

单词 phase sth in
phase sth in phrase


introduce the latest technology 推介最新技术Can I introduce myself? 我来自我介绍一下吧。initiatebe introduced to drugs See also the entry for begin 另见begin条introduce ♦︎ launch ♦︎ initiate ♦︎ institute ♦︎ instigate ♦︎ set/put sth in motion ♦︎ bring sth in ♦︎ phase sth inThese words all mean to make people start using a new system or law or to start a process. 这些词均表示推行、实施、启动。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to introduce / launch / initiate / institute / instigate / set in motion / bring in / phase in a scheme / reformto introduce / launch / initiate / institute / instigate / bring in / phase in a systemto introduce / launch / initiate / institute / instigate / bring in a policyto introduce / launch / initiate / institute / instigate a programmeto introduce / initiate / institute / instigate / set in motion / bring in / phase in changesto introduce / initiate / bring in (a) legislation / lawto introduce / initiate / institute a practiceto launch / initiate / institute / instigate (a / an) campaign / enquiry / investigation / proceedingsto launch / initiate / set in motion a planto introduce / launch / initiate / institute sth formally introduce [transitive] to make sth such as a product, law, system or idea available for use or discussion for the first time 推行;实施;采用The company is introducing a new range of products this year.公司今年将推出一系列新产品。We want to introduce the latest technology into schools.我们想向各学校推介最新技术。We are going to introduce a few changes to the system.我们打算对该制度进行一些改革。 launch [transitive] (especially business 尤用于商业 or journalism 新闻) to formally start an activity, especially an organized one 正式开始从事,发起,发动(尤指有组织的活动)The Duchess of Cornwall, president of the charity, will launch the appeal in London.该慈善机构的主席康沃尔公爵夫人将在伦敦发起倡议。Police have launched a murder enquiry.警方已着手对谋杀案进行调查。A massive attack was launched in the spring of 1918.一场大规模进攻于1918年春季发起。People in business typically launch an appeal, a bid, a campaign, an enquiry, an initiative, an investigation, an operation, a plan, a project or a programme. In military contexts, an army might launch an attack, an assault, a raid or an invasion. You can also launch a new product. 在商业语境中,launch通常跟appeal、bid、campaign、enquiry、initiative、investigation、operation、plan、project或programme搭配。在军事语境中,launch可以跟attack、assault、raid或invasion搭配。launch亦可指推出新产品。 see also launch launch noun initiate / /ɪˈnɪʃieɪt/ / [transitive] (formal) to introduce a system or policy or start a process 建立,实行(体系、政策);启动The government has initiated a programme of economic reform.政府已启动经济改革方案。He initiated a national debate on reform.他发起了一场关于改革的全国性讨论。The organization may initiate legal action against you.该组织可能对你提起诉讼。 institute [transitive] (formal) to introduce a system or policy or start a process 建立,实行(体系、政策);启动The new management intends to institute a number of changes.新任管理层打算实行一些改革。They could institute criminal proceedings against you.他们可能对你提起刑事诉讼。NOTE 辨析 Initiate or institute?There is very little difference in meaning between these words. Initiate has a wider range of collocates than institute: it can be used to talk about starting either a formal process, such as legal action, or a more informal process, such as a debate or discussion. Institute is only used to talk about more formal processes. 这两个词含义差别很小。与institute相比,initiate的搭配词较广。initiate既可指开始法律诉讼等正式程序,也可指开始debate或discussion等较为非正式的事项。institute只表示开始较为正式的程序He instituted a national debate on reform. instigate [transitive] (especially BrE, formal) to start a process or action, often sth official (正式)启动;使发生We will instigate a comprehensive review of defence policy.我们将全面检讨防务政策。It was Rufus who instigated the whole thing.这事全是鲁弗斯挑起的。Instigate is often used when there is some discussion about who made sth happen, or when the action taken is not popular with everyone involved. * instigate常用于下面两种情况:对谁是事件的发动者尚有争论;所实施的行动并不受所有当事人赞赏。 instigation


[uncountable] An appeal fund was launched at the instigation of the President.总统授意发起了一项救援基金。It was done at his instigation.那件事是在他的鼓动下干的。
set sth in ˈmotion put sth in ˈmotion


(setting, set, set or putting, put, put) (especially written) to make a process start or happen 使开始;使发生The wheels of change have been set in motion.变革的车轮已经开动。 Set/put sth in motion is usually used to talk about starting a process that consists of several steps. * set/put sth in motion通常指启动一项由几个步骤组成的进程to set in motion preparations / a process / a chain of actions / steps / a procedure / measures开始准备;启动进程;开始一连串行动;开始采取措施;启动程序;开始实施措施
ˌbring sth ˈin

phrasal verb

(brought, brought)to introduce a new law 提出(新法案)They want to bring in a bill to limit arms exports.他们想提出一项限制武器出口的议案。Bring sth in is mainly used to talk about an act, a bill, a law, a regulation or legislation. * bring sth in主要与act、bill、law、regulation或legislation搭配。
ˌphase sth ˈin

phrasal verb

(especially business 尤用于商业) to introduce or start using sth gradually in stages over a period of time 逐步引入;分阶段开始The new tax will be phased in over two years.新税种将在两年内逐步开征。 OPP phase sth out To phase sth out is to stop using sth gradually in stages over a period of time. * phase sth out指逐步废除。




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