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opening noun ⇨ hole 1 (an opening in the roof) ⇨ job (an opening in sales) ⇨ launch (the opening of a new hospital) ⇨ start (the movie's exciting opening)opening adj. ⇨ firsthole1 noun a hole in the wall 墙上的孔a hole in the ground 地上的坑hole ♦︎ space ♦︎ gap ♦︎ opening ♦︎ slot ♦︎ apertureThese words are all used for an open space in sth or between things, that sth can pass through or where sth is missing. 这些词均表示裂口、开口。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆a hole / space / gap / opening / slot / aperture in sth◆a space / gap between A and B◆a small / narrow hole / space / gap / opening / slot / aperture◆a large / wide hole / space / gap / opening / aperture◆to leave a hole / a space / a gap / an opening◆to make a hole / an opening / a slot■ hole [countable] an empty space that goes all the way through sth 裂口;开口;孔眼◆to drill / bore / punch / kick a hole in sth把某物钻穿/挖穿/冲穿/踢穿◆There were holes in the knees of his jeans.他牛仔裤的膝部有破洞。◆The children climbed through a hole in the fence.孩子们从栅栏的缺口爬了过去。◆a bullet hole枪眼■ space [countable] an area or place that is empty, especially between things or in the middle of sth 空隙;空位◆a space two metres by three metres长3米宽2米的空地◆a parking space停车位◆I'll clear a space for your books.我来腾出一块地方给你放书。◆Put it in the space between the table and the wall.桌子和墙中间有个空隙,把它放那儿去。■ gap [countable] a space between two things or in the middle of sth, especially because there is a part missing 空隙;缺口;豁口◆a gap in a hedge / fence / wall树篱/栅栏/墙壁的豁口◆Leave a gap between your car and the next.在你的车与旁边的车之间留点空隙。■ opening [countable] a space or hole that sth can pass through 孔;洞;缺口◆The hall is lit by an opening in the roof.大厅通过顶部的开口采光。◆the dark opening of the tunnel隧道黑漆漆的洞口◆The adult parasites have a simple mouth opening.寄生虫成虫长有一个简单的口孔。■ slot [countable] a long, narrow opening, into which you fit or put sth 窄缝;投放口;插入处◆He slid a coin into the slot of the jukebox.他往自动点唱机的投币口塞入一枚硬币。◆a slot machine投币自动售货机■ aperture /ˈæpətʃə(r); NAmE ˈæpətʃʊr/ [countable] (formal or technical 术语) a small opening in sth; an opening that allows light to reach a lens (= a curved piece of glass or plastic, for example in a camera) 小孔;缝隙;(镜头的光圈)孔径◆The bell ropes passed through apertures in the ceiling.拉铃用的拉绳从天花板的缝隙里穿过来。◆Open up the lens aperture to maximize the brightness of the shot.打开镜头孔径,使照片亮度变为最大。 job noun see also work noun 2 job ♦︎ position ♦︎ post ♦︎ vacancy ♦︎ opening ♦︎ appointment ♦︎ postingThese are all words for a position doing work for which you receive regular payment. 这些词均表示职位或职位空缺。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆a vacancy / an opening for sb◆a temporary job / position / post / vacancy / appointment / posting◆a permanent / full-time / part-time job / position / post / vacancy / appointment◆a good / top job / position / post / appointment◆a well-paid / highly-paid job / position / post◆to have / have got a job / a position / a post / a vacancy / an opening / an appointment / a posting◆to apply for a job / a position / a post / a vacancy / a posting◆to hold / seek a job / a position / a post / an appointment◆to look for / give sb a job / position / post / posting◆to find a job / position / post◆to get a job / a position / a post / an appointment / a posting◆to offer sb / take a job / a position / a post / an appointment / a posting◆to fill a job / position / post / vacancy◆to land / resign from / leave / quit / keep / lose a job / position / post◆to create / provide jobs / positions / posts / vacancies / openings■ job [countable] a position doing work for which you receive regular payment 工作;职业;职位◆He's trying to get a job in teaching.他正在找一份教师工作。◆I'm only doing my job (= I'm doing what I'm paid to do).我只是在做自己分内的事而已。◆He certainly knows his job (= is very good at his job).他无疑对自己的工作很在行。◆We provide training on the job (= while sb is actually doing the job).我们提供在职培训。◆She's been out of a job (= unemployed) for six months now.