

单词 olect_wave_1


Huge waves were breaking on the shore. 巨浪拍打着海岸。a wave of fear/desire 一阵恐惧/欲望a wave of violence 暴力的浪潮wave ♦︎ rush ♦︎ surge ♦︎ ripple ♦︎ thrillThese are all words for a sudden increase in sth, especially a feeling. 这些词均表示心潮涌动。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a wave / rush / surge / ripple / thrill of stha great wave / rush / surge of stha little surge / ripple / thrill of stha sudden wave / rush / surge / thrill of stha wave / rush / surge / ripple / thrill of excitement / pleasure / feara wave / rush / surge of desire / anger / emotion / reliefa wave / surge / ripple of interestto feel a wave / rush / surge / ripple / thrill of sthto send a wave / rush / surge / ripple / thrill of sth (through sb / sth)a wave / surge / thrill of sth runs through sb / stha wave / surge of sth sweeps over / through sb / sth wave [countable] a sudden increase in a feeling 心潮;情感的涌动Suddenly a wave of guilt washed over her.她突然感到一股罪恶感。Guilt and horror flooded her in waves.歉疚和恐惧一阵阵涌上她的心头。 rush [singular] a sudden strong feeling or sign of strong feeling 迸发的情绪;情绪迸发She felt a rush of blood to her cheeks.她突然感到脸颊一阵发热。You often get an adrenalin rush as the race begins.速度比赛开始时,一种亢奋感常常会突然而至。In this meaning rush is usually followed by of, except in the phrase adrenalin rush. 表达此义时,rush通常后接of,短语adrenalin rush除外。 surge /sɜːdʒ; NAmE sɜːrdʒ/ [countable] a sudden strong feeling (强烈感情的)突发She felt a sudden surge of anger.她突然感到怒火中烧。A huge surge of emotion swept through her.一股强烈的情感传遍她的全身。In this meaning surge is usually followed by of, except in the phrase adrenalin surge. 表达此义时,surge通常后接of,短语adrenalin surge(热血沸腾)除外。 see also surge increase noun NOTE 辨析 Wave, rush or surge? Wave suggests a feeling that comes, grows stronger, and then grows weaker again. Feelings may come in waves if this experience is repeated several times. Both rush and surge suggest that a feeling comes more suddenly, faster and more strongly than with wave, but it usually comes only once. * wave指情感由弱变强然后渐弱的过程,in waves表示这个感情涨落的过程重复发生。rush和surge均较wave来得更突然、更迅猛,但通常为一次性迸发Guilt and horror flooded her in rushes/surges. A rush of feeling may be more sudden than a surge, but a surge may be stronger. * rush可能较surge更突然,但surge可能较强烈。 ripple [countable] (usually followed by of 通常后接of) (written) a feeling that gradually spreads through a person or group of people 逐渐蔓延扩散的感觉A ripple of fear passed through him.一股恐惧感传遍了他的全身。The announcement sent a ripple of excitement through the crowd.这件事一宣布就在人群里引起了一阵兴奋。 thrill [countable] (usually followed by of 通常后接of) a sudden feeling that you feel in your body, especially a mixture of excitement and pleasure 一阵强烈的感觉;兴奋;激动A thrill of alarm ran through him.一阵惊恐的感觉传遍他的全身。




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