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proper adj. ⇨ real (a proper job) ⇨ right 1 (the proper procedures) ⇨ right 2 (only right and proper) real adjective real ♦︎ actual ♦︎ true ♦︎ genuine ♦︎ authentic ♦︎ properThese words all describe sth that is real and not imagined, false or artificial. 这些词均表示真实的、实际存在的、非凭空想象的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆a real / the actual / the true / a genuine / a proper reason◆the real / actual / true cost of sth◆a real / a true / a genuine / an authentic work of art◆real / genuine leather / silk / gold◆real / genuine / authentic enough■ real [usually before noun] existing in fact and not imagined, false or artificial; having all the important qualities that sth should have to deserve to be called what it is called 真实的;实际存在的;真正的;名副其实的◆It wasn't a ghost; it was a real person.那不是鬼魂,是实实在在的人。◆pictures of animals, both real and mythological真实世界和神话中的动物的图片◆Marilyn Monroe's real name was Norma Jean Baker.玛丽莲•梦露的真名是诺尔玛•琼•贝克。◆See the real Africa on one of our walking safaris.来一趟我们安排的观赏野生动物的徒步远行之旅,看看真实的非洲吧。◆I do my best to hide my real feelings from others.我尽力在其他人面前隐藏真实感受。◆Are those real flowers?那些是真花吗?◆She never had any real friends at school.她从来没有在学校交过真正的朋友。 OPP imaginary , pretend ⇨ fictional ▸ really adverb ◆Tell me what really happened.告诉我究竟发生了什么事。■ actual [only before noun] used to emphasize what sth is really like, rather than how it appears to be or how you might expect it to be 真实的,实际的(而非表面看来或预想的)◆What were his actual words?他原话是怎么说的?◆The actual cost was much higher than we had expected.实际成本比我们预计的要高得多。◆James looks younger than his wife but in actual fact (= really) he is several years older.詹姆斯看起来比他妻子年轻,但实际上他要大好几岁。 OPP hypothetical , notional ⇨ supposed , potential ⇨ likely ▸ actually adverb ◆Well, what did she actually say?那么,她到底是怎么说的?■ true real or exact, especially when this is different from how sth seems; having all the important qualities that sth should have to deserve to be called what it is called 真实的,真正的(而非表面上的);名副其实的◆the true face of socialism (= what it is really like rather than what people think it is like) 社会主义的真实情况◆He reveals his true character to very few people.他没有向什么人显露过他的真实性格。◆It was true love between them.他们是真心相爱。◆He's a true gentleman.他是个正人君子。◆The painting is a masterpiece in the truest sense of the word.这幅画是名副其实的杰作。▸ truly adverb ◆He started the first truly international ballet company.他创办了第一个真正的国际芭蕾舞团。NOTE 辨析 Real or true?In many cases you can use either word. 在许多情况下这两个词可以通用◆You're a real / true friend.你是个真正的朋友。◆He's a real / true gentleman.他是个正人君子。However, real looks at the necessary qualities of sth in a more practical way; true looks at those qualities in a more romantic way. Real is used more often than true in negative sentences; true is used more often to emphasize how rare or unique sth is. 不过,real是从较为实际的角度看事物的必备特征,true是从较为浪漫的角度看那些特征。real比true更常用于否定句,true更常用于强调事物如何稀有或独特◆She never had any true friends at school. ◆It was real love between them. ■ genuine exactly what it appears to be; not artificial 真正的;真品的;真迹的◆Is the painting a genuine Picasso?这幅画是毕加索的真迹吗?◆Fake designer watches are sold at a fraction of the price of the genuine article.伪造的名牌手表以真品的若干分之一的价格出售。◆Only genuine refugees can apply for asylum.只有真正的难民才能申请政治避难。 OPP fake , imitation ⇨ artificial 1 ■ authentic / /ɔːˈθentɪk/ / known to be real and genuine and not a copy 真正的;真品的;真迹的◆I don't know if the painting is authentic.我不知道这幅画是不是真迹。NOTE 辨析 Genuine or authentic?These words are very close in meaning and range. Genuine describes sth that really belongs to a group of things of the same type. Authentic describes sth that has really been produced or created by sb/sth. This means that sometimes either word can be used. 