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bottom noun bottom ♦︎ base ♦︎ foundation ♦︎ footThese are all words for the lowest part of sth. 这些词均表示底部、最下部。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆at / near / towards the bottom / base / foot of sth◆on the bottom / base of sth◆(a) firm / solid / strong base / foundations◆to have a bottom / a base / foundations■ bottom [countable, usually singular] the lowest part of sth 底部;最下部◆Footnotes are given at the bottom of each page.脚注附于每页的下端。◆The wind blew through gaps at the top and bottom of the door.风从门顶部和底部的缝隙吹进来了。◆I waited for them at the bottom of the hill.我在山脚下等他们。◆The book I want is right at the bottom (= of the pile).我想要的书就压在那堆书的底层。 OPP top ⇨ top ■ base [countable, usually singular] the lowest part of sth, especially the part or surface on which it rests or stands 根基;基底;底座◆The lamp has a heavy base.这盏灯的底座很沉。◆He felt a sharp pain at the base of his spine.他感到脊柱末端一阵剧痛。◆Four bronze lions stand at the base of the column.柱基上立着四只青铜狮子。■ foundation [countable, usually plural] a layer of bricks, concrete, etc. that forms the solid underground base of a building 地基;房基;基础◆The builders are now beginning to lay the foundations of the new school.建筑工人正开始给新校舍打地基。◆The explosion shook the foundations of the houses nearby.爆炸震撼了附近房屋的地基。■ foot [singular] the lowest part of sth 底部;最下部◆At the foot of the stairs she turned to face him.她在楼梯口转过身面对他。NOTE 辨析 Bottom or foot? Foot is used to talk about a limited number of things: it is used most often with tree, hill, mountain, steps, stairs and page. Bottom can be used to talk about a much wider range of things. Foot is generally used in more literary contexts. * foot用以指有限的几样事物,最常与tree、hill、mountain、steps、stairs和page连用。bottom适用的范围要广得多。foot一般用于文学性较强的语境中。 |