

单词 pay attention
pay attention phrase


hear ♦︎ listen ♦︎ pay attention ♦︎ heed ♦︎ catch ♦︎ tune in/tune in to sb/sthThese words all mean to be aware of the sound made by sb/sth, or the meaning of sb's words. 这些词均表示听到、听见。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to listen / pay attention / tune in to sb / sthto hear / listen to / tune in to / catch a radio programmeto hear / listen to musicto hear / listen to / pay attention to a conversationto hear / listen to / pay attention to / heed / catch sb's words / what sb saysto hear / listen to / heed advice / a warningan audience hears / listens to / tunes in to sb / sth hear (heard, heard) [intransitive, transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) to be aware of sounds with your ears; to give your attention to the sound produced by sb/sth 听见;听到;(注意)听I can't hear very well.我听不清楚。I couldn't hear anything.我什么都听不见。He could hear a dog barking.他听见有狗在叫。Did you hear him go out?你听到他出去了吗?Didn't you hear what I said?难道你没听到我说的话吗?Did you hear that play on the radio last night?你昨晚收听那个广播剧了吗?Don't decide until you've heard both sides of the argument.听了双方的论点后再作决定。 listen [intransitive] to give your attention to the sound produced by sb/sth; to take notice of what sb says to you so that you follow their advice or believe them (注意)听;倾听;听从'What were you doing?' 'Just listening to the radio.'“你在干什么?”“听收音机。”Listen! What's that noise?听!那是什么声响?Sorry, I wasn't really listening.抱歉,我没注意听。He had been listening at the door.他一直守在门口听动静。Can you listen out for the doorbell?你能留心听门铃响吗?None of this would have happened if you'd listened to me.你要是听我的话,这一切就不会发生了。Why won't you listen to reason?你怎么就不听劝呢? (spoken) Listen, there's something I have to tell you.听着,我有事要告诉你。 (especially NAmE) OK everyone, listen up!好了,大家注意听!You cannot 'listen sb/sth' (without 'to'). 不能说listen sb/sth(不带介词to)I'm fond of listening to classical music.我喜欢听古典音乐。I'm fond of listening classical music. NOTE 辨析 Hear or listen? Hear usually describes what happens when a sound comes to your ears, whether you are giving the sound your attention or not. Listen means that you are deliberately trying to hear a sound. * hear通常表示声音传入耳朵,不管是否留心。listen指想努力听清楚She heard them talking to each other (= she became aware of their conversation).她听见他们在说话。She listened to them talking to each other (= she was trying to hear what they were saying).她仔细听他们说话的内容。Sometimes hear can have the same meaning as listen. 有时hear与listen同义Don't decide until you've heard / listened to both sides of the argument.听了双方的论点后再作决定。However, hear is not used in the progressive tenses and is used to talk about a complete action, not an activity; you can hear a radio programme/broadcast/lecture/argument/debate, but if you hear music/the radio you hear it by accident, not because you are deliberately listening. 但hear不用于进行时,表示完成了的动作,不表示正在进行的活动,因此可以说hear a radio programme/broadcast/lecture/argument/debate(听电台节目;听广播;听讲座;听争论;听辩论),但hear music/the radio(听音乐;听收音机)则表示无意间听到,而不是特意去听I could hear music playing / the radio blaring out in the next room.我听到隔壁房间里正在放音乐/大声放广播。He enjoys hearing music. 'What were you doing?' 'Just hearing the radio.' ˌpay atˈtention


(paid, paid)to listen to sb/sth carefully 注意听Can you all pay attention please?大家注意听,好吗?Don't pay any attention to what they say (= don't think that it is important).别在意他们说什么。OPP ignore ignore
heed [transitive] (formal) to listen to and act on a warning or piece of advice 留心,注意,听从(警告或劝告)They failed to heed the lessons of history.他们未能吸取历史的教训。Calls for more legislation to protect tenants were not heeded.制订更多法规以保障房客利益的呼声没有受到重视。 catch (caught, caught) [transitive] to manage to hear or understand sth 听清楚;领会Sorry, I didn't quite catch what you said.对不起,你的话我没听清楚。Did you catch that show on the radio?你听那个广播节目了吗?Catch is used especially in negative sentences to say that sb did not hear or understand sth. * catch尤用于否定句,表示没有听清楚或没有领会。 ˌtune ˈin

phrasal verb

to listen to a radio show or watch a television show 收听(广播节目);收看(电视节目)More than five million listeners tuned in to his afternoon radio show.五百多万听众收听了他主持的午后广播节目。In slightly more informal language, tune in to sb/sth can mean 'to become aware of other people's thoughts and feelings'. 在不太正式的用语中,tune in to sb/sth可以表示觉察到他人的思想情感 (rather informal) She can understand what babies need by listening to their cries and tuning in to their body language.通过倾听婴儿的哭声和观察他们的肢体语言,她能明白婴儿的需要。




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