cheerful / cheery / jolly / good mood◆bright and cheerful / cheery / jolly■ cheerful happy and showing it in your behaviour or expression 快乐的;高兴的;喜形于色的◆She tried to sound cheerful and unconcerned.她试图让自己的声音显得快活而自然。◆You're not your usual cheerful self today.你今天不像往常那么高兴。◆She wrote him a chatty, cheerful letter.她给他写了一封亲切活泼的信。OPP gloomy ⇨ depressed , miserable ⇨ unhappy 1 ▸ cheerfully adverb ◆He waved cheerfully at them and hurried on.他高兴地冲他们挥手,继续往前赶路。◆She cheerfully admitted that she had no experience at all (= she wasn't afraid to admit it).她坦承自己毫无经验。■ bright (of a person or their expression) cheerful and lively (人或表情)愉快活泼的◆He felt bright and cheerful and full of energy.他感到非常高兴,充满活力。◆His face was bright with excitement.他兴奋得容光焕发。▸ brightly adverb ◆'Hi!' she called brightly.“嗨!”她轻快地招呼道。NOTE 辨析 Cheerful or bright?When describing people, bright is used in the phrase bright and cheerful or after the verbs to be or to feel. 形容人时,bright用于bright and cheerful短语中或动词be或feel之后◆I was not feeling very bright that morning.我那天早上心情不是很愉快。You can say a cheerful boy/girl but a bright boy/girl is intelligent, not cheerful. 表示快乐的男孩/女孩可用a cheerful boy/girl;但a bright boy/girl指聪明的男孩/女孩,而不是快乐的男孩/女孩。 see also bright ⇨ intelligent ■ cheery (informal, especially spoken) (of a person or their manner) cheerful (人或举止)高兴的,兴高采烈的◆He left with a cheery 'See you again soon.'他高兴地说了声“希望早日再见到你”就离开了。▸ cheerily adverb ■ jolly (rather informal) (of a person or their manner) cheerful (人或举止)高兴的,兴高采烈的◆The manager was fat and jolly.那个经理胖胖的,乐呵呵的。◆He had a round, jolly face.他长着一张圆圆的、快乐的笑脸。■ in a ˌgood ˈmood idiom (of a person) feeling happy so that you behave well to other people, usually because sth good has happened to you (人)心情好◆He was not in a good mood with her.他跟她在一起心情不是很好。◆This announcement put the fans in a good mood.这项公告让爱好者们心情舒畅。 intelligent adjective intelligent ♦︎ smart ♦︎ clever ♦︎ brilliant ♦︎ brightThese words all describe people who are good at learning, understanding and thinking about things, and the actions that show this ability. 这些词均表示人或行动聪明的、机智的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆clever / brilliant at sth◆an intelligent / a smart / a clever / a brilliant / a bright child / boy / girl / man / woman◆an intelligent / a smart / a clever / a brilliant thing to do / move◆really / quite intelligent / smart / clever / brilliant / bright◆pretty / very / extremely / incredibly intelligent / smart / clever / bright■ intelligent good at learning, understanding and thinking in a logical way about things; showing this ability 有才智的;悟性强的;聪明的◆He's a highly intelligent man.他是个非常聪明的人。◆She asked a lot of intelligent questions.她问了许多机智的问题。 OPP stupid ⇨ stupid ■ smart (especially NAmE) quick at learning and understanding things; showing the ability to make good business or personal decisions 聪明的;机敏的;精明的◆She's smarter than her brother.她比她哥哥聪明。◆If you're smart, you'll take my advice.你要是聪明的话,就听我的劝告。◆That was a smart career move.那是事业发展上明智的举措。◆OK, I admit it was not the smartest thing I ever did (= it was a stupid thing to do).好吧,我承认那件事我办得不太漂亮。 OPP dumb , stupid ⇨ stupid ■ clever (especially BrE, sometimes disapproving) quick at learning and understanding things; showing this ability 聪明的;聪颖的◆Clever girl!多么聪明的女孩!◆How clever of you to work it out!你解决了这个问题真是太聪明了!◆He's too clever by half, if you ask me.恕我直言,他未免聪明过头了。◆This book is clever, without being merely clever.这本书很讨巧,却又不只是讨巧而已。◆That wasn't a very clever thing to do (= that was a rather stupid thing to do).那件事做得有点蠢。ⓘ People use clever in the phrase ◆Clever boy / girl!to tell a young child that they have learnt or done sth well. When used to or about an adult clever can be disapproving (if sb/sth is too clever or merely clever), ironic (= meaning that you think sb/sth is not clever at all) or patronizing (= showing, in a way that can be insulting, that you find sb's cleverness surprising) * clever用于Clever boy/girl!(多么聪明的男孩/女孩!)表示孩子学东西悟性强、做事聪明伶俐。clever用于成年人可能含贬义,比如,too clever或merely clever表示某人“聪明过头”或“只是小聪明而已”,或表示某事物“太过讨巧”或“只是讨巧而已”;也可能语带讥讽,表示某人根本不聪明或某事办得根本不漂亮;或表示自认为高人一等,讶异某人居然能如此聪明,有侮辱人的意味。 OPP stupid ⇨ stupid ■ brilliant very intelligent or skilful 聪颖的;技艺高超的◆He's a brilliant young scientist.