

单词 olect_walk_2


He walked into the room. 他走进房间。go walking in the mountains 去山里徒步旅行walk ♦︎ hike ♦︎ trekThese words all mean to spend time walking for pleasure. 这些词均表示徒步旅行、散步。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to go walking / hiking / trekking walk ( go walking) [intransitive, transitive] (especially BrE) to spend time walking for pleasure 徒步旅行;散步We're going walking in the mountains this summer.今年夏天我们打算去山里徒步旅行。I walked across Scotland with a friend.我和一个朋友徒步穿越了苏格兰。Have you ever walked the Pennine Way?你徒步走过彭尼内步道吗? walk


[countable] Let's go for a walk.我们去散散步吧。She's taken the dog for a walk.她带着狗去散步了。It's only a short walk to the beach.步行到海滩没多远。There are some interesting walks (= routes for walking) around here.这一带有些不错的步道。He set out on the long walk home.他踏上了漫长的回家路程。


[uncountable] Activities on offer include walking and bird watching.可以参加的活动包括徒步旅行和观鸟。This is superb walking country.这里是极佳的徒步旅行区域。
hike ( go hiking) [intransitive] to go for a long walk in the country; to spend time walking in the country for pleasure 远足;徒步旅行If the weather's fine, we'll go hiking this weekend.如果天气好,这周末我们就去远足。You'll need some strong boots for hiking over rough country.在崎岖不平的地区徒步旅行,你需要结实的靴子。In American English hike can also be used with an object. 在美式英语中,hike还可以带宾语 [transitive] (NAmE) I always wanted to hike the Rockies.我一直想去落基山脉远足。 hike


[countable] They went on a ten-mile hike through the forest.他们徒步走了10英里,穿过了森林。
trek ( go trekking) (-kk-) [intransitive, transitive] to spend time walking for pleasure, especially in mountains and over long distances (尤指在山中)远足,徒步旅行Last autumn we went trekking in Nepal.去年秋天我们去尼泊尔徒步旅行。They trekked the 45 miles across the glacier.他们徒步45英里穿越了冰川。 trek


[countable] They reached the camp after an arduous two-day trek across the mountains.在山里艰苦跋涉了两天之后,他们来到了营地。




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