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pushy adj. ⇨ aggressive 2aggressive2 adjective aggressive behaviour 挑衅行为an aggressive marketing campaign 一场声势浩大的促销活动aggressive ♦︎ ambitious ♦︎ competitive ♦︎ assertive ♦︎ pushy ♦︎ forcefulThese words all describe a person who behaves in a determined, confident way, trying hard to succeed or to express their opinions. 这些词均表示好强的、强势的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆aggressive / ambitious / competitive / assertive in sth◆aggressive / assertive / forceful in doing sth◆an aggressive / a competitive / an assertive / a forceful approach / attitude / manner◆an aggressive / a competitive / a pushy / a forceful style◆aggressive / competitive / assertive behaviour◆an aggressive / an ambitious / a competitive / an assertive / a forceful person◆ambitious / pushy / forceful parents■ aggressive (sometimes disapproving) behaving in a very determined way in order to succeed or to get what you want 志在必得的;咄咄逼人的◆I was put off by his aggressive sales pitch.他强人所难的推销行话让我反感。◆We need to be more aggressive in our strategy.我们的策略要更进取一些。▸ aggressively adverb ◆The products were aggressively promoted.产品的促销活动搞得轰轰烈烈。■ ambitious / /æmˈbɪʃəs/ / determined to be successful, rich, powerful, etc. 有雄心的;有抱负的◆She's a great student-dedicated, hardworking and ambitious.她是个优秀的学生-专心、勤奋,而且有抱负。◆They became fiercely ambitious for the boy.他们对那个男孩寄予厚望。OPP unambitious ⓘ Unambitious people are not interested in becoming successful, rich or powerful. * unambitious指没有雄心的、没有抱负的。 see also ambition ⇨ ambition ■ competitive / /kəmˈpetətɪv/ / trying very hard to be better than others 好胜的;好强的◆He has a strong competitive streak.他有极为好强的一面。■ assertive /əˈsɜːtɪv; NAmE əˈsɜːrtɪv/ (often approving) expressing opinions or desires strongly and with confidence, so that people take notice (表达观点或愿望)坚定自信的,果断敢言的◆Learn to be assertive and stand up for your rights.要学会直言不讳,维护自己的权利。◆There was a new assertive foreign policy in the White House.当时白宫制定的新外交政策是绝不含糊。OPP submissive ⇨ passive see also assertiveness ⇨ confidence , confident ⇨ confident ▸ assertively adverb ◆You are taught to handle tricky situations assertively.你将学到如何坚定自信地处理微妙的局势。■ pushy (informal, disapproving) trying hard to get what you want, especially in a way that seems rude 执意强求的;死缠硬磨的◆What's the best way to get rid of a pushy salesman?要甩掉纠缠不休的推销员,怎么做最好?■ forceful expressing opinions firmly or clearly in a way that persuades other people to believe them (说话)有说服力的◆His mother was a forceful character and had a big influence on him.他母亲为人强势,对他影响很大。▸ forcefully adverb ◆He argued his case forcefully.他振振有词地阐述他的理由。NOTE 辨析 Aggressive, assertive, pushy or forceful?These words all describe a person's behaviour and attitude in trying to get what they want or to express their opinions. Aggressive and pushy are usually disapproving and often describe sb who is trying too hard and may appear rude. Assertive and forceful are more approving and describe sb who is strong and confident, but in a more respectful and appropriate way. 这些词均形容为达到目的或表达观点而采取的行为和态度。aggressive和pushy通常含贬义,常形容努力过头而显得粗鲁。assertive和forceful多含褒义,形容态度坚定自信,且方式礼貌得体。 |