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rain verb ⇨ rain (Is it raining?) ⇨ scatter (a volcano rains hot ash)rain noun ⇨ rain rain verb rain ♦︎ fall ♦︎ pour ♦︎ come down ♦︎ drizzleThese words are all used when water drops down from the sky. 这些词均表示下雨。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达雨势强弱的程度drizzle | ➔ | rain | ➔ | pour | | | fall | | | | | come down | | | PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to pour / come down◆it's raining / pouring / drizzling◆the rain falls / pours / comes down◆to rain / fall heavily / lightly / steadily■ rain [intransitive] when it rains, water drops down from the sky in drops 下雨◆Is it raining?下雨了吗?◆It had been raining all night.雨下了一整夜。◆It hardly rained at all last summer.去年夏天几乎没怎么下雨。◆It started to rain.开始下雨了。■ fall (fell, fallen) [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) (of rain or snow) to drop down from the sky (雨或雪)降落,落下◆The snow was falling steadily.雪一直下着。◆70 millimetres of rain fell in just a few hours.仅几个小时降雨量便达到了70毫米。■ pour [intransitive](of rain) to fall heavily (雨)倾盆而下;下大雨◆The rain continued to pour down.大雨哗哗地下个不停。◆It's pouring outside.外面下着瓢泼大雨。◆ (BrE) It's pouring with rain.大雨滂沱。ⓘ In American English you can say It's pouring rain, but it is more usual just to say It's pouring. 在美式英语中,可以说It's pouring rain,但更常说It's pouring。■ ˌcome ˈdown phrasal verb (came, come)(of rain or snow) to fall (雨或雪)落下,降落◆The rain came down in torrents.大雨滂沱。NOTE 辨析 Rain, fall or come down? Rain is the most frequent verb and is used with the subject it. Fall and come down are used with a subject such as rain or snow. Fall is used when giving precise measurements of rainfall. * rain是最常用的动词,主语用it。fall和come down的主语是rain或snow等。给出精确的降雨量时用fall◆70 millimetres of rain fell in just a few hours.仅几个小时降雨量便达到了70毫米。◆70 millimetres of rain came down in just a few hours. ◆It rained 70 millimetres of rain in just a few hours. Come down is often used with a description of how the rain falls. * come down常用于描述雨水如何降落◆The rain was coming down in a solid curtain.雨如水帘般倾泻而下。 ■ drizzle [intransitive] (usually used in the progressive tenses, with it as the subject 通常用于进行时,用it作主语) to rain lightly 下毛毛雨;下蒙蒙细雨◆It was drizzling outside.外面下着毛毛细雨。 scatter verb scatter ♦︎ spread ♦︎ strew ♦︎ spray ♦︎ shower ♦︎ rain ♦︎ sprinkleThese words all mean to make lots of small pieces of sth cover an area. 这些词均表示撒、洒、使布满。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to strew / shower / sprinkle sth with sth◆to scatter / spread / strew / spray / shower / rain / sprinkle sth on / onto / over sth◆to scatter / spread / strew / spray sth across sth◆to scatter / spread / sprinkle seeds◆to scatter / spray crumbs◆to scatter / shower / rain ash◆to scatter / shower debris◆to scatter / spread / sprinkle sth evenly■ scatter [transitive] to throw or drop things in different directions so that they cover an area of ground 撒;撒播◆Scatter the grass seed over the lawn.把草籽撒在草坪上。◆They scattered his ashes at sea.他们把他的骨灰撒到海里。■ spread (spread, spread) [transitive] to arrange objects so that they cover a large area and can be seen easily 摊开;使散开◆Papers had been spread out on the desk.各种文件摊在桌子上。■ strew / /struː/ / (strewed, strewed or strewed, strewn) [transitive, usually passive] to cover a surface with things 把⋯散播在⋯上;使布满◆Clothes were strewn across the floor.衣服扔得满地都是。