这两个词的含义和使用范围非常接近。genuine描述某物确实属于某类事物,authentic描述某物确为某人或某物所生产或创造。这意味着有时这两个词可通用◆a genuine / an authentic Picasso一幅毕加索的真迹 ■ proper /ˈprɒpə(r); NAmE ˈprɑːpər/ [only before noun] (BrE, spoken) that you consider to be real and satisfactory 真正的;像样的;名副其实的◆Eat some proper food, not just toast and jam!吃点正常的食物,别净吃烤面包片加果酱!◆When are you going to get a proper job?你想什么时候去找一份像样的工作啊?ⓘ In American English, use real. 在美式英语中用real。 right1 adjective the right decision 正确的决定do the right thing 做正当的事right ♦︎ correct ♦︎ properThese words all describe a belief, opinion, decision or method that is suitable or the best one for a particular situation. 这些词均表示恰当的、妥当的、适宜的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆right / correct about sb / sth◆right / correct to do sth◆right / correct in thinking / believing / saying sth◆the / a right / correct / proper decision / judgement / conclusion◆the right / correct / proper way / method / approach◆absolutely / quite / undoubtedly right / correct■ right if sb is right to do or think sth, that is a good thing to do or think in that situation (行动或想法)恰当的,妥当的,适宜的◆She was right about Tom having no money.她说对了,汤姆没有钱。◆You're right to be cautious.你保持谨慎是应当的。◆Am I right in thinking we've met before?我们以前见过面,我说得对吗?◆He's made the right decision.他作出了正确的决定。◆'It's not easy.' 'Yeah, you're right.'“这并不容易。”“对,你说得没错。”OPP wrong ⇨ wrong 1 ▸ rightly adverb ◆She believed, quite rightly, that he had let her down.她觉得他很让她失望,她这样想没错。■ correct (rather formal) (of a method, belief, opinion or decision) right and suitable in a particular situation (方法、看法、意见或决定)恰当的,适宜的,正确的◆What's the correct way to shut the machine down?这台机器该怎么关?◆Am I correct in thinking that you know a lot about wine?你对酒了解颇深,我说得对吧?OPP incorrect ⓘ The opposite is incorrect, but in this meaning it is very formal and not very frequent. * correct的反义词是incorrect,但incorrect的这一义项非常正式,不是很常用。▸ correctly adverb ◆Make sure the letter is correctly addressed.要确保信函的收信人姓名地址写对。■ proper [only before noun] (especially BrE) (especially of a method or decision) right, appropriate or correct; according to the rules (尤指方法或决定)正确的,恰当的;符合规则的◆We should have had a proper discussion before voting.我们本应在表决之前好好讨论一下才是。◆Please follow the proper procedures for dealing with complaints.请按正确程序处理投诉。◆Nothing is in its proper place.一切都乱套了。▸ properly adverb ◆How much money do we need to do the job properly?我们需要多少钱才能做好这件事?NOTE 辨析 Right, correct or proper? Correct is more formal than right or proper; proper is not used so much in American English. People can be right or correct about sth, but not proper. * correct比right和proper正式,proper在美式英语中用得不那么多。主语是人时,表示对某事应对得宜,可以说be right或be correct,但不能说be proper◆You're proper to be cautious. ◆Am I proper in thinking...? Correct and proper are more often used to talk about methods; right is more often used to talk about beliefs, opinions and decisions. * correct和proper更常修饰方法,right更常修饰看法、意见和决定。 right2 adjective the right decision 正确的决定do the right thing 做正当的事right ♦︎ acceptable ♦︎ proper ♦︎ due ♦︎ justified ♦︎ decent ♦︎ justifiableThese words all describe sth that is morally good or socially acceptable. 这些词均表示符合道德或社会常理的、正当的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆right / acceptable / proper / justified / justifiable to do sth◆right / justified in doing sth◆right / acceptable / proper that...◆acceptable / proper / decent behaviour◆to do the right / proper / decent thing◆scarcely / hardly / not really right / acceptable / proper / justified◆perfectly right / acceptable / proper / justified / decent / justifiable◆entirely right / acceptable / proper / justified / justifiable◆morally right / acceptable / justified / justifiable◆only right / proper■ right [not usually before noun] morally good; correct according to law or a person's duty 正当;合法;应当◆You were quite right to tell me.