

单词 reheat
reheat verb


heat ♦︎ warm ♦︎ warm (sth) up ♦︎ heat (sth) up ♦︎ reheatThese words all mean to become or make sth become warmer or hotter. 这些词均表示变热或使变暖。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to heat / warm sth throughto heat / warm up / heat up / reheat soupto heat / warm / warm up a room / houseto heat / warm / reheat sth gentlyto heat sth / warm sth / warm sth up / heat sth up / reheat sth in the oven / microwave heat [transitive] to make sth hot or warm 加热;使变暖Heat the oil and add the onions.把油烧热后加入洋葱。The system produced enough energy to heat several thousand homes.该系统产生的能量足以为几千户人家供暖。Metals expand when heated.金属受热会膨胀。Check the lasagne is heated through (= that all parts of it are hot) before serving.上餐前要检查千层面是否热透。 see also heated hot warm [transitive, intransitive] to make sb/sth warm or warmer; to become warm or warmer 使温暖;变暖和Come in and warm yourself by the fire.进来烤烤火暖和暖和吧。The alcohol warmed and relaxed him.酒精使他浑身暖和,轻松起来。As the climate warms the ice caps will melt.随着气候变暖,冰冠将融化。 see also warm hot ˌwarm sth ˈup ˌwarm ˈup

phrasal verb

(rather informal, especially spoken) to make sb/sth warm or warmer; to become warm or warmer 使温暖;变暖和I'll warm up some milk.我热点牛奶。Come in and get warmed up.进来暖和暖和。When spring comes the weather begins to warm up.春天到来时,天气开始转暖。NOTE 辨析 Warm or warm (sth) up? Warm (sth) up is slightly more informal than warm and is used more in spoken English. Warm is used more often in literary or formal writing. * warm (sth) up不如warm正式,多用于口语。warm多用于书面语。
ˌheat sth ˈup ˌheat ˈup

phrasal verb

to make sth hot or warm; to become hot or warm 加热;变暖和I'll just heat up some soup.我来热点汤。The oven takes a while to heat up.烤箱得等一会儿才能热起来。NOTE 辨析 Heat or heat (sth) up? Heat (sth) up is slightly more informal than heat and is used more in spoken English. Heat is not usually used without an object. * heat (sth) up不如heat正式,多用于口语。heat通常要带宾语The oven is heating up.烤箱正在加热。The oven is heating. Use heat in technical language or when talking about a system or process, for example a system which heats buildings. * heat用作术语或用于谈论系统或工序,如大楼的供暖系统The system produced enough energy to heat several thousand homes.系统产生的能量足以给几千户人家供暖。The system produced enough energy to heat up several thousand homes.
reheat / /ˌriːˈhiːt/ / [transitive] to heat cooked food again after it has been left to go cold 重新加热(凉了的熟食)Reheat the sauce carefully without boiling it.重新给酱汁加热,但小心不要煮沸了。




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