relax verb ⇨relax1 (Relax! Everything is OK.)⇨relax2 (relax your muscles/grip)⇨rest (Relax and enjoy the movie.)
Relax! Everything will be OK.别着急!一切都会好的。relax your muscles/grip放松你的肌肉;松开手relax ♦︎ calm down ♦︎ pull yourself together ♦︎ coolThese words all mean to become calmer.这些词均表示冷静下来、镇定。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆things calm down / cool off■relax [intransitive] to become calmer and less worried冷静;放心;镇定◆I'll only relax when I know you're safe.只有知道你安然无恙我才会放心。◆Relax! Everything will be OK.别着急!一切都会好的。 see also relax ⇨ restverb■ˌcalm ˈdown
phrasal verb
to become calm平静;镇静;冷静◆Look, calm down! We'll find her.喂,镇静一点!我们会找到她的。◆We waited until things calmed down.我们等着,直到一切都恢复了平静。NOTE辨析 Relax or calm down?People can relax; people or a situation can calm down. To relax is to stop feeling worried. Calm down is more about behaviour than feelings: you may still feel worried, but you manage to behave in a calm way in spite of your feelings. * relax可指人精神放松,calm down可指人或局势平静下来。relax指不再担心,calm down更侧重行为表现而非感受-可能仍感到担心,但设法以冷静的方式行事,而不受当时情感的影响。■ˌpull yourself toˈgether
phrasal verb
to take control of your feelings and behave in a calm way使自己镇定自若;使自己冷静下来◆Stop crying and pull yourself together.别哭了,振作起来。■cool [intransitive] to become calmer, less excited or less enthusiastic冷静下来;镇静下来;冷淡下来◆I think we should wait until tempers have cooled.我认为我们应该等到怒火平息了再说。◆Relations between them have definitely cooled(= they are not friendly with each other as they were).他们之间的关系明显冷淡了。◆Let things cool off for a while.让事情冷静一段时间。◆I think you should wait until she's cooled down a little.我想你应该等她冷静一点。ⓘ Tempers, passions and relations can cool; things can cool off; people can cool down. * cool的主语可以是temper、passion和relations,cool off的主语可以是things,cool down的主语是人。
Relax! Everything will be OK.别着急!一切都会好的。relax your muscles/grip放松你的肌肉;松开手relax ♦︎ loosen ♦︎ release ♦︎ slackenThese words all mean to remove sth from a fixed position, or make sth less tight.这些词均表示松开、放松。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to relax / loosen / release / slacken your grip / hold◆to relax / loosen / release your muscles◆to loosen / slacken a knot / tie / belt◆to relax / loosen / release (sth) slowly / gradually◆to relax / loosen / slacken (sth) slightly■relax [intransitive, transitive](of a part of the body) to become less tight or stiff; to make a part of the body less tight or stiff; to hold sb/sth less tightly(身体部位)放松;使(身体部位)放松;松开(手)◆Allow your muscles to relax completely.让你的肌肉完全放松。◆The massage relaxed my tense back muscles.按摩让我背部紧张的肌肉松弛下来。◆He relaxed his grip on her arm.他松开了抓着她胳膊的手。OPPtighten,tense ⇨ tighten■loosen / /ˈluːsn/ / [intransitive, transitive] to become or make sth less tight or firmly fixed; to make hair or a piece of clothing loose, when it has been tied or fastened; to hold sb/sth less tightly(使)放松,变松;解开,松开(头发或衣服);松开(手)◆The rope holding the boat had loosened.系船的绳子松了。◆First loosen the nuts, then take off the wheel.先松开螺母,然后卸下车轮。◆She loosened her hair so that it fell over her shoulders.她把头发松开垂到肩上。◆He loosened his grip and let her go.他松手放开了她。OPPtighten ⇨ tighten■release [transitive] (ratherformal) to remove sth from a fixed position, allowing sth else to move or function; to make sth less tight松开,拉开(使能活动或运行);放松◆Now release the clutch and move away from the kerb.现在松开离合器,驶离路边。◆You need to release the tension in these shoulder muscles.你需要放松这些肩部肌肉。