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peace noun ⇨ peace (world peace) ⇨ silence (peace and quiet) ⇨ at peace ⇨ dead adj. peace noun peace ♦︎ order ♦︎ law and order ♦︎ the rule of law ♦︎ calmThese are all words for a situation or period of time in which there is no war or violence in a country or area and people obey the law. 这些词均表示和平、太平或治安。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆an uneasy peace / calm◆relative / comparative peace / calm◆to maintain / establish / preserve peace / order / law and order / the rule of law◆to restore peace / order / law and order / the rule of law◆to enforce peace / order / law and order / the rule of law◆peace / order / law and order / the rule of law / calm prevails◆order / law and order / the rule of law breaks down◆the breakdown of order / law and order / the rule of law■ peace [uncountable, singular] a situation or period of time in which there is no war or violence in a country or area 和平;太平◆Any hopes of peace between the two nations seem to have faded.这两国之间的和平希望似乎逐渐渺茫。◆The two communities now live together in peace.这两个群落现在和睦相处。◆England and France were once again at peace with each other.英格兰和法国又一次和平共处,相安无事了。◆Peace finally returned to the city streets.城市的街道终于恢复了平静。◆The negotiators are trying to make peace between the warring factions.谈判代表试图让交战各方和解。◆Troops were brought in to keep the peace.出动了部队来维持和平。◆Obviously world peace is our ultimate goal.显然世界和平是我们的最终目标。◆After years of war, the people longed for a lasting peace.经历了多年的战乱之后,人民渴望永久和平。OPP war ⇨ war ■ order [uncountable] the state that exists when people obey laws, rules or authority 治安;秩序;规矩◆The army had been brought in to maintain order in the capital.出动了军队来维持首都的治安。◆Some teachers find it hard to keep order in their classes.有些教师觉得难以维持课堂秩序。◆Some teachers find it difficult to keep their classes in order.有些教师觉得难以维持课堂秩序。◆It is our duty to preserve public order.我们的责任是维护公共秩序。OPP disorder ⇨ trouble 1 ■ ˌlaw and ˈorder idiom a situation in which people obey the law and behave in a peaceful way 法治;治安;遵纪守法◆They regarded the forces of law and order (= the police and the courts) as their enemy.他们视法制力量为敌。■ the rule of ˈlaw idiom (rather formal) the situation in which all members of society, including its leaders, accept the authority of the law 法治◆It is our duty to uphold the rule of law.我们的责任是维护法治。■ calm [uncountable, singular] a situation in which there is no violence, angry protests or arguments (没有暴力、抗议或争吵的)平静,宁静(的状态)◆The police appealed for calm.警方呼吁保持冷静。◆An uneasy calm descended on the streets.街上有一种令人不安的宁静。 see also calm ⇨ quiet adj. 1 silence noun silence ♦︎ peace ♦︎ quiet ♦︎ tranquillity ♦︎ hush ♦︎ calmThese are all words for a lack of noise. 这些词均表示安静、寂静。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆in silence / peace / tranquillity◆absolute / total silence / peace / quiet / tranquillity / calm◆relative silence / peace / quiet / tranquillity / calm◆a sudden silence / quiet / hush / calm◆to break the silence / peace / quiet / calm◆silence / quiet / a hush falls on sth■ silence [uncountable] a complete lack of noise or sound 寂静;无声◆Their footsteps echoed in the silence.他们的脚步声在一片寂静中回荡。◆A scream broke the silence of the night.一声尖叫划破了寂静的夜晚。 see also silent ⇨ quiet 1 ■ peace [uncountable] a lack of interruption from noise, problems, worry or unwanted actions 平静;安静;宁静◆She lay back and enjoyed the peace of the summer evening.她悠闲地躺着享受夏日傍晚的宁静。◆He never felt really at peace with himself.他从未真正感到心里平静过。◆He just wants to be left in peace (= not to be disturbed).