◆The streets were strewn with corpses.大街上到处都是尸体。■ spray [transitive, intransitive] to cover sb/sth with a lot of small things with a lot of force 向⋯扫射;向⋯抛洒;洒遍◆The gunman sprayed the building with bullets.持枪歹徒向那座房子扫射。◆Pieces of glass sprayed all over the room.屋里到处落满了玻璃碎片。■ shower [transitive] to drop a lot of small things onto sb 向⋯抛撒;使纷纷降落在⋯上◆The bride and groom were showered with rice as they left the church.新郎和新娘走出教堂时,人们朝他们撒米祝福。◆The roof collapsed, showering us with dust and debris.屋顶塌了下来,灰尘、碎片纷纷落在我们身上。 see also shower ⇨ flood noun 2 ■ rain [transitive] to make sth fall on sb/sth in large quantities 使大量降落;使雨点般落下◆The volcano erupted, raining hot ash over a wide area.火山喷发了,将炽热的火山灰洒落在一大片地域上。■ sprinkle [transitive] to throw small pieces of sth or drops of a liquid on sth 撒;洒;把⋯撒(或洒)在⋯上◆She sprinkled sugar over the strawberries.她在草莓上撒了点糖。 rain noun rain ♦︎ shower ♦︎ rainfall ♦︎ drizzle ♦︎ monsoon ♦︎ downpourThese are all words for the water which falls or has fallen from the sky. 这些词均表示雨、雨水。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆in the rain / the drizzle / the monsoon / a downpour◆(a) heavy rain / shower / rainfall / downpour◆(a) light rain / shower / rainfall / drizzle◆(a) torrential rain / rainfall / downpour◆a sudden shower / downpour◆(a) steady rain / drizzle / downpour◆(a) fine / thin / patchy rain / drizzle◆to be / get caught in the rain / a shower / a downpour◆rain / drizzle falls■ rain [uncountable, singular] water that falls from the clouds in separate drops 雨;雨水◆Rain is forecast for the weekend.预报周末有雨。◆Don't go out in the rain.下雨呢,别出去了。◆The rain poured down.雨瓢泼而下。◆It looks like rain (= as if it is going to rain).好像要下雨。◆I think I felt a drop of rain.我好像感觉到掉雨点儿了。◆A light rain began to fall.开始下小雨。◆ (BrE) It's pouring with rain.大雨倾盆。ⓘ The rains [plural] are the season of heavy continuous rain in tropical countries. 复数形式的the rains指热带地区的雨季◆The rains come in September.雨季9月份开始。 see also rainy ⇨ wet 2 ■ shower [countable] a short period of rain or snow 阵雨;阵雪◆We got caught in a heavy shower.我们遇上了一阵大雨。■ rainfall / /ˈreɪnfɔːl/ / [uncountable, singular] the total amount of rain that falls in a particular area in a particular amount of time 降雨量◆There has been below average rainfall this month.这个月的降雨低于平均降雨量。◆We have an average annual rainfall of around 750 mm.我们这里的年平均降雨量约为750毫米。■ drizzle [uncountable, singular] light, fine rain 毛毛细雨◆The forecast for tomorrow is mist and drizzle.天气预报说明天有薄雾和小雨。◆A light drizzle was falling as they left the cottage.他们离开村舍时,下着毛毛细雨。■ monsoon / /ˌmɒnˈsuːn; NAmE ˌmɑːnˈsuːn/ [countable, usually singular] a period of heavy rain in summer in S Asia; the rain that falls in this period; a wind in S Asia that blows from the south-west in summer, bringing rain, and the north-east in winter (南亚地区的)雨季,雨季的降雨;季风,季节风(盛行于南亚地区,夏季刮西南风,带来降雨,冬季刮东北风)◆By the end of September it seemed that the monsoon season was drawing to a close.到9月底,雨季好像接近尾声了。◆The monsoon blew relentlessly into our faces.季风无情地吹打着我们的脸。ⓘ Monsoon is usually used in the form the monsoon, or like an adjective before another noun. * monsoon常用the monsoon形式,或像形容词般置于另一名词前◆monsoon rains / winds / weather季风雨;季风;季风天气 ■ downpour /ˈdaʊnpɔː(r)/ / [countable, usually singular] a heavy fall of rain that often starts suddenly 倾盆大雨;暴雨;大骤雨◆The suddenness of the downpour had caught the three of them by surprise.突如其来的倾盆大雨让他们三人措手不及。 |