ⓘ Release is often used to talk about moving parts of a piece of machinery from a fixed position. * release常指将机械的活动部件从固定位置松开◆to release a catch / a screw / a nut / the clutch / the brakes松开锁扣/螺丝/螺母/离合器/刹车When release is used to talk about making sth less tight or tense, it usually refers to energy, aggression, emotion or tension in the body, or your grip on sth. * release用于指放松、使不紧张时,常与energy、aggression、emotion或tension搭配,或与grip搭配。■slacken [intransitive, transitive] (especiallywritten) to become or make sth become less tight(使)变得松弛◆His grip slackened and she pulled away from him.他抓得不那么紧了,她顺势挣脱开来。◆He slackened the ropes slightly.他把绳子稍稍放松一些。OPPtighten ⇨ tighten
rest ♦︎ relax ♦︎ hang out ♦︎ take it/things easy ♦︎ sit back ♦︎ unwind ♦︎ chill out ♦︎ potter ♦︎ put your feet upThese words all mean to sleep, do very little or just enjoy yourself, especially after a period of activity or illness.这些词均表示休息、放松。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to try to / help sb (to) rest / relax / unwind◆to just rest / relax / hang out / take it easy / sit back / unwind / potter◆to rest / relax / sit back a little / bit■rest [intransitive, transitive] to relax, sleep or do nothing after a period of activity or illness; to not use a part of your body for some time休息;放松◆The doctor told me to rest.医生叫我休息。◆Rest your eyes every half an hour.每过半小时让眼睛休息一下。◆I awoke feeling rested and refreshed.我醒来后感觉神清气爽,精力充沛。■relax [intransitive] to rest by doing sth enjoyable, especially after work or effort(尤指工作或辛苦后)放松,休息◆When I get home from work I like to relax with a glass of wine.我下班回到家里,喜欢喝杯葡萄酒放松放松。◆Just relax and enjoy the movie.放松心情,好好欣赏这部电影吧。 see also relax ⇨ relax1, relaxation ⇨ entertainment■ˌhang ˈout
phrasal verb
(hung, hung) (especially NAmE, informal) to spend time relaxing; to spend a lot of time in a particular place or with a particular group of people消遣放松;(和某些人)相聚玩乐,泡在某处◆Do we have to rush around today? I'd rather just hang out.我们今天要四处奔忙吗?我宁愿闲逛一下。◆The local kids hang out at the mall.当地的小青年常在商业中心闲荡。■ˌtake it ˈeasy■ˌtake things ˈeasy
(took, taken) (ratherinformal) to relax and avoid working too hard or doing too much放松;休息;不过分劳累◆The doctor told me to take it easy for a few weeks.医生叫我休息几周。■ˌsit ˈback
phrasal verb
(sitting, sat, sat) (ratherinformal) to relax, especially by not getting too involved in or anxious about sth袖手旁观(尤指不积极参与或不挂念某事)◆She's not the kind of person who can sit back and let others do all the work.她不是那种自己歇着,什么活儿都让别人干的人。ⓘ Sit back suggests that sb is resting and watching other people work. * sit back意味着某人自己休息,看其他人工作。■unwind / /ˌʌnˈwaɪnd/ / (unwound, unwound) [intransitive] to stop worrying or thinking about problems and start to relax放松,放轻松(指停止担心或思考问题)◆Listening to music helps me unwind after a busy day.听音乐使我在忙碌一天后放松下来。■ˌchill ˈout
phrasal verb
( chill) (informal) to relax by being lazy after working hard, especially with other people(尤指和其他人一起)慵懒地放松◆They like to chill out and listen to music after work.他们喜欢下班后放松一下,听听音乐。■potter [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) (BrE) to do things or move without hurrying, especially when you are doing sth that you enjoy and that is not important从容做事;悠然地做(喜爱的小事);漫步;闲荡◆I spent the day pottering around the house.我在家里逍遥了一天。■put your ˈfeet up
(putting, put, put) (ratherinformal) to sit down and relax, especially with your feet raised and supported(尤指搁起双腿)坐下休息◆After a hard day's work, it's nice to get home and put your feet up.辛苦一天后回家搁起双腿休息是很惬意的。