他只希望别受到打扰。◆I need to check that she is all right, just for my own peace of mind (= so that I do not have to worry).我必须看到她安然无恙心里才踏实。 see also peaceful ⇨ quiet 1 ■ quiet [uncountable] the state of being without much noise 宁静;寂静;安静◆He seemed to prefer the quiet of his own room.他似乎更喜欢自己房间的宁静。◆I go to the library for a little peace and quiet.我到图书馆去清静一下。■ tranquillity (especially BrE) (NAmE usually tranquility) / /træŋˈkwɪləti/ / [uncountable] (rather formal, written) the state of being without noise, violence or anxiety 安静;平静;安宁◆It is the perfect place to relax in an atmosphere of peace and tranquillity.这里的气氛恬静安宁,是休息放松的最佳场所。 see also tranquil ⇨ quiet 1 ■ hush [singular] a period of silence, especially following a lot of noise, or when people are expecting sth to happen (尤指一阵嘈杂之后或等着某事发生时的)寂静,鸦雀无声◆There was a deathly hush in the theatre.剧院里一片死寂。◆A hush fell over the landscape.这一片景物静了下来。■ calm [uncountable, countable] a quiet and peaceful time or situation 平静的时期;宁静的状态◆We sat together for a while in the calm of the evening.在宁静的夜晚,我们一起坐了一会。 see also calm ⇨ quiet adj. 1 dead adjective dead ♦︎ late ♦︎ deceased ♦︎ lifeless ♦︎ at peaceThese words all describe people, animals or plants that are no longer alive. 这些词均表示已死的、死去的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to lie dead / lifeless / at peace◆a dead / late / deceased wife / husband / mother / father / brother / sister / relative◆a / sb's dead / lifeless body◆almost / nearly / apparently / seemingly dead / lifeless■ dead no longer alive 死的;失去生命的;枯萎的◆a dead person / animal / tree死人;死去的动物;枯树◆dead leaves / wood / skin枯叶;枯木;死皮◆My mother's dead; she died in 1997.我母亲不在了,她是1997年去世的。◆He was shot dead by a gunman outside his home.他在家门外被持枪歹徒开枪打死。◆ (informal) He dropped dead (= died suddenly) last week.他上星期突然去世了。OPP alive , living , live ⇨ alive see also die ⇨ die ▸ the dead noun [plural] ◆The dead and wounded in that one attack amounted to 6 000.仅那一次袭击就死伤达6 000人。▸ death noun [countable, uncountable] ◆a sudden / violent / peaceful death猝死;横死;安详的死◆the anniversary of his wife's death他妻子的忌日◆Two children were burnt to death in the fire (= they died as a result of the fire).两个孩子在大火中烧死了。◆Police are still trying to establish the cause of death.警方仍在试图确定死因。OPP life ⇨ life 1 ■ late [only before noun] (rather formal) (of a person) no longer alive 已故的;去世的◆She spoke of her late husband with passion.她说到已故的丈夫时语气里充满了爱意。◆The event was organized in memory of the late Christopher Reeve.那次活动是为了纪念已故的克里斯托弗•里夫而举行的。ⓘ Late in this meaning is usually used in the phrases sb's late husband/wife/father/mother, etc. or the late John Smith/Mary Brown, etc. to talk about sb who has died quite recently. 表达此义时,late通常用在sb's late husband/wife/father/mother或the late John Smith/Mary Brown等短语里,指最近刚去世的人。■ deceased / /dɪˈsiːst/ / (law 法律 or formal) dead 已死的;亡故的◆She took over her deceased parents' business.她接管了已故双亲的事业。▸ the deceased noun [countable] ◆The funeral was attended by only the male relations of the deceased.参加葬礼的只有死者的男性亲属。ⓘ The deceased is used especially about sb who has died recently. * the deceased尤指最近刚去世的人。■ lifeless (formal) dead or appearing to be dead 死的;死了似的◆He knelt beside her lifeless body.他跪在她的尸体旁。ⓘ Lifeless is usually used to talk about bodies or parts of the body. * lifeless通常形容身体或身体的某个部分◆his / her lifeless body / form / eyes / hand他/她的尸体/毫无生气的形体/呆滞的眼神/没有知觉的手 ■ at ˈpeace idiom dead, and therefore having no more worries 长眠;安息◆Her illness would develop, and soon she would be at peace.她的病情会加重,不久就要安息了。 |