你告诉我就对了。◆It's right that he should be punished.他理应受到惩罚。◆Hunting may be legal, but that doesn't make it right.狩猎也许是合法的,但这并不表示它是正当的。◆I hope we're doing the right thing.我希望我们这样做是正当的。OPP wrong ⇨ wrong 4 ▸ rightly adverb ◆Rightly or wrongly, he was released early from prison.不论对错,他提前获释了。◆Politicians are asked to declare any business interests, and rightly so.要求从政者公布所拥有的企业权益,这理应如此。■ acceptable (especially of behaviour or actions) thought to be right by most people in a society (尤指行为或行动在社会上)被认同的,被认可的◆Children have to learn what is acceptable behaviour and what is not.儿童必须要懂得什么是被社会认可的行为举止,什么不是。◆Divorce is much more socially acceptable than it used to be.与过去相比,社会对离婚的态度宽容得多了。OPP unacceptable ⇨ unacceptable ■ proper / /ˈprɒpə(r); NAmE ˈprɑːpər/ (rather formal) socially and morally acceptable 符合社会规范的;正当的◆It is right and proper that parents take responsibility for their children's behaviour.父母要为孩子的行为负责,这是天经地义的。◆I'll do whatever I think proper.只要我认为是正当的事,我就会去做。◆The development was planned without proper regard for the feelings of the local residents.新开发项目的规划没有适当考虑当地居民的感受。OPP improper ⇨ improper ▸ properly adverb ◆You acted perfectly properly in approaching me first.你先来找我,做得对极了。NOTE 辨析 Acceptable or proper? Acceptable has a wider general meaning than proper: things can be socially/morally acceptable but not◆socially/morally proper because the social/moral aspect is included in the meaning of proper. Proper is a more formal word than acceptable, and more frequent in British English than in American English. It can suggest a greater degree of approval: actions that are proper are actions that you approve of; actions that are acceptable are actions that you do not disapprove of. * acceptable比proper含义更宽泛。可以说socially/morally acceptable,但不说socially/morally proper,因为proper已包含“为社会认可、合乎道德”之意。 proper比acceptable正式,在英式英语中比在美式英语中常用,还意味着更大程度的赞同:proper可形容自己赞同的行为,acceptable可形容自己不反对的行为。■ due [only before noun] (formal) that is suitable or right in the circumstances 适当的;恰当的;合适的◆After due consideration we have decided to appoint Mr Davis to the job.经过适当考虑,我们决定委任戴维斯先生做这项工作。◆Your request will be dealt with in due course (= at the right time and not before).你的要求将在适当的时候处理。■ justified /ˈdʒʌstɪfaɪd/ / [not usually before noun] having a good reason for doing sth; existing or done for a good reason 有正当理由;事出有因;合乎情理◆She felt fully justified in asking for her money back.她认为有充分的理由要求退款。◆I don't think the death penalty is ever justified.我认为死刑从来就不是合理的。OPP unjustified ⇨ unjustified ■ decent / /ˈdiːsnt/ / (rather formal) acceptable to people in a particular situation 得体的;合宜的;适当的◆Local people made sure the soldiers were given a decent burial.当地民众尽力为这些士兵举行得体的葬礼。◆I think he should do the decent thing and resign.我认为他应该辞职,这才是体面之举。◆She should have waited a decent interval before marrying again.她再婚之前本该适当等上一段时间。 OPP indecent ⇨ improper ■ justifiable /ˈdʒʌstɪfaɪəbl, ˌdʒʌstɪˈfaɪəbl/ existing or done for a good reason and therefore acceptable 事出有因的;合乎情理的;情有可原的◆She took a justifiable pride in her son's achievements.她理所当然地为儿子的成就感到自豪。◆There were no justifiable grounds for sending him to prison.目前还没有正当的理由把他关进监狱。OPP unjustifiable ⇨ unjustified ▸ justifiably adverb ◆The college can be justifiably proud of its record.这所大学有理由为自己的成绩感到骄傲。NOTE 辨析 Justified or justifiable?A person or action can be justified; an action, feeling or reason can be justifiable. * justified可形容人或行动,justifiable可形容行动、感觉或理由◆She felt justifiable in asking for her money back. ◆There were no justified grounds for sending him to prison. |