

单词 relaxed
relaxed adj.
calm (relaxed and confident) casual (a relaxed attitude) informal (a relaxed atmosphere)


 See also the entry for casual 另见casual条calm ♦︎ patient ♦︎ cool ♦︎ relaxed ♦︎ controlled ♦︎ easy-going ♦︎ placid ♦︎ laid-back ♦︎ unperturbed ♦︎ unfazed ♦︎ composedThese words all describe sb who controls their emotions and is not excited, anxious or angry. 这些词均表示情绪平静的、不急不怒的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配calm / patient / cool / easy-going / laid-back about sthunperturbed / unfazed by stha calm / a cool / a relaxed / a controlled / an easy-going / a laid-back mannera calm / cool / relaxed / controlled / placid voicea calm / a cool / a relaxed / a controlled / an easy-going waya calm / cool / placid exteriora relaxed / an easy-going / a laid-back atmosphere calm not excited, anxious or upset 镇静的;沉着的Strangely, she felt quite calm about it.奇怪的是,她对此感到非常平静。It is important to keep calm in an emergency.紧急情况下保持镇静很重要。She handled the situation with calm assurance.她沉着自信地应付了局面。OPP agitated restless , excitable moody see also calm composure noun calmly


'I'll call the doctor,' he said calmly.“我去请医生。”他镇定地说。
patient able to wait for a long time or accept annoying behaviour without becoming angry 有耐心的;能忍耐的You'll just have to be patient and wait till I'm finished.你得耐心等我完成。She's very patient with the children.她对孩子特别有耐心。 OPP impatient restless see also patience patience patiently


to listen / sit / wait patiently耐心倾听/坐着/等待
cool not excited, angry or emotional 冷静的;镇静的;平静的Keep cool. We'll sort this out.保持冷静,我们会解决这件事的。She tried to remain cool, calm and collected.她试图保持冷静、沉着、镇定。He has a cool head (= he stays calm in an emergency).他头脑冷静。 see also cool composure noun relaxed not anxious or worried 放松的;冷静的;镇定的I had to learn to be more relaxed about things.我必须学会更加从容处事。She appeared relaxed and confident before the match.比赛前,她显得镇静而自信。OPP nervous nervous , nervous worried NOTE 辨析 Calm, cool or relaxed? Relaxed describes how you feel about sth: you are genuinely not anxious or worried about it. Cool is used more to describe how sb behaves: whether or not they feel angry or emotional, they don't let it affect their behaviour but continue to think clearly and act sensibly. Calm can describe feelings or behaviour. * relaxed形容对事的感受,遇事不着急、不焦虑; cool多形容人的行为,无论是否生气或激动,行为都不受影响,仍能继续冷静思考,理智行动;calm既可形容感觉也可形容行为。 controlled remaining calm and not getting angry or upset, especially by making a special effort to do so (尤指尽力地)保持冷静的,克制的He spoke in a controlled, even voice.他用克制而平和的声音说话。 ˌeasy-ˈgoing relaxed and happy to accept things without worrying or getting angry 悠闲的;随和的;不慌不忙的His friends described him as an easy-going person.他的朋友形容他是个随和的人。Easy-going is used especially to describe sb's personality and the way they behave usually, rather than in a particular situation or on a particular occasion. * easy-going尤用于描述某人的个性和一般情况下的表现,而非某一具体情况下的行为。 OPP uptight tense see also tolerant tolerant placid / /ˈplæsɪd/ / (of a person or animal) not easily excited or irritated (人或动物)温和的,平和的,文静的The cattle are placid, so easy to work with.这群牛性情温顺,很容易饲养。My second child was a placid baby.我第二个孩子是个文静的宝宝。 OPP high-spirited High-spirited animals, especially horses, are lively and difficult to control. * high-spirited指动物,尤其是马,性子很烈,难以驾驭。 placidly