如今她已经失业六个月了。◆She's never had a steady job (= a job that is not going to end suddenly).她从未有过稳定的工作。◆Her job title is Senior Advisor.她的职称是高级顾问。◆Job satisfaction (= being happy with the job you do) is very important to me.工作上的满足感对我来说非常重要。■ position [countable] (rather formal) a job 职位;职务◆She holds a senior position in a large corporation.她在一家大公司担任高层。◆I would like to apply for the position of sales director.我想申请销售部总监一职。ⓘ Position usually refers to a particular job within an organization, especially at a high level, and is not usually used about jobs generally. It is also often used in job applications, descriptions and advertisements. * position通常指机构内部的特定职务,特别是高层职位,不用来泛指工作。该词也常用于求职、职务说明和招聘广告中。 see also office ⇨ role ■ post [countable] (especially BrE) a job, especially an important one in a large organization 职位;(尤指)要职◆Ideally I'm looking for an academic post.我心中最理想的是谋求一个教学职位。◆She was offered a key post in the new government.她获委任在新政府中担任要职。ⓘ In American English post is only really used for an appointed government job; in other cases where British English uses post, American English uses position. 在美式英语中post仅指委任的政府职务,在其他场合中英式英语用post,美式英语用position◆a Cabinet post内阁职务◆an academic position教学职位 ■ vacancy / /ˈveɪkənsi/ / [countable] a job that is available for sb to do 职位空缺;空职;空额◆We have several vacancies for casual workers.我们缺几名临时工。◆We'll let you know if any more vacancies come up.如果再有职位空缺,我们会通知你。■ opening [countable] a job that is available for sb to do 职位空缺;空职;空额◆There are several openings in the sales departments.销售部有几个职位空缺。NOTE 辨析 Vacancy or opening?These words have the same meaning and there is very little difference in their use. Vacancy is more frequent, especially in British English. Opening is slightly more informal and is used more in American English and in financial journalism. 这两个词含义相同,用法上也没什么差别。vacancy比较常用,尤用于英式英语;opening稍欠正式,更多用于美式英语和财经新闻。■ appointment [countable] (especially BrE, rather formal) a job or position of responsibility 职务;职位◆This is a permanent appointment, requiring commitment and hard work.这是一个固定职位,需要奉献精神和辛勤工作。 see also appoint ⇨ appoint ■ posting [countable] (especially BrE) an act of sending sb to a particular place to do their job, especially for a limited period of time; the job that sb is sent to do 派驻;派驻的职位◆He asked for a posting to the Middle East.他申请派驻中东。◆Staff will work abroad on 2-5 year postings.员工将被派往海外工作2至5年。ⓘ Posting is also used in American English, but usually only to refer to limited-term government jobs. * posting也用于美式英语中,但通常仅指有期限的政府驻外职务。 see also post ⇨ send 2 launch noun launch ♦︎ opening ♦︎ premiere ♦︎ first nightThese are all words for an event at which an activity is officially started, or a product is made available to the public for the first time. 这些词均表示某项活动的正式开始或产品的首次上市。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆at the launch / opening / premiere / first night◆a successful / public launch / opening / premiere◆a / an formal / official launch / opening◆to go to / attend the launch / opening / premiere / first night◆to get ready for / prepare for / announce / coincide with / speak at / delay / postpone the launch / opening◆a launch / an opening party■ launch [countable, usually singular] (especially business 尤用于商业) an event at which an activity is officially started, or a product is made available to the public for the first time (活动的)开始,发起;(产品的)上市,发行◆Speaking at a recent product launch, he said that the company would continue to diversify.在最近一次新品发布活动中,他说公司将继续实施多元化经营。◆The official launch date is in May.正式的发行日期是在5月。ⓘ The sort of activity for which people hold a launch are a campaign, a competition, a scheme, a programme, an exhibition, and an appeal. * launch适用的活动包括campaign、competition、scheme、programme、exhibition和appeal。 see also launch ⇨ introduce verb 1 , launch ⇨ present verb 1 ■ opening [countable, usually singular] a ceremony to celebrate the start of a public event or the first time a new building, road, etc. is used 开幕式;落成典礼◆Tickets are now available for the opening of the Olympic Games.