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rage noun ⇨ anger (speechless with rage) ⇨ temper (storm out in a rage)anger noun anger ♦︎ rage ♦︎ fury ♦︎ outrage ♦︎ indignationThese are all words for the strong feelings you have when you are angry or very angry about sth. 这些词均表示愤怒。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达的愤怒程度anger | ➔ | outrage | ➔ | rage | indignation | | | | fury | PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to do sth in anger / rage / fury / outrage / indignation◆public / widespread anger / outrage / indignation◆to provoke anger / fury / outrage / indignation◆to arouse sb's anger / fury / indignation◆to be filled / shake / tremble / seethe with anger / rage / fury / outrage / indignation◆to express anger / rage / fury / outrage / indignation◆to vent your anger / rage / fury◆to fly into a rage / fury■ anger [uncountable] the strong feeling that you have when sth has happened that you think is bad and unfair 怒火;怒气◆Jan slammed the door in anger.简怒气冲冲,砰的一声把门关上了。◆I am acutely aware of the growing anger and frustration of young unemployed people.我十分清楚年轻失业者日益加剧的愤怒和沮丧。■ rage [uncountable, singular] a feeling of violent anger that is difficult to control 暴怒;狂怒◆She was speechless with rage.她气愤得说不出话来。◆She stormed out of the room in a rage.她气呼呼地冲出了房间。 see also rage ⇨ temper , enraged ⇨ furious ■ fury / /ˈfjʊri/ / [uncountable, singular] (written) a feeling of violent anger 狂怒;暴怒◆Her face was white with fury.她气得脸色煞白。◆In a cold fury my uncle hurled his son from the room.我叔父怒气冲冲,一把将儿子推到屋外。 see also furious ⇨ furious NOTE 辨析 Rage or fury?Both rage and fury may result in violent behaviour, but fury is usually a more controlled feeling than rage. Rage may be hot or cold, red or white. * rage和fury都可能导致暴力行为,但通常fury比rage容易控制。rage可以用hot、cold、red或white等词修饰◆His face was red / white with rage.他气得满脸通红/脸色煞白。 Fury is only cold and white. * fury只能用cold或white修饰。 ■ outrage / /ˈaʊtreɪdʒ/ / [uncountable] a strong feeling of anger and shock 愤怒;愤慨◆The judge's remarks caused public outrage.裁判的话引起了公愤。◆She was filled with an overwhelming sense of moral outrage.她的心里充满了莫大的义愤。 see also outraged ⇨ furious , outrageous ⇨ outrageous ■ indignation / /ˌɪndɪgˈneɪʃən/ / [uncountable] a feeling of anger and shock caused by sth that you think is unfair or unreasonable 愤慨;愤怒;义愤◆Some benefits apply only to men, much to the indignation of working women.让职业女性愤愤不平的是有些福利只给男性。◆She was full of righteous indignation (= the belief that you are right to be angry even though other people do not agree).她义愤填膺。NOTE 辨析 Outrage or indignation?Both words include a feeling of surprise as well as anger, but outrage is stronger. Indignation often suggests that you feel that you have been treated unfairly; outrage may be less personal and involves a more general sense of anger. 这两个词均表示又气又惊,但outrage感情更强烈。indignation常指受到不公正待遇引起的愤慨,outrage较少指个人感受,较多表示公愤。 temper noun temper ♦︎ tantrum ♦︎ rage ♦︎ mood ♦︎ sulk ♦︎ huffThese are all words for a short period of angry behaviour or of feeling angry. 这些词均表示发脾气、怒气、不悦。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达发脾气的程度mood | ➔ | temper | ➔ | rage | sulk | | tantrum | | | huff | | | | | PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to be in a temper / rage / huff at / about / over sth◆in a temper / rage / mood / sulk / huff◆a violent temper / tantrum / rage◆to have a temper / a tantrum / the sulks◆to get in a temper / rage / huff◆to fly into a temper / rage■ temper [countable, usually singular, uncountable] if sb has a temper, they get angry easily 脾气;易怒的性情◆He has a short / quick temper (= gets angry very easily).他是个急性子。◆You must learn to control your temper.你得学会捺住性子。◆After an hour of waiting tempers began to fray (= people began to get angry).等了一个小时后,大伙开始冒火了。◆She broke the plates in a fit of temper.她一气之下把盘子都摔碎了。ⓘ A temper is also a short period of feeling very angry. * temper亦指一阵暴怒、怒气◆She says awful things when she's in a temper.她一发脾气说话就很难听。 see also lose your temper ⇨ lose your temper ■ tantrum / /ˈtæntrəm/ / [countable] a sudden short period of angry, unreasonable behaviour, especially in a child (尤指儿童)耍脾气,使性子◆They claimed she threw tantrums and was difficult to work with.他们说她爱使性子,很难一起工作。◆Young children often have temper tantrums.小孩子经常爱使性子。■ rage [countable] a period of violent anger that is difficult to control 暴怒;狂怒◆Sue stormed out in a rage.苏大发雷霆。◆She attacked him in a jealous rage.她因妒忌而发怒攻击他。 see also rage ⇨ anger noun ■ mood [countable] a period of being angry or impatient 坏心境;坏脾气◆I wonder why he's in such a mood today.我不知道他为什么今天脾气这么坏。◆She was in one of her moods (= one of her regular periods of being angry or impatient).她心情又不好了。◆to be in a bad / foul / filthy / terrible mood情绪不佳/很差/很坏/极糟 see also mood ⇨ mood , moody ⇨ moody ■ sulk [countable] (BrE also the sulks [plural]) a period of being silent and bad-tempered because you are annoyed about sth 生闷气;愠怒◆Jo was in a sulk upstairs.乔在楼上生闷气。◆Ed's got the sulks again.埃德又生闷气了。 see also sulk ⇨ brood verb , sulky ⇨ irritable ■ huff [countable] (informal) a period of being bad-tempered, especially because sb has annoyed or upset you 怒气冲冲,生气(尤指被人惹恼或烦乱所致)◆She went home in a huff.她怒气冲冲地回家了。 |