'Of course,' said Helen placidly.“当然。”海伦平静地说道。
ˌlaid-ˈback (rather informal) calm and relaxed; seeming not to worry about anything 安详放松的;看起来无忧无虑的Steve was very laid-back about it all.史蒂夫对这一切都很漫不经心。He loved the laid-back Caribbean lifestyle.他喜欢加勒比海地区悠闲的生活方式。 unperturbed / /ˌʌnpəˈtɜːbd; NAmE ˌʌnpərˈtɜːrbd/ [not usually before noun] not worried or anxious, especially when sth surprising or unpleasant happens 不担忧;镇定自若;处变不惊She seemed unperturbed by the news.她听到消息似乎并不惊慌。 unfazed /ʌnˈfeɪzd/ / [not usually before noun] (rather informal) not worried or surprised by sth unexpected that happens 不担忧;不惊慌The President seems unfazed by the ongoing crises around the world.总统对世界各地持续发生的危机似乎并不担心。 composed /kəmˈpəʊzd; NAmE kəmˈpoʊzd/ [not usually before noun] calm and in control of your emotions 镇静;镇定;平静She sat with a book on her lap, apparently quite composed.她坐着,腿上有本书,看上去很平静。OPP flustered restless see also composure composure


 See also the entries for calm adj. and indifferent 另见calm形容词词条和indifferent条casual ♦︎ offhand ♦︎ blasé ♦︎ relaxedThese words all describe a person who behaves in a calm and relaxed way or who seems not to be interested in sb/sth. 这些词均表示人轻松随意的,或不在乎的、不感兴趣的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配casual / offhand / blasé / relaxed about stha casual / an offhand tone / voice / mannera casual / blasé / relaxed attitudealmost casual / offhand / blasé casual / /ˈkæʒuəl/ / [usually before noun] (sometimes disapproving) not showing much care or thought; seeming not to be worried; not wanting to show that sth is important to you 不经意的;无忧无虑的;漫不经心的;不在乎的She seemed just too casual about the whole thing.她对整件事似乎太漫不经心了。At a casual glance, everything seemed normal.乍看起来,一切似乎正常。He tried to sound casual, but I knew he was worried.他讲话时试图显得不在乎,但我知道他心里着急。 casually


'What did he say about me?' she asked, as casually as she could.“他说了我什么?”她尽量装做不在意地问。
offhand /ˌɒfˈhænd; NAmE ˌɔːfˈhænd, ˌɑːfˈhænd/ (disapproving) not showing much interest in sb/sth 漫不经心的;不在乎的He was surprisingly offhand with me.令人惊讶的是,他敷衍我。She seemed offhand about the danger involved.她对其中的危险似乎毫不在意。 blasé /ˈblɑːzeɪ; NAmE blɑːˈzeɪ/ [not usually before noun] (usually disapproving) not impressed, excited or worried about sth, because you have seen or experienced it many times before 见惯不惊;习以为常She was becoming quite blasé about the dangers of travel in the region.对于在该地区旅行的危险,她开始习以为常了。 relaxed not caring too much about discipline or making people follow rules 不加以拘束的I take a fairly relaxed attitude towards what the kids wear to school.孩子穿什么上学,我觉得无所谓。


informal ♦︎ relaxed ♦︎ casualThese words all describe occasions or places where you do not have to follow strict rules of how to behave, or the clothes that are suitable for these occasions. 这些词均表示不拘礼节的、非正式的或衣着随便的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配an informal / a relaxed atmosphereinformal / casual dress informal not following strict rules of how to behave or do sth, in a way that is pleasant and friendly; (of clothes) suitable for wearing at home or when relaxing rather than for a special or official occasion 不拘礼节的;友好随便的;非正式的;(衣服)日常的,随便的Discussions are held on an informal basis within the department.讨论在部门内非正式地进行。Dress is informal, and storage space often limited, so you'll be more comfortable travelling light.衣着不必讲究,存贮空间通常有限,因此轻装上路会更舒服。OPP formal formal , formal official adj. informally


They told me informally (= not officially) that I had got the job.他们非正式地告诉我说,我得到了那份工作。to dress informally穿便服
relaxed (of a place) calm and informal (地方)安静而自在的It's a family-run hotel with a relaxed atmosphere.这是个家庭经营的旅店,气氛自由随便。 casual / /ˈkæʒuəl/ / (of clothes) informal (衣服)日常的,随便的She felt comfortable in casual clothes and wore them most of the time.她觉得穿便装很舒服,大部分时间都穿便装。OPP formal formal NOTE 辨析 Informal or casual?When you are talking about clothes, casual is more frequent than informal. You can talk about informal/casual dress when you mean informal/casual clothes in general, but to talk about particular items of clothing use casual. 描述衣服时, casual比informal常用。泛指便装时,用informal dress和casual dress均可;但指某种便服时,只能用casuala casual shirt / jacket一件休闲衬衫/夹克casual shoes休闲鞋 (BrE) casual trousers休闲裤 (NAmE) casual pants休闲裤informal shirts/jackets/shoes/trousers/pants




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