奥运会开幕式入场券现正发售。◆I've been asked to attend the official opening of the new hospital.我获邀出席新医院的开院典礼。 see also open ⇨ begin ■ premiere /ˈpremieə(r); NAmE prɪˈmɪr, prɪˈmjɪr/ [countable] the first public performance of a film or play (电影或戏剧的)首映,首演◆He was unable to attend the world premiere of his new play.他没能出席他的新剧的世界首演。◆The movie will have its premiere in July.这部电影将于7月首映。▸ premiere verb [transitive, intransitive] ◆The play was premiered at the Birmingham Rep in 2006.该剧于2006年在伯明翰轮演剧场首次公演。◆His new movie premieres in New York this week.他的新电影本周在纽约首映。■ ˌfirst ˈnight [countable, usually singular] the first public performance of a play (戏剧的)首场,首演◆I got tickets for the first night of 'Romeo and Juliet'.我搞到了《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的首演门票。NOTE 辨析 Premiere or first night?The premiere of a film or play is a very special occasion to which famous people, journalists, actors, etc. are invited. First night is used to talk about plays much more than films; it does not have to be a new play, but is often a new production of a play that has been performed before; it can be a large, important production or a small, unknown one. * premiere指电影首映或戏剧首演的仪式,届时会有知名人士、记者、演员等应邀出席。first night更多指戏剧的首演而非电影的首映,所公演的常常是重新排练的老剧目而不一定是新剧目;可以是大制作的重头戏,也可以是小制作的低知名度剧目◆The first night of the school play is just days away and the cast still don't know their lines.离校剧首演只有几天时间了,可演员们连台词还没背熟呢。 start noun start ♦︎ beginning ♦︎ opening ♦︎ outset ♦︎ onset ♦︎ birth ♦︎ dawn ♦︎ kick-offThese are all words for the first part or early stages of sth. 这些词均表示开端、开头部分或初期阶段。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆the start / opening to sth◆at the start / beginning / opening / outset / onset / birth / dawn (of sth)◆from the (very) start / beginning / outset◆a new start / beginning / opening / birth / dawn◆a slow start / beginning / onset◆a / an early / late start / onset / kick-off◆a delayed start / opening / onset◆a promising start / beginning / opening◆to mark the start / beginning / opening / onset / birth / dawn (of sth)◆to herald the start / beginning / opening / onset / dawn (of sth)◆to see the start / beginning / opening / birth / dawn (of sth)◆to delay the start / opening / onset / kick-off (of sth)■ start [countable, usually singular] the point at which sth begins; the act or process of beginning sth 开头;开端;开始◆What a perfect start to the day!这一天的开始多完美呀!◆If we don't hurry, we'll miss the start of the game.要是不快走,我们就看不上比赛的开头了。◆We've had problems (right) from the start.我们从一开始就遇到了困难。◆The meeting got off to a good / bad start (= started well / badly).会议有了一个良好/糟糕的开端。◆The trip was a disaster from start to finish.那次旅行从头到尾都糟糕透顶。◆I'll paint the ceiling if you make a start on the walls.你要是动手刷墙,我就刷天花板吧。◆She's moving abroad to make a fresh start (= to begin a new life).她要移居国外,开始新的生活。OPP finish ⇨ end noun see also start ⇨ begin verb , start ⇨ opportunity noun ■ beginning [countable, usually singular] the first part or early stages of sth; the point at which sth begins 开头部分;初期阶段;开端;开头◆We're going to Japan at the beginning of July.我们7月初要去日本。◆We missed the beginning of the movie.我们错过了电影的开头部分。◆Let's start again from the beginning.让我们再从头开始吧。◆I've read the whole book from beginning to end.我把这本书从头到尾读了一遍。ⓘ At the beginning (of) is used for the time and place when sth begins. In the beginning means 'at first', and suggests a contrast with a later situation. * at the beginning (of)用于表示某事开始的时间和起点。in the beginning表示起初、起先,与后来相对。 OPP end , ending ⇨ end noun see also begin ⇨ begin verb NOTE 辨析 Start or beginning?Although these words have almost the same meaning, they tend to be used in slightly different ways. An event, such as a game or meeting usually has a start; a story, book or movie usually has a beginning. In these cases, the start is usually shorter than the beginning. 虽然这两个词含义几乎相同,它们的使用方式却稍有不同。start通常表示game、meeting等活动的开始;beginning通常表示story、book或movie的开始。在这些情况下,start所持续的时间通常比beginning短◆We'll miss the start of the game (= the moment when it starts; the kick-off).我们将会错过比赛的开始部分。◆We missed the beginning of the movie (= the first few scenes).我们错过了电影的开头部分。Note that you say from start to finish and from beginning to end and not◆from start to end or ◆from beginning to finish You usually say at the beginning of a particular month, season or decade. 注意,要说from start to finish和from beginning to end,不说from start to end或from beginning to finish。表示特定月份、季节或十年期的开始,通常用at the beginning of◆at the start of July/summer/the 90s With other periods of time you can use either word, although beginning is usually more frequent. 对于其他时间段,则两词都可使用,尽管beginning通常更常用◆the beginning / start of the day / week / year / century / a new era一天/一周/一年/世纪/新时代的开始Only start can mean 'the act or process of beginning sth'. 只有start可表示开始做某事◆I want to make an early beginning. ■ opening [countable, usually singular] (especially written) the first part or early stages of sth such as a play, book, film, game or other event (戏剧、书、电影或比赛等的)开始,开头部分◆The movie has an exciting opening.该影片的开头很刺激。◆The New Zealanders quickly lost control after a promising opening.新西兰人队在取得一个很不错的开局后很快便对比赛失去了控制。 OPP ending ⇨ end noun see also open ⇨ begin verb , opening ⇨ first det. adj. ■ outset / /ˈaʊtset/ / [singular] (only used in the phrase at/from the outset 只用于短语at/from the outset) (rather formal) the beginning of sth 开始◆I made it clear right from the outset that I disapproved.从一开始我就明确表示我不赞成。■ onset /ˈɒnset; NAmE ˈɑːnset, ˈɔːnset/ [singular] (especially written) the beginning of sth, especially sth unpleasant (尤指不愉快的事的)开端,发生,肇始◆An active and healthy lifestyle can delay the onset of disease in later life.积极和健康的生活方式能够推迟晚年疾病的发作。ⓘ Onset is often used to talk about the early stages of illness or some other physical experience. * onset常指疾病或其他一些身体情况的开端◆the onset of illness / infection / disease / depression / AIDS / symptoms / shock / menstruation / puberty疾病/感染/疾病/抑郁症/艾滋病/症状/休克的发作;月经来潮;青春期的到来Other typical collocations relate to the weather. 该词的其他常用搭配词与天气有关◆the onset of winter / cold weather冬天/寒冷天气的来临 ■ birth [singular] (especially written) the beginning of a new situation, idea or place 创始;开始;诞生◆This declaration marked the birth of a new society in South Africa.这份宣言标志着一个新社会在南非诞生了。■ dawn [singular] (literary) the beginning of a new situation, idea or place 开端;曙光;萌芽◆That's been going on since the dawn of civilization.那种现象自从有了文明就一直存在。◆Peace marked a new dawn in the country's history.和平使这个国家的历史翻开了新的一页。■ ˈkick-off [countable, uncountable] the start of a game of football (足球比赛的)开球,开始◆Kick-off is at 3.足球比赛3点开球。 first determiner , adjective first ♦︎ initial ♦︎ original ♦︎ preliminary ♦︎ opening ♦︎ earliest ♦︎ primary ♦︎ introductory ♦︎ preparatoryThese words all describe sth that happens or exists at the beginning. 这些词均表示最初的、开始的、最早的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆preliminary / preparatory to sth◆the first / initial / preliminary / opening / earliest / primary / introductory / preparatory stage◆first / initial / original / preliminary / opening / introductory remarks◆a first / an initial / an original / a preliminary estimate / draft / version◆the first / initial / preliminary / introductory / preparatory meeting◆a first / an initial / a preliminary step / appointment / visit◆the first / opening / introductory chapter / paragraph◆the initial / the original / a preliminary / a preparatory study◆the initial / original / preliminary findings■ first determiner (of a person or thing) happening or coming before all other similar things or people; 1st 第一◆his first wife他的第一任妻子◆King Richard I (= said as 'King Richard the First') 英王理查一世◆It was the first time they had ever met.这是他们初次见面。◆She resolved to do it at the first opportunity.她决定一有机会就去做。◆First impressions can be misleading.最初的印象有时会误导人。◆You can have first choice of all the rooms.所有房间由你优先挑选。◆We're having chicken for the first course.我们的第一道菜是鸡肉。OPP last ⇨ last 1 , last ⇨ last 2 ▸ first adverb ◆First I had to decide what to wear.首先我得决定穿什么。◆Who came first in the race (= who won)?赛跑谁得第一?▸ at first idiom ◆At first I thought she was joking but then I realized she meant it.起先我以为她在开玩笑,但随后意识到她是认真的。◆I didn't like the job much at first.起初我并不太喜欢这个工作。■ initial / /ɪˈnɪʃl/ / [only before noun] happening at the beginning; first 最初的;开始的;第一的◆My initial reaction was to decline the offer.我最初的反应是想要谢绝这个提议。◆It is the initial preparation that takes the time.花时间的是最初的准备工作。◆There is an initial payment of £60 followed by ten instalments of £25.首期付款60英镑,接下来还有十次25英镑的分期付款。ⓘ Initial is used especially to talk about a reaction or feeling that does not last very long * initial尤用以描述持续时间不太长的反应或感觉◆By 1960 the initial optimism had evaporated.到1960年时,最初的乐观主义已经消失了。◆sb's initial response / impression / instinct / shock / surprise / enthusiasm / euphoria / excitement / scepticism / reluctance某人最初的反应/印象/本能/震惊/惊诧/热情/兴奋/激动/怀疑/不情愿; about a stage in a process 还可形容过程中的一个阶段◆the initial stage / phase / step / planning / preparation初始阶段/时期;第一步;最初的计划/准备; or about paying or spending money. 亦可描述付款或花费◆the initial investment / payment / outlay首期投资/付款;初期项目经费 OPP final ⇨ last 1 ▸ initially adverb ◆My contract is initially for three years.我的合同最初订了三年。◆Initially, the system worked well.开始时系统运转良好。■ original [only before noun] existing at the beginning of a particular period, process or activity, especially before being changed into sth else 原来的,起初的,原本的(尤指后来发生了变化)◆The room still has many of its original features.房间还保留着当初的许多特点。◆I think you should go back to your original plan.我认为你应该回头执行你原来的计划。▸ originally adverb ◆The school was originally very small.这所学校一开始很小。◆He comes originally from Peru.他原本来自秘鲁。■ preliminary / /prɪˈlɪmɪnəri; NAmE prɪˈlɪmɪneri/ happening before a more important action or event, especially by introducing or preparing for it 预备性的;初步的;前期的◆After a few preliminary remarks he announced the winners.说了几句开场白后,他即宣布优胜者名单。◆This is just a pilot study preliminary to a full-scale study.这只是进行全面研究之前的试验性研究。■ opening [only before noun](especially of sth that sb says or writes, or a piece of music, etc.) happening at the beginning (尤指讲话或文字作品、乐曲等)开始的,开篇的◆She was humming the opening bars of a song she had heard on the radio.她正哼着在收音机里听过的一首歌的开头几句。◆United scored in the opening minutes of the game.比赛一开场没几分钟联队就得分了。OPP closing ⇨ last 1 see also opening ⇨ start noun , open ⇨ begin verb ■ earliest the nearest to the beginning of an event or period of time 最早的◆The earliest description of this species dates from 1816.对这一物种最早的描述可以追溯到1816年。◆The earliest possible date I can make is the third.我能定下来的最早的日期是3号。■ primary /ˈpraɪməri; NAmE ˈpraɪmeri/ [usually before noun] (formal or technical 术语) developing or happening first; earliest 最初的;最早的◆The disease is still in its primary stage.这病尚处于初始阶段。◆It is not self-evident what the primary causes of this phenomenon are.这种现象最初的原因是什么,并非显而易见。 see also primary ⇨ main ■ introductory /ˌɪntrəˈdʌktəri/ / written or said at the beginning of sth as an introduction to what follows; intended as an introduction to a subject or activity for people who have never done it before 引导的;介绍的;入门的◆The booklist at the end of the chapter contains some introductory reading on the subject.章节末尾的书单列出了一些有关该主题的导读材料。◆I took an introductory class in psychology during my first year at college.我大学一年级时修了一门心理学基础课程。 see also introduction ⇨ basics , introduction ⇨ introduction 2 ■ preparatory /prɪˈpærətri; NAmE prɪˈpærətɔːri/ [only before noun] (especially BrE, formal) done in order to prepare for sth 预备的;作准备的◆After a few preparatory drawings, she completed the portrait in one session.试画了几幅之后,她一气呵成地完成了这幅肖像。◆Security checks had been carried out preparatory to (= to prepare for) the President's visit.为迎接总统来访,已预先进行了安全检查。 see also preparation ⇨ planning , prepare ⇨ prepare 1 , prepare ⇨ prepare 2 |