他是个才华横溢的青年科学家。◆She has one of the most brilliant minds in the country.她是全国最有才气的人之一。◆This is a brilliant and fascinating piece of writing.这部作品才气横溢、令人着迷。■ bright intelligent; quick to learn 聪明的;悟性强的◆She's probably the brightest student in the class.她大概是班里最聪明的学生。◆ (BrE, informal, ironic) Some bright spark (= stupid person) left the tap running all night.不知是哪个聪明人让自来水流了一夜。 OPP dumb ⇨ stupid see also bright ⇨ cheerful promising adjective ➡ See also the entry for ⇨ timely 另见timely条promising ♦︎ encouraging ♦︎ bright ♦︎ rosy ♦︎ heartening ♦︎ auspicious ♦︎ hopefulThese words all describe sth that is likely to be successful or to give you a good result. 这些词均表示有前途的、有希望的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to be / look promising / encouraging / bright / rosy / auspicious / hopeful for sb / sth◆to be encouraging / heartening to find / know / see...◆a promising / an encouraging / a bright / an auspicious / a hopeful start◆a promising / an encouraging / a bright / a rosy / a hopeful future / prospect / outlook / picture◆a promising / an encouraging / an auspicious / a hopeful sign◆encouraging / heartening / hopeful news◆very promising / encouraging / bright / reassuring / rosy / heartening / auspicious / hopeful◆extremely promising / encouraging / bright / reassuring / hopeful◆highly promising / encouraging / auspicious / hopeful■ promising showing signs of being good or successful 有希望的;有前途的;有出息的◆At that time, I had a promising career in TV.那个时候,我在电视台的事业很有前途。◆The weather doesn't look very promising.看起来天气不会太好。OPP unpromising ⓘ Something that is unpromising does not look likely to be successful. * unpromising意为不太有希望或前途◆The first attempt was unpromising.第一次尝试失败了。 see also promise ⇨ potential ■ encouraging giving you hope that sb/sth will be good or successful 有希望的;令人鼓舞的◆Last year's results were very encouraging.去年的结果很令人鼓舞。◆The response we got from our readers was extremely encouraging.读者给我们的反馈让我们极为振奋。OPP discouraging ⇨ disappointing NOTE 辨析 Promising or encouraging?In many cases you can use either word. 在许多情况下这两个词可以通用◆a promising / an encouraging sign / result / start / prospect令人鼓舞的迹象/结果/开始/前景 Promising, but not encouraging, is used to talk about people's careers. * promising用于描述事业,encouraging则不然◆a promising young player / newcomer / candidate / career前途无量的年轻球员/新人/候选人/事业◆an encouraging young player/newcomer/candidate/career Encouraging, but not promising, is used to talk about other people's reactions to things. * encouraging用于描述他人的反应,promising则不然◆The response we got from readers was extremely promising. ■ bright (especially journalism 尤用于新闻 or business 商业) likely to be successful; giving you reason to hope 有前途的;有希望的◆This young musician has a bright future.这位年轻的音乐家前途无量。◆Prospects for the coming year look bright.来年的前景一片光明。◆Look on the bright side (= be cheerful about a bad situation by thinking only of the advantages and not the disadvantages). You managed to do more than I did.看好的一面吧,你比我当初做的多多了。■ rosy (journalism 新闻 or business 商业 (sometimes disapproving) likely to be good or successful; making sth seem likely to be good or successful, even if it is not 美好的;乐观的;(貌似)有希望的◆The future is looking rosy for our company.我们公司的前景看上去乐观美好。◆She painted a rosy picture of what their life in Italy would be like (= made it appear to be very good, and perhaps better than it really would be).她把他们将来在意大利的生活描绘得非常美好。■ heartening / /ˈhɑːtnɪŋ; NAmE ˈhɑːrtnɪŋ/ making you feel encouraged and more hopeful 令人鼓舞的;充满希望的◆It is heartening to see the determination of these young people.看到这些年轻人这么坚决真是令人鼓舞。■ auspicious /ɔːˈspɪʃəs/ / (formal) showing signs that sth is likely to be successful in the future 吉利的;吉祥的◆It seemed an auspicious start to the new year.这似乎是新年伊始的一个吉兆。ⓘ Auspicious usually describes a time or occasion; collocates include day, moment, time, occasion, start and beginning. * auspicious通常描述时间或场合,搭配词有day、moment、time、occasion、start和beginning。■ hopeful giving you more hope that sb/sth will get better or be more successful 令人满怀希望的◆This is the first hopeful sign that the hostages might be released soon.这是第一次有迹象显示人质可能很快获释。◆The future did not seem very hopeful.前景似乎不太乐观。 OPP hopeless ⇨ useless see also hopeful ⇨ optimistic , hope ⇨ hope noun 1 |