

单词 olect_bullet_0


bullet ♦︎ ammunition ♦︎ shell ♦︎ shot ♦︎ gunshot ♦︎ round ♦︎ cartridgeThese are all words for an object that is fired from a gun. 这些词均表示子弹、炮弹。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配live bullets / ammunition / rounds / cartridgesblank ammunition / rounds / cartridgesa stray bullet / shell / roundmachine-gun bullets / ammunition / roundsto fire bullets / ammunition / shells / rounds / cartridgesto shoot a bullet / roundto put a bullet / round into sb / sthto be riddled with bullets / shota bullet / shell / round hits / strikes / misses sb / stha bullet / shot / round enters / lodges in / is lodged in sb / stha bullet / shell / shot / round kills sba bullet / shell / shot whistles bullet [countable] a small object that is fired from a gun 子弹;弹头The second bullet hit her in the back.第二颗子弹击中了她的后背。There were bullet holes in the door.门上有弹孔。He was found to have a single bullet wound in his chest.发现他的胸部仅有一处枪伤。 ammunition / /ˌæmjuˈnɪʃn/ / [uncountable] a supply of bullets, etc. to be fired from guns 弹药A few of the men had run out of ammunition.有几个士兵已经用光了弹药。 shell [countable] a metal case filled with explosive, that is fired from a large gun 炮弹A shell burst only yards away from us.一颗炮弹在距离我们仅几码处爆炸。They braved heavy shell fire to rescue the wounded.他们冒着猛烈的炮火去抢救伤员。In American English shell is also another word for cartridge. 在美式英语中,shell还可指枪弹、子弹,和cartridge同义。 shot [uncountable] a large number of small metal balls that are fired together from a shotgun 铅沙弹Conservationists have called on the government to ban the use of lead shot in shotgun cartridges.环境保护人士要求政府禁止使用猎枪铅弹。Round shot whistled over our heads.球形实心弹在我们头顶嗖嗖地飞过。A shot [countable] is the act of firing a gun or the sound this makes. * shot作可数名词时指枪炮射击或枪炮声Someone took a shot at the car.有人朝轿车开枪。We heard some shots in the distance.我们听见远处有几声枪响。 gunshot /ˈgʌnʃɒt; NAmE ˈgʌnʃɑːt/ [uncountable] the bullets that are fired from a gun (射出的)炮弹,枪弹In this meaning gunshot is only used in the phrase gunshot wound/wounds. 表达此义时,gunshot只用于短语gunshot wound/wounds(枪伤)He died of a single gunshot wound to the chest.他死于胸部仅有的一处枪伤。A gunshot can also be the sound of a gun being fired. * gunshot还可指枪炮声I heard the sound of gunshots out in the street.我听到外面街上有枪炮声。 round [countable] a single shot from a gun; a bullet for one shot 一次射击;一发子弹They fired several rounds at the crowd.他们朝人群开了几枪。We only have three rounds of ammunition left.我们只剩下三发子弹了。 cartridge [countable] a tube or case containing explosive and a bullet or shot for firing from a gun 枪弹;子弹He was armed with a replica pistol, capable of firing blank cartridges.他配备了一把仿真手枪,能射出空的子弹壳。




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