

单词 recoil
recoil verb
hesitate (recoil from an idea) jump3 (recoil in horror)


hesitate ♦︎ shy away from sth ♦︎ shrink from sth ♦︎ hold back ♦︎ think twice ♦︎ baulk ♦︎ recoilThese words all mean to avoid doing sth because you are worried that it might be difficult or unpleasant. 这些词均表示迟疑、畏避。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to shy away / shrink / hold back / recoil from sthto baulk / recoil at sthto shy away from / shrink from / think twice about / baulk at doing sthto shy away from / shrink from / recoil from a / an idea / thought / prospectto shy away from / shrink from the truthto make sb hesitate / hold back / think twice / baulk / recoilto hesitate / hold back (for) a momentto hesitate / hold back / recoil a little hesitate [intransitive] (rather formal) to be worried about doing sth, especially because you are not sure that it is right or appropriate 顾虑;疑虑Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries.如果有疑问请尽管和我联系。 see also hesitate pause verb hesitation


[uncountable] She agreed without the slightest hesitation.她毫不犹豫地同意了。I have no hesitation in recommending her for the job.我毫不犹豫地推荐她做这项工作。
ˌshy aˈway from sth

phrasal verb

to avoid doing sth because you are nervous, afraid or shy 畏避;回避;躲避Hugh never shied away from his responsibilities.休从不推卸自己的责任。The newspapers have shied away from investigating the story.各家报纸纷纷退避,不敢调查这一事件。Typical collocates of shy away from sth are question, subject, idea, prospect, commitment, truth, publicity and scandal. * shy away from的常见搭配词有question、subject、idea、prospect、commitment、truth、publicity和scandal。
ˈshrink from sth

phrasal verb

(written) to be unwilling to do sth that is difficult or unpleasant 畏避,回避(困难或不快的事)We made it clear to them that we would not shrink from confrontation.我们向他们清楚地表明,我们不会畏避交锋。They did not shrink from doing what was right.只要是对的事,他们就无所畏惧,大胆去做。
ˌhold ˈback

phrasal verb

(held, held)to hesitate to act or speak 踌躇;犹豫He wanted to tell her about it, but held back for fear of upsetting her again.他本想告诉她那件事,却没开口,怕再惹她生气。She held back from saying what she really thought about it.她踌躇着,没有说出自己的真实想法。NOTE 辨析 Hesitate or hold back?People hesitate when they are not sure what to do and are worried about doing the wrong thing; people hold back when they feel that what they really want to do may not actually be the best thing or what other people want. * hesitate指不知如何是好,担心犯错;hold back指担心真正想做的事可能并非上策或不合他人心意,因而犹豫。
think ˈtwice


(thought, thought)to think carefully before deciding to do sth 三思而行;慎重考虑后再决定You should think twice about employing someone you've never met.聘用未曾谋面的人要三思。
baulk (BrE) (NAmE usually balk) / /bɔːk/ / [intransitive] (rather formal) to be unwilling to do sth or become involved in sth because it is difficult, dangerous or expensive (因困难、危险或昂贵)畏缩,回避Many parents may baulk at the idea of paying $100 for a pair of shoes.许多家长可能不愿意花100元买双鞋。Baulk suggests sb stopping suddenly when you are told sth such as a price or a new idea. There is a stronger sense of protest suggested in baulk compared with shy away from sth or shrink from sth. * baulk暗指听到价格或新的想法等时突然放弃之前的打算;与shy away from sth和shrink from sth相比,baulk表示抗拒的意味更强。 recoil / /rɪˈkɔɪl/ / [intransitive] (written) to react to an idea or situation with strong dislike or fear 对⋯作出厌恶(或恐惧)的反应She recoiled from the idea of betraying her own brother.她一想到要背叛自己的亲兄弟就感到恐惧。NOTE 辨析 Shrink from sth or recoil? Recoil suggests a reaction of shock or horror; shrink from sth suggests a strong feeling of not wanting to do sth, but the feeling is less strong than with recoil. * recoil强调作出震惊或恐惧的反应;shrink from sth强调极力回避某事,但厌恶的感觉不如recoil强烈。


jump over the wall 跃过那堵墙jump to your feet 一下子站起来The loud bang made me jump. 那砰的一声巨响吓了我一跳。soarPrices jumped by 60%.jump ♦︎ flinch ♦︎ cower ♦︎ cringe ♦︎ recoil ♦︎ shrinkThese words all mean to make a sudden movement or move back because you are surprised or afraid. 这些词均表示因受惊而猛地一动或后退。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to jump / flinch / cringe / recoil at sthto flinch / recoil / shrink from sthto flinch / cower / cringe / recoil in fearto make sb jump / flinch / cower / cringe / recoil jump [intransitive] to make a sudden movement because of surprise, fear or excitement (因吃惊、害怕或激动)猛地一动,突然一跳A loud bang made me jump.砰的一声巨响吓了我一跳。She nearly jumped out of her skin when she saw me.她见到我时大吃一惊。 flinch [intransitive] to make a sudden movement with your face or body because of pain, fear or surprise (因疼痛、害怕或吃惊而突然)抽搐,退缩,畏缩She flinched away from the dog.她惊恐地躲开了那只狗。He met my gaze without flinching.他跟我对视,毫不畏缩。NOTE 辨析 Jump or flinch?You jump with your whole body, especially because you are surprised. Flinching may be a smaller movement of the face or part of the body, caused by pain or fear. * jump尤指因吃惊而全身猛地一动,flinch则指因疼痛或害怕而面部抽动或身体某个部位稍微动一下。 cower / /ˈkaʊə(r)/ / [intransitive] to bend low and/or backwards because you are frightened (因恐惧)蜷缩,畏缩,退缩A gun went off and people cowered behind walls and under tables.一声枪响,人们吓得蹲缩到墙后或桌子底下。 cringe / /krɪndʒ/ / [intransitive] to move back and/or away from sb because you are frightened 畏缩;怯退She cringed back from him, pressing herself against the stove.她从他面前怯退,身体紧贴到了炉子上。 Cringing can also be an inner feeling of embarrassment or fear. * cringe也可指内心感到尴尬或恐惧The very idea made him cringe inside.这个念头使他心里直发毛。 recoil / /rɪˈkɔɪl/ / (written) to move your body quickly away from sb/sth because you find them/it frightening or unpleasant (因恐惧或厌恶)退缩,闪避He recoiled in horror at the sight of the corpse.他一见到尸体就吓跑了。 shrink (shrank, shrunk or shrunk, shrunk) (written) to move back or away from sb/sth because you are frightened or shocked (因恐惧或惊愕)退缩,闪避He shrank back against the wall as he heard them approaching.听见他们走过来,他退缩到墙根底下。NOTE 辨析 Cower, cringe or shrink?You cringe when you are afraid of a person, especially one who has power over you. You may cower or shrink when you are afraid of sth happening. * cringe指因惧怕某人而退缩,尤其是对自己有控制权的人;cower或shrink则指因害怕所发生的事